
What is podcasting?
'Podcasting' is a blend of the words 'iPod' and 'broadcasting'. Podcasting allows you to automatically receive the latest episode or highlights of your favourite SBS programmes. You can then watch or listen to the downloaded episode via your computer, or transfer them to a portable mp3 player.
All our podcasts are free, and you can stop subscribing to a podcast at any time.
How to subscribe
To subscribe to an SBS podcast couldn't be easier. Simply click the 'Subscribe' on your favourite programme's podcast page and select your preferred subscription method from the menu.

Subscribe with iTunes
iTunes is one of the most popular podcasting methods. To use iTunes you must first install the latest software which can be downloaded for free via the iTunes website.

Subscribe with Google, My Yahoo!, Newsgator, Bloglines...
Rather than download software - you can also choose to subscribe with one of the more popular online feed readers. Most only require an email address to use their service.

Subscribe with RSS
RSS is the actual feed itself. You can copy and paste the feed url into the podcast software or feed-reader of your choice.

Just listen online or download
Rather than subscribe to a podcast you can always elect to simply listen online - or download the audio or video file direct to your computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an mp3?

Do I need an iPod or mp3 player?

Do I need special podcast software?

How do I stop subscribing?

Do I have to subscribe?

Why do I 'subscribe' to a podcast?

How much does it cost?

What is podcasting?


DVDs and Downloads at the SBS Shop

Visit the SBS Shop online for DVDs and downloads of the programs you love.

Books at the SBS Shop

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