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Últimas notícias do Programa Português

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Valmor Morais believes that it will be very hard for the students - around 150 Latin Americans, one Portuguese and some Spanish, to whom the Tu Futuro en Australia...
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Wesley Alves Bezerra tells SBS Radio Portuguese Program from São Paulo that he paid more than 5,000 dollars to the Tu Futuro en Australia student agency, that he...
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Brazilian students in Brisbane and in Brazil - also a Portuguese and some Spanish amongst 150 Latin Americans - lost their money in an alleged scam by the student...

Bruno Soares and Marcelo Melo hopeful and confident at the Australian Open

Os brasileiros estão de folga neste domingo, 22 de janeiro, no Australian Open, mas tem um jovem português estreando nas quadras: Duarte Vale, de 18 anos.
Em cinco cidades portuguesas também houve protesto contra o presidente empossado dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, mas com participação reduzida a um milhar de...

Immigration to Australia

Everything you need to know about migrating to Australia.

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Brazilian students in Brisbane and in Brazil - also a Portuguese and some Spanish amongst 150 Latin Americans - lost their money in an alleged scam by the student...
Being able to drive in a car is a necessity for many new arrivals to Australia.Yet, knowing if you need an Australian driver's licence and how to get one can...
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says revamping the test is a debate worth having.
The federal government is facing growing calls to suspend Centrelink's automated debt recovery system, amid reports of wrongly-issued notices
Interview (in Portuguese) with Denise Frizzo, Council of Brazilian Citizens in Victoria, about Councils work and achievements in 2016 and plans for next year. 
My Grandmother's Lingo

A unique voice-activated interactive tells the story of one woman’s fight to save her endangered Indigenous language.