Northern Territory Government information and services.

Arts, sport and leisure

Parks and reserves, libraries, archives, sport facilities, arts awards, arts grants, hiking, camping, museums, arts centres.

Boating, fishing and marine

Commercial fishing and aquaculture, marine pests, biosecurity, Indigenous fishing, recreational fishing, boat ramps, tides, boat rules and safety.

Business and industry

Mining and petroleum, remote jobs, agriculture, start a business, doing business with government, liquor licensing, gambling.

Community support and care

Child protection, families, seniors, multicultural communities, community grants, language services, local councils.

Driving and transport

Buses, driver licences, cycling, penalties, registration, heavy vehicles, road safety and conditions.

Education and learning

Early childhood, schools, term dates, special education, financial help and university.

Emergency and safety

Emergency contacts, crisis helplines, child safety, crocodile safety and reports, cyclones, floods, emergency kit, short term accommodation.

Employment, money and taxes

Employing people, apprenticeships, training, looking for work, employer obligations and paying tax.


Water, animals, native plants, weeds, environment data, environment protection, home gardens, and soil, land and vegetation.

Health and wellbeing

Where to find information about health and wellbeing in the Northern Territory, including hospital information.

Housing, property and land

Renting, buying, selling or building a home, land supply and clearing, industry information, pool fencing, buying and selling property with pools.

Your rights, crime and the law

Courts, alcohol, consumer rights, births, deaths, marriages, fines and crime.

Free parking at Royal Darwin Hospital

NEWS / 12 Jan 2017

Free parking at Royal Darwin Hospital

Royal Darwin Hospital’s free parking system has commenced.

Don’t forget to nominate for the 2017 NT Sports Awards

NEWS / 10 Jan 2017

Don’t forget to nominate for the 2017 NT Sports Awards

Nominations for the 2017 NT Sports Awards are closing on Sunday 29 January, so get your nominations in now!

Saltwater crocodile removal for 2017

NEWS / 5 Jan 2017

Saltwater crocodile removal for 2017

The Parks and Wildlife Commission NT (PWCNT) crocodile management team captured and removed the first saltwater crocodile for 2017 on Tuesday 3 January.

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