- published: 26 Apr 2016
- views: 342281
In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي, ISO 233: mahdī "guided one") is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for seven, nine, or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations) before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah / literally, the Day of Resurrection) and will rid the world of evil.
There is no explicit reference to the Mahdi in the Qu'ran, but references to him are found in hadith (the reports and traditions of Muhammad's teachings collected after his death). According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi's tenure will coincide with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Isa), who is to assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the "false Messiah" or Antichrist). Differences exist in the concept of the Mahdi between Sunni Muslims and adherents of the Shia tradition. For Sunnis, the Mahdi is Muhammad's successor who is yet to come. For most Shia Muslims, the Mahdi was born but disappeared and will remain hidden from humanity until he reappears to bring justice to the world, a doctrine known as the Occultation. For Twelver Shia, this "hidden Imam" is Muhammad al-Mahdi, the Twelfth Imam.
The Battle of The Mahdi (World War)
Imam Al Mahdi RA
THE MAHDI BETWEEN FACT & FICTION - Yasir Qadhi - YouTube.mp4
Quranic Revelations about Imam Mahdi
Signs of The Coming of The Mahdi - Imam Anwar Al Awlaki
The Mahdi, the Dajjal and the Messiah || Ustadh Wahaj Tarin
The Underachievers - "The Mahdi" (Official Video)
Appearance of Imam Mahdi and Who will be Mahdi (guess of his coming but Islam still rise 2028)
Final Battle Of Iblees With Imam Mahdi (AS)
The End Times series will explain all the major events that will happen leading up to the end of the world. ► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos ► Subscribe Now: https://goo.gl/2tmfa8 MS Website: http://www.themercifulservant.com MS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MercifulServantHD MS Twitter: https://twitter.com/MercifulServnt MS Instagram: http://instagram.com/mercifulservant MS SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/mercifulservant Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mercifulservant PLEASE NOTE: Any of the views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Merciful Servant or any other projects it may have or intend to do. The Merciful Servant and it's affiliates do not advocate nor condone any unlawful activity towards any ind...
Support Our Dawah By Donating: https://goo.gl/uby1MB Website: http://www.islamicguidance.co Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IslamicGuidanceYT Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SoldierOfAllah2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/IslamGuidanceYT I Saw In A Dream Something Very Strange; A Group Of People Of My Ummah; Meaning Muslims, Will Intend To Attack The Khabah, Very Strange, Why? Because A Man From My Descendant From The Quraysh Has Sought Refuge In It And As They Are Camped Outside Of Makkah At A Place Called Baidah, Allah SWT Will Cause The Earth To Open Up And Swallow The Entire Army. There Will Be Great Confusion In The World, There Will Be Great Confusion Amongst The Muslims, There Will Be Absolutely Violent Deaths Taking Place, Killing, Killing Upon Killing, And There Will Be Disput...
The Best Explanation I've yet to hear on Prophet Isa's (Jesus) Return and Hadrat Mahdi's Advent .... DON'T MISS IT ...
All Will Be Revealed. #AskAboutTheImam #TheTimeIsNear Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMahdiHD/
Part Two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cyYXLMHMTI This two-part series explores the theme of Imam Mahdi (a.s) in the Holy Quran and its eternal relevance to the human condition.
Signs of The Coming of The Mahdi
Islamic Motivations December Convention 2014. The Ustadh takes us through the last of the minor signs and the first two major signs of the day of judgement. Like, share and comment
Like This? You Should Subscribe Here Now: http://bit.ly/VErZkw Here's the new video for "The Mahdi" from New York's Underachievers taken from forthcoming mixtape 'Indigoism' out February 1st. Directed by Luke Monaghan and edited by David Helman. Produced by Marcasso http://www.twitter.com/theualifestyle http://www.twitter.com/issa_dash http://www.twitter.com/iunderachieve ** Subscribe to Noisey on YouTube to stay updated on our daily releases: http://www.youtube.com/noisey Videos, daily editorial and more: http://www.noisey.com Like Noisey on Facebook: http://fb.com/noisey Follow Noisey on Twitter: http://twitter.com/noiseymusic Read our tumblr: http://noiseymusic.tumblr.com
Peace Vision of Islam, Hadiths about End Times, Islamic Dream Interpretation, Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahiim Alhamdulillah, Allahumma salli wa sallim 'ala Nabiyyina Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin wa Baarak wa salim. I have made a video that related with this one title: " A Clear View of Imam Mahdi " This is evidence of al-Quran and as-Sunnah and I declare that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is not a liar and not consists of people who hide the truth. The issues relating to the name of al-Mahdi is very clear that the name of al-Mahdi can not be construed so-so only because the hadiths in Arabic language only "said his name will be similar with my name and his father's name is similar to my father's name" and anyone expressing my opinion should return to the al-Quran!...
It's your first show.
You're scared to go.
You're ass from your elbow.
You can't tell what you are seein'.
Is chaos in the making.
The clubs shakin'.
The earth quakin'.
Reality on the stage.
We're not fakin'.
It's your first show.
You treat it like a joke.
You're drinking heavy straight rum no coke.
After three or four, you head toward the floor.
Stupid move.
You should've took the door.
Step by step.
We're on a mission.
So shut up and listen.
You thing we're bitchin'.