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Latest in Kurdish radio

Latest in Kurdish Radio

Well known Kurdish singer, song writer and TV presenter Dashni Morad is using her music to push her humanitarian work and charity to assist refugees especially refugee...
Dr Mohamad Ahamd Mostafa (aka as M A Alberazi) has been living in Kazakhstan for twenty years. He initeally went to study then later on decided to reside there....
Kurmanji one of the ancient dialects of the Kurdish language and one that is spoken by majority of the Kurdish population. We ask our SBS Kurdish analyst Chahin...
Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. In a defiant and divisive inaugural speech, Mr Trump promised to put America first. And...

SKYS celebrates 2nd anniversary

In this interview with the Director of Sydney Kurdish Youth Society, Howkar Palani, we ask him about the group's upcoming 2nd anniversary, the number of their...
My Grandmother's Lingo

A unique voice-activated interactive tells the story of one woman’s fight to save her endangered Indigenous language.

Topic of the week

A weekly discussion with analyst, writer and intellectual Chahin Baker.

Kurmanji one of the ancient dialects of the Kurdish language and one that is spoken by majority of the Kurdish population. We ask our SBS Kurdish analyst Chahin Baker,...
Kurmanji one of the ancient dialects of the Kurdish language and one that is spoken by majorty of the Kurdish population. We ask our SBS Kurdish analyst Chahin...
We discuss the dreams of asylum-seekers before reaching the West and the realty they face thereafter, with our SBS Kurdish analysit Chahin Baker
School holidays can sometimes be difficult for parents to keep their children occupied. Chahin Baker, analyst and author looks at this topic and gives suggestions...

Hijab: is it religion or ID?

In recent years, some of the "Islamic customs," one of them being the hijab or headscarves, has been expanded year after year, even in parts of Australian cities....