Showing posts with label Snitches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snitches. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brandon Darby Fundraising to Go Try and Troll Occupy Oakland

Brandon Darby, who is now acting as one of Andrew Breitbart's little "prankster/investigatory journalist" pets these days, made an appearance at Occupy Wall Street recently. He has a Twitter account @BrandonDarby and has mentioned he'd love to go to Oakland next, and is actively fundraising to make the trip.

Always remember SnitchWire's motto: If only Brandon Darby could be force fed the grill of a Mack truck!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Snitch Sack of Shit Brandon Darby in Florida to Talk to Tea Party Assholes

Hat Tip Earth First!:

That’s right, government informant Brandon Darby and border-loving sheriff Joe Arpaio are scheduled to speak side by side at the Choose Liberty 2012 conference hosted by the Eastern Orlando Tea Party, a group based in central Florida. This event will take place on Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, at the Orlando Airport Marriott, 7499 Augusta National Drive, Orlando.
Darby, who is being promoted as a “Former Black Panther turned FBI Informant,” is also featured on the Earth First! Newswire’s Informant Tracking page. He had been providing information to the government since at least 2007. His efforts resulted in the arrest of two activists during the 2008 Republican National Convention who were allegedly planning to attack police cars in response to preemptive repression against the protesters in Minneapolis.
And Arpaio, famous for his pro-border anecdotes and civil liberties violations, will apparently be available for pictures and signing his “famous pink Merchandise” (a reference to his stupid efforts to humiliate prisoners and detained immigrants by making them where pink underwear.)
As repulsive and pathetic as that conference sounds, it isn’t the worse of what’s to come in Florida. If you want to test out your gag reflex, or see how much your blood can boil, take a look at the list of participants for GAIM USA 2012 in Boca Raton, January 22-25. This conference includes 200 of the most influential institutional allocators of capital and investors who have discretion over $215 bn and over $8 tn under advisement  (those are shorthand for billion and trillion, folks!! bet you didn’t even know trillion had a shorthand.) If you can imagine an industrial evil, it will have a representative there.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Earth First! Journal Publishes Giant List of Informants

Many of the following listed by EF! have been profiled on SnitchWire before. Many are cooperating informants we have not previously listed. Much kudos towards EF! for putting this out, hopefully the resource is consistantly updated.


This is a new feature on the EF! Newswire to keep you abreast on the whereabouts and status of informants and ‘snitches’ who are cooperating with, or working for, the state in effort to monitor and/or repress ecological resistance movements, as well as other liberation struggles. Sadly, the names on this list are people who can never be trusted again to work in activist circles or resistance movements. The page is currently very centered on North American informants. We appreciate any assistance in broadening this to cover a more international scope.

This is by no means a complete list. Please get in touch with possible updates or corrections. We only post information on this page that can be verified to the greatest extent possible through public documents—in most cases, their plea agreements. We have aimed to present short summaries of the individuals below, so that they would be consolidated in a single location. There is very likely more information, including photos, to be found for each individual through online search engines and resources designed to gather personal information on people (some of which cost money). We hope that this page will serve as a useful starting point for those seeking to take their research further.     Posted 9/5/11

Currently walking free

*Justin Clayton Samuel (DOB: Dec. 31, 1978) from Snohomish, WA. Cooperated with government by testifying against Peter Young. Both were charged with cutting fences and liberating mink from a series of fur
farms in October 1997. Samuel was an electrical engineering student at the
University of Washington in Seattle before dropping out in 1997. Samuel
was sentenced to two years in federal prison plus a year supervised
release and ordered to pay $364,106 in restitution in exchange for his
He was released on 11-28-2001, and has gone into the computer security field, working for Firefox as of 2010. He is currently a PhD student at UC Berkeley.
Height: 6’ 0″. Weight: ~165 lbs. Place of birth: California. Hair: brown.
Eyes: hazel. Race: white.
His school department profile:
And twitter:!/jstnsml
*Angela “Angie” Marie Cesario (DOB ~1979): took a cooperating plea deal, pointing the finger at Tre Arrow to reduce her sentence. This was a departure from earlier testimonies, when both Cesario and Rosenbloom did not name Arrow as the instigator, but Jake Sherman. All three named Arrow in exchange for sentences of 41 months. She was released on 12-22-2006.
*Jeremy David Rosenbloom (DOB ~1977): took a cooperating plea deal, pointing the finger at Tre Arrow to reduce the sentence. This was a departure from earlier testimonies, when both Cesario and Rosenbloom did not name Arrow as the instigator, but Jake Sherman. All three named Arrow in exchange for sentences of 41 months. He was released on 12-22-2006.
*Jacob “Jake” David Bardwell Sherman (DOB ~1982) of Portland, OR: convicted of arson of logging trucks and a front-end loader near Eagle Creek in 2001. Sherman “immediately began to cooperate” with investigators after his arrest, according to court documents. Sherman was boastful and told several girlfriends (two of whom also provided information to the government), in detail, his version of the events that took place that night. Sherman had also not been an especially careful saboteur. His mother’s vehicle smelled of gasoline and he dumped his clothes in the trash bin when he returned that night at 2:00 am, asking his brother to tell his parents that he had returned home at 10:30 pm. Sherman’s father, contacted the FBI telling them he believed his son
was involved in the arson. During FBI questioning, Sherman pegged Arrow as the ringleader in exchange for a sentence of 41 months.
*Darren Todd Thurston (DOB: ~1970), aka “Goat,” of Canada, took a cooperating plea agreement, charged with conspiracy to commit arson and destruction of an energy facility east of Bend, OR in 1999. Thurston was given a sentence of 37 months in prison
after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and arson in the 2001 fire at the Litchfield, Calif., U.S. Bureau of Land Management wild horse corrals. He was released on 8-14-2008. As of summer 2010, he was running his own computer security firm ( out of Canada. He goes by “rad_boy” and “hard_mac”.
*Zachary Jensen (DOB: ~1986) of Monroe, WA, Zach Jenson was arrested on January 13, 2006, along with Eric McDavid and Lauren Weiner. He was charged with a single count of conspiracy to destroy by arson or explosives public and private property. His arrest was the direct result of a paid FBI informant, known as “Anna,” who spent over a year and half befriending and entrapping the trio. Zach plead guilty to a lesser charge on July 18, 2006 and was released on bail later that month. The terms of his plea agreement required full cooperation with the government against Eric McDavid at trial, as well as in any and all other investigations in which the government deemed him useful. Zach received time served (which amounted to about 6 months) at his sentencing on December 4, 2008. His supervised release is set to expire in December 2011.
Zach has a medium build, with brown hair and brown eyes. He stands at about 5’5’’. His last known place of residence was Seattle, Washington. He fancies himself a writer and claimed to have been working on a book about his experiences (and warning others against following a similar path) during the time of his sentencing hearing. He has also claimed an interest in Buddhism, yoga and other “spiritual” pursuits. He is normally withdrawn and quiet and eager to please whatever company he might be keeping.
*Lauren Weiner (DOB: ~1986) of Pound Ridge, NY, was arrested on January 13, 2006, along with Eric McDavid and Zachary Jenson. She was charged with a single count of conspiracy to destroy by arson or explosives public and private property. Her arrest was the direct result of a paid FBI informant, known as “Anna,” who spent over a year and half befriending and entrapping the trio. Lauren was released on bond in early February 2006 and later plead guilty to a lesser charge on May 30, 2006. However, there is evidence that Lauren was cooperating with the government months before the plea agreement was signed. The terms of her plea agreement required full cooperation with the government against Eric McDavid at trial, as well as in any and all other investigations in which the government deemed her useful. Lauren received time served (which amounted to about 3 weeks) at her sentencing on December 11, 2008. Her supervised release is set to expire in December 2011.
Lauren has a heavy build, with brown hair and brown eyes. She stands at
about 5’1’’. Her last known place of residence was Pound Ridge, New York
(Westchester County). Lauren attended art school and is quite skilled in
pottery and various other art forms. She is outspoken and often lies or
engages in hyperbolic speech to impress those around her. Stories have
surfaced about her attempting to attend fundraisers for Green Scare
defendants after her release on bond.
*Lacey Phillabaum (DOB: ~1975) from Spokane, WA: Phillabaum took a cooperating agreement, pleaded guilty to conspiracy, arson, and use of a destructive device at the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture in 2001. The university spent $7.2 million to rebuild the center. She is very intelligent, calculated and manipulative. Phillabaum is a former Earth First! Journal editor, known for her role as the narrator of the underground documentary film Breaking the Spell, which advocates property damage and examines the 1999 Seattle WTO riots from the perspective of anarchists in Eugene, OR. In 2005 she moved to Charlottesville, VA, to take reporting position at C-Ville Weekly. She turned herself in to federal agents sometime around early 2006. In 2008, Phillabaum was sentenced to three years in federal prison and three years’ probation.
She was released on 4-21-2010 and is currently out after transitioning via a halfway house in Spokane, WA. She is thought to be living at her parents’ house in Pheonix, AZ and reportedly seeking work as a para-legal.
*Sarah “Kendall” Harvey Tankersley (DOB: ~1977), originally from Ohio, the daughter of two attorneys, was arrested while living in Flagstaff, AZ; Charged with arson and attempted arson of U.S. Forest Industries in Medford. Kendall received a 3-year, 10-month sentence. Judge Ann Aiken sentenced Tankersley to five months less than she agreed to when she pleaded guilty to arson at the U.S. Forest Industry’s office in Medford in 1998 because she cooperated with the state and left the conspiracy immediately after the arson. Tankersley, then 28 and preparing for medical school, pled guilty in 2006 to charges including conspiracy to commit arson from 1996 through 2001. Left Eugene around 1999, attended Humboldt State and graduated with molecular biology degree in 2004.
She was released on 9-17-2010.
*Suzanne Nicole Savoie (DOB: ~1977), aka “India,” of Applegate, OR: charged with arson at Superior Lumber Co., in Glendale, OR. She was sentenced to more than 51 months in prison for her role in two arsons. She turned self in to FBI agents in mid-January 2006. Savoie made statements against Nathan Block and Joyanna Zacher and was given a sentence only 8 months less than expected because of her cooperation with investigators. She has been in a Seattle halfway house with a projected release date of 3-24-2011. [UPDATES NEEDED]

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Briana Waters is a Snitch

It is very saddening to learn that Briana Waters, former non-cooperating ELF prisoner, decided to take a cooperating plea deal in the prosecution of two 2001 ELF acts of arson. She had been released earlier this year after a mistrial and is expected to testify against former boyfriend Justin Solondz, who was captured as a fugitive in China. Solondz is presently imprisoned there on drug charges, but, thanks to snitches, is expected to be extradited on release to face charges for his alleged ELF activity.

Briana will knowingly provide the state information on ELF activity and contribute to the same kind of imprisonment she was subject to as a non-cooperating defendant. This makes her a snitch.

More on War On Society:

Her decision comes at a time when anarchists and radical environmentalists across the country and somewhat internationally have shown widespread support and solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid this past June 11th. Marie Mason and Eric McDavid are both serving 20 plus year sentences. In the wake of Briana Waters decision it is important to remember that there are others with true strength and convictions in their ideas. Let us remember those who continue the struggle inside prison and never flip on their friends or comrades.

Total freedom for NON-COOPERATING Green Scare prisoners!
Solidarity with Sadie, Justin, Marie, Eric, Exile, Grant, Michael, Daniel, Scott, and non-cooperating ALF and anarchist prisoners!
Strength to those still free and on the run!
As heartbreaking as it is to see Briana turn, it is important to remember that Briana is somebody's mother, and she likely did this to stay out of jail to continue to parent her daughter. She was well supported by social movements, and many people will be angry and betrayed by her decision. They are completely correct in that anger, should not blame themselves, and it should be noted that Briana was thinking about herself, her future, and her family. She is selfish and couldn't handle the sacrifices so many others have endured.

Once again, the state wins with the same tactics. Many of these cases required informants and cooperating defendants, and the accused likely could've beat the charges due to lack of evidence.

Nobody talks, everybody walks.

Fuck that snitch Briana Waters.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lead ELF Informant Jake Ferguson Arrested on Drug Charges

From Green is the New Red:  The government’s roundup of environmental activists in “Operation Backfire” was only possible because the lead arsonist, Jacob Ferguson, had agreed to wear a wire, travel the country, and prod his friends into talking about the crimes with the Earth Liberation Front.

The government has repeatedly called Ferguson a “hero.” U.S. Attorney Kirk Engdall has said he was “essential” to the largest investigation of the radical environmental movement in U.S. history.

In exchange for doing the government’s work for them, Ferguson, who was involved in about 18 arsons, was sentenced to no jail time and five years probation. In other words, the most prolific arsonist in the history of so-called “eco-terrorism” got a free pass.

But Ferguson was arrested on April 6, 2011, on drug charges and now faces prison time for violating these conditions. Today will be his first probation violation hearing at the Eugene federal courthouse.

I think this is worth highlighting for a few reasons. Ferguson’s drug history is not new information. In fact, the government used this against him in order to pressure him to become an informant. The FBI was well-aware of his personal history, but chose to ignore this because it was the only lead they had in arresting members of the ELF.

This is yet another example of how far the FBI has been willing to go, and the shady deals that agents are willing to make, in order to secure a victory in the “War on Terrorism.”

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Greenscare Snitch Suzanne Savoie Goes to the Movies

From Ashland Films
If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front is a documentary that features anarchist and environmental activist, Daniel McGowan . It traces a period of time from his initial arrest on December 7th, 2005, in a federal investigation known as “Operation Backfire,” to the day he began his 7-year sentence for two actions claimed in the name of the Earth Liberation Front. Alongside this focus on Daniel, the film also takes a look at how the radical environmental movement began and talks to a variety of people involved in the case, including prosecutors, police officers, and even some of the snitches.

One of the snitches featured in the film, Suzanne Savoie, has already served her 51-month sentence, and plans on attending a screening of the film at the Ashland Independent Film Festival in southern Oregon. Savoie bargained the lives of the non-cooperating defendants, Daniel McGowan, Jonathan Paul, Sadie, and Exile, as well as those who have yet to be apprehended by the government, for what amounted to a slightly lesser sentence. (Daniel McGowan received 84-months.) Savoie's cooperation deal is public knowledge and with her help, the state has locked away comrades who stared down multiple life sentences without betraying themselves, the others who were involved, and all of us who fight in resistance to the state and capitalism.

The film is favorable to Daniel, humanizing someone who the federal government calls an eco-terrorist and has shoved into a secretive prison unit known as a “Communications Management Unit,” and is also relatively sympathetic to the ELF. However, because the filmmakers are the good little liberals that they are, they treat Savoie as just another “voice” in the “conversation” they hoped that this “story” would generate. What's more, they invited this scum to attend a screening at the festival and plan on publicly acknowledging her in the audience during a Q & A.

It is beyond belief that Savoie would even consider going, considering what she's done, but perhaps she feels emboldened by the filmmakers invitation and hopes this can pave the way for her to return to the very movements that she has betrayed. The filmmakers have thus far refused to rescind the invitation, citing the usual liberal bullshit of "everybody having a voice in this story." Well, as revolutionaries, we cannot allow this snitch to try and reintegrate herself, because Suzanne Savoie has sided with our enemies and no longer has anything to say we want to hear. Additionally, our lives, and our movements of resistance are not “stories” that exist to help filmmakers gain accolades and prestige, but the actions of real people making real attempts to destroy all that which destroys us.

If you live in southern Oregon, or can get there, please think about attending or showing up outside of the film screenings to make sure that Suzanne Savoie and her stupid snitch ass do not feel welcome. Showtimes are Saturday, April 9th, @ 9:30am, Sunday, April 10th, @ 6:00pm, and if the film wins a prize, Monday, April 11th, @ 12 & 9pm.

In the meantime, if everyone could clue the filmmakers in to the VERY BIG MISTAKE THEY ARE MAKING by inviting and welcoming this snitch to their screening, that would also be very much appreciated. Here is the contact info for the directors:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Anonymous Annihilates Infiltrator: Full Story

 from ars technica:

It has been an embarrassing week for security firm HBGary and its HBGary Federal offshoot. HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr thought he had unmasked the hacker hordes of Anonymous and was preparing to name and shame those responsible for co-ordinating the group's actions, including the denial-of-service attacks that hit MasterCard, Visa, and other perceived enemies of WikiLeaks late last year.

When Barr told one of those he believed to be an Anonymous ringleader about his forthcoming exposé, the Anonymous response was swift and humiliating. HBGary's servers were broken into, its e-mails pillaged and published to the world, its data destroyed, and its website defaced. As an added bonus, a second site owned and operated by Greg Hoglund, owner of HBGary, was taken offline and the user registration database published.

Over the last week, I've talked to some of those who participated in the HBGary hack to learn in detail how they penetrated HBGary's defenses and gave the company such a stunning black eye—and what the HBGary example means for the rest of us mere mortals who use the Internet.

Anonymous: more than kids

HBGary and HBGary Federal position themselves as experts in computer security. The companies offer both software and services to both the public and private sectors. On the software side, HBGary has a range of computer forensics and malware analysis tools to enable the detection, isolation, and analysis of worms, viruses, and trojans. On the services side, it offers expertise in implementing intrusion detection systems and secure networking, and performs vulnerability assessment and penetration testing of systems and software. A variety of three letter agencies, including the NSA, appeared to be in regular contact with the HBGary companies, as did Interpol, and HBGary also worked with well-known security firm McAfee. At one time, even Apple expressed an interest in the company's products or services.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Another UK Snitch - Mark "Marco" Jacobs

from UK Indymedia:

A third undercover police officer has today been revealed by the Guardian. Mark Jacobs, known as 'Marco', operated in Cardiff for four years, infiltrating the Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN) and other groups including international anti-globalisation networks, No Borders, and the early Climate Camps.

His former girlfriend is reported as saying "I was doing nothing wrong, I was not breaking the law at all. So for him to come along and lie to us and get that deep into our lives was a colossal, colossal betrayal."

Other activists have claimed that as well as disrupting activities and gathering information, he created and nurtured disagreement and division within the group, turning members of the group against each other.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Snitch Mark Kennedy Fears For His Life

More info (and pictures of) on Mark (aka Flash, aka Mark Stone) Kennedy here. More analysis and information coming soon.

from The Guardian via Anarchist News:

The former policeman who spent seven years undercover among environmental activists has denied being an agent provocateur, saying that his superiors knew exactly what he was doing at all times and approved his activities.

Mark Kennedy, a Metropolitan police officer who infiltrated green and anarchist groups under the alias Mark Stone and fled to America after his cover was blown, said he fears for his safety following threats from activists. The 41-year-old said he believed that his former police superiors were looking for him too.

"I can't sleep. I have lost weight and am constantly on edge. I barricade the door with chairs at night. I am in genuine fear for my life," said Kennedy, who sold his story to the Mail on Sunday. "People like to think of things in terms of black and white. But the world of undercover policing is grey and murky. There is some bad stuff going on. Really bad stuff."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Simon Brenner - German Snitch in Antifa Scene

from Athens Indymedia:

German undercover agent also at NoBorder Camp 2010 in Bruxelles

On Sunday the 12th of December 2010 a undercover agent working for the Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Baden-Württemberg was uncovered in Heidelberg, Germany. His aim was to make contact with the Antifa scene via open left structures and to gather information about individuals as well as group structures to be presented directly to the LKA and the local state security division.

After three days of research and reconstruction the following has emerged:


The LKA informer had a German national identity card under the name of "Simon Brenner" (Nr.: 6920333978D-8604138-1511088), with the date of birth stated as 13.04.1986, born in the town of Leimen (Germany). Allegedly he formerly lived in Bad Säckingen in the Waldshut (Baden-Württemberg) area, which coheres with the license plate of his silver Nissan estate car (WT-??-???).

He used a mobile with the number 0049 (0) 151 20727114 0049 (0) 151 20727114 and the email addresses and, the latter has already been blocked. Under the user name 'californiaction' ha also wrote articles on Indymedia.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

CSIS/Counter-Terrorism Spy Unveiled in Fredericton, New Brunswick

UPDATE 11/22/10: Comments from the author of this reveal more information: "Follow up: More research reveals that the man's name is "Stuart Bradshaw". He is on facebook:

Spread far and wide.
Saint Schmidt."

Other links of interest

From Anarchist News:

"I was sitting at a cafe in downtown Fredericton (The Second Cup) and overheard a conversation between two well dressed men. The one man said to the other, "I just moved from the UK. I used to work for counter-terrorism out there and in the United States. My wife wanted me to move here to little Fredericton. Not much work for a person like me here. Now I am working for CSIS. I document anti-capitalist and anarchist groups. There are at least two groups that I am researching lately and we plan to eventually infiltrate these groups. Strax and RAAN, the Red and Anarchist Action Network."

At this point I picked up my laptop spit on his table and said: "You are disgusting, what you are saying is disgusting."

Pictures and Video follow.

While walking away from the cafe, outside, the man yelled out to me and requested that I get my picture taken with him. Instead, I turned on my camera and asked the man a few questions. He changed his tone and denied working for CSIS and denied having a problem with Strax.

I have decided, for the safety of my family and friends, that I will be taking some time away from the Red & Anarchist Action Network. I stay in groundless solidarity with all of my comrades. If members of Strax or RAAN, or any other "group", want to reach me for more information, they know how to do so."

-Saint Schmidt

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Elusive Panda Sighting

Andrew Darst, aka Panda, a snitch that emerged from the 2008 RNC demonstrations, was reportedly seen in Minnetonka, MN driving a silver SUV or larger wagon type of vehicle. He was apparently clean-shaven and wearing a University of Minnesota hoodie. Anyone with further information on this total asshole should hit up our digits.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mark Kennedy Super Post

UPDATE: For what it's worth, the Stimulator is reporting this all to be fact according to a "trusted source."

Multiple reports have emerged about a Mark Kennedy (AKA: Mark Stone, "Flash"), an informant based out of the UK who had links in the United States. A post on the Denver Anarchist Black Cross's website gives a good summary:

Mark Kennedy AKA Mark Stone, who lived in Nottingham, has been exposed as having worked as an undercover police officer and this has been confirmed by Nottingham Indymedia and endorsed by other activist groups.

From 2000 to at least the end of 2009, Mark Kennedy was a well-known face in the local activist community and was actively involved in various environmental, animal rights, anti-capitalist and anti-fascist groups and campaigns.

Investigations into his identity revealed evidence that he has been a police officer and a face-to-face confession has confirmed this. The people involved in confronting Mark and getting his confession from him make clear that for security reasons no more information can be made public at this stage.

Any american or kanadian who knows that they had contact with him please make known the times and initiatives that he may have attended.

More information will be made public as it’s compiled…

A report from UK Indymedia details more of his activities (another photo here). There are also reports he was working on organizing against the upcoming G8 summit in France. He claims he had a brother in Cincinnati. He had been a trusted member of radical communities and social movements for a decade and his ties were far, including possible relationships with Tarnac folks. There are claims that he has been confronted and admitted this information. Anyone with more information on Mark should email SnitchWire.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Green Scare Informant Darren Thurston Runs Computer Security Company

Update: Thurston was apparently at the Under the Volcano event in Vancouver last weekend, where a coordinator for his support committee, Megan Adams (of the resist[dot]ca collective), was shut out of an indigenous panel discussion touching on the repression of the American Indian Movement, including the decimation State informants wreaked upon AIM members. Good on the folks in Vanoc for knowing what's up and acting accordingly:

"If people such as members of the resist(dot)ca collective, Under the Volcano organizers and Megan Adam chose to maintain a friendship with Darren Thurston, that’s their own personal problem. Their inability to distinguish between the loyalty to their friend and loyalty to people whose lives have been damaged by their friend, should not stop the rest of us from preventing Thurston and his supporters from participating in activist or resistance activity, or jeopardizing wider resistance movements by allowing him continued access to activist social circles and organization, or to sensitive resources and infrastructure." Yep, couldn't have said it better. No cooperation!


Hackbloc and Voice of the Voiceless offer extensive reports of Green Scare snitch Darren Thurston running his own computer security firm. His twitter feed hasn't updated since August 3rd. He goes by "rad_boy" and "hard_mac". Hackbloc says "Who needs good computer security when one of your friends will sell you down the river anyway?" and Voice of the Voiceless offers further analysis:

A warning to anyone who has received computer security services from someone going by hard_mac, or rad_boy: Your consultant was once working for the FBI, and may still be.
Thurston became an asset for the federal government in the Green Scare case after his arrest on arson charges for the 2001 torching by the Animal Liberation Front of a BLM wild horse holding barn in Susanville, California. In exchange for reduced charges, he implicated several others in serious arsons. Among them was Justin Solondz, who is serving a three year sentence in China on unrelated charges after being arrested there while a fugitive.
There is additional information about Thurston that may be of concern to activists. From Vancouver Anarchist Online Archive:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Concerning Potential Infiltration in Canada: "Khalid Mohammed"

Received anonymously, linked to the Brenda Doughtry case:

"From: The Coalition to see that the G20 infiltrators go fuck themselves
right in their own ears, until the process of self-termination is

a couple pics of so called Khalid Mohammed are attached. they are at a anti-olmypic torch demonstration on the Haldimand tract in the city of kitchener. one of them was in the toronto star.

so-called Khalid claimed to be 35, hailing originally from Kenya, and had a basically unlived-in apartmentin Guelph. he infiltrated or tried to infiltrate numerous actions and groups over his time in the region. He appeared at the Hanlon Creek Business Park land protection in the summer of 2009 but was not trusted by the entire camp, and he was eventually blocked from the site through the identification of a need offsite for a "dedicated" person. in an earlier attempt to infiltrate a group in guelph, he was asked to stop attending meetings as he was discussing and advancing a policy of property destruction - this was a group which had a mission to educate on the issue.

so-called Khalid always drove a large white van which he claimed to be related to his job as a superintendent for buildings around southern ontario. He offered it up whenever he could, whether for an action or to drive somebody home, or drive their younger siblings home, or someones mom, or grandfather. He always offered up his van to pick up alcohol as well, and had a limit for actions set at not being convicted; for then his "mother may not get status in Canada". He could not drive on weekends as those are days he saw his daughter who lives with her mother in Brampton. He had only a couple stories of his daughter that he would share. A seemingly helpful and engaged person. though this changed as time went on, and the g20 approached and the weekend restrictions on driving was over. he had all sorts of pins on the ceiling of his van - antifa, communist, anti-olympic, be the change, etc.

in Kitchener so-called Khalid never wanted to speak of internal issues or group process issues in the communities he infiltrated, just on action planning. what is more obvious now is that he never offered up any solid suggestions. or any relevant criticisms, just facilitated the continuing of action planning through soft questions, volunteering to help (usually drive or pay for gas, food, beer, etc) and consenting to proposals. he also did not speak of or propose property destruction - an uncommunicated change of tactics from the earlier guelph experience. he kept all his receipts. he gave people gifts from his hometown.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Police Infiltrate Anarchists and Activists (Guelph, Kitchener, Toronto)

UPDATE: We obtained photos of Brenda.

via Anarchist News dot Org:

"From April 2009 until July 2010, two undercover police officers infiltrated activist groups in Guelph, Kitchener and Toronto, Ontario. They are members of the “Joint Intelligence Group (JIG)” that focuses on extremism and terrorism. Its specific mandate has been for the Vancouver Olympics and Torch Relay, and the G8/G20 summits. It is an RCMP (National Police) led group that includes police forces collaborating from across Southern Ontario including Guelph, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Barrie, Kitchener/Waterloo and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).
The names the two undercover intelligence police officers used were “Brenda Dougherty” and “Khalid Mohammad”*.

Brenda Dougherty = Filthy Rat Goof Pig

“Brenda” is in her early 40’s, white, 5’3” tall, with short white and blonde hair, glasses, and an English accent and a Canadian flag tattoo (on her back?). Her story was that she had a job with flexible hours as a home caretaker. She said she was born in Victoria, Canada and lived in England for most of her childhood and adult life. She said that she moved back because she was in an abusive relationship/marriage. She said she moved to Guelph because she had a friend who could get her a job here. She also said that she got accepted to the university of Guelph and began doing part time courses. She said she didn’t talk to her family. Her apartment appeared pre-furnished, and didn’t really look lived-in. She occasionally appeared at events with her “boyfriend”, “John”, a 5’7 or 5’8 beefy native dude with brown hair who wore sunglasses and a hat. He had a US Marine Corps tattoo on one of his biceps that read USMC and had numbers under it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Utah Man Arrested in Connection With String of ALF Arsons After Opening Mouth to Informant

Comrades at Denver's leader in news on the insurrection, 'Til it Breaks, report from the Denver Post:

(TIB preamble, SnitchWire couldn't agree more): While we have strong opinions about the events surrounding the April 30th arson and the ALF operative’s claiming of it, we are going to refrain from commentary on questions of ideology and tactical decisions. Suffice to say, we hope the informant gets what’s coming to them, and may the fires of revolt burn ever more fiercely.

The following is from the Denver fucking Post:

Federal investigators have arrested a 34-year-old Utah man in connection with the April 30 fire that destroyed the Sheepskin Factory in Glendale.

Walter Edmund Bond was taken into custody Thursday in Denver after allegedly telling an informant that he started the Glendale fire and two fires in Utah because they were businesses that “profited from animals.”

At the time of his arrest by FBI and ATF agents, Bond was carrying a backpack, according to an affidavit by Rennie Mora, a special agent for the ATF.

Agents searched the backpack and found literature titled, “The Declaration of War – Killing People to Save the animals and the Environment – Strike a Match Light a Fuse We’ve Only Have the Earth to Lose.”

According to an affidavit, Bond is a member of the Animal Liberation Movement who went by the name “Lone Wolf.”

The Sheepskin Factory sold a variety of sheepskin products including but not limited to seat covers, shoes, rugs, and blankets. The fire destroyed the building and its contents resulting in approximately $500,000 in damage.

The informant told federal investigators that in early July, Bond contacted the informant by phone and that he admitted he had started the Sheepskin Factory fire, directing the informant to the website of the Animal Liberation Movement.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adrian Lamo Sucks

via HackBloc:

"Former grey hat hacker Adrian Lamo has been revealed as a snitch and informant against Bradley Manning who is accused of leaking classified information to Wikileaks. In addition to embassy cables, he is accused of leaking the video that depicted an Apache Helicopter attack that claimed the lives of several journalists, civilians, and medical personnel in Iraq that was introduced to the world through the Collateral Murder website.
According to Lamo, Manning approached him and bragged that he was leaking classified information. "When Manning told Lamo that he leaked a quarter-million classified embassy cables, Lamo contacted the Army, and then met with Army CID investigators and the FBI at a Starbucks near his house in Carmichael, California, where he passed the agents a copy of the chat logs. At their second meeting with Lamo on May 27, FBI agents from the Oakland Field Office told the hacker that Manning had been arrested the day before in Iraq by Army CID investigators." (

Like many snitches, Lamo tries to justify his actions by saying that the information being leaked could have lead people into direct harm. This is contrary to Wikileak's "harm minimization policy" where they notify people who could be harmed by leaks of the risks before releasing documents. Like other snitches, Lamo failed to correctly assess that he was ruining the life of the person he ratted on.

According to the chat logs, Manning leaked classified documents with the sole intent to expose wrongdoing and diplomatic "scandal"."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Undercover Pigs Infiltrate Student Group at Uni Washington

from Seattle Indymedia:
April 20, 2010 -- On Thursday April 8, students, workers, and instructors welcomed an unfamiliar face to a publicly advertised meeting for a campus-wide strike May 3rd.  A woman who identified herself simply as “Tani" described herself as an "alum" of UW who was passionate about the cuts. She also said that her father worked with Waste Management and she was in the meeting to find out what the May 3rd strike committee was involved in with regards to the Teamsters' recent call for a strike. "Tani" actively participated in the planning meeting for a large-scale action demanding immigrant and worker justice, student access to UW, and smaller class sizes and writing center to improve education. The following week, however, student activists accidently bumped into “Tani” again—this time, though, as Officer Tanesha van Leuven of the UWPD. We have reason to believe that Tani was sent by the University of Washington to spy on the meeting.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Radical Photographer Reports Being Followed in Santa Cruz

Bradley Stuart was taking photos of the aftermath left behind by a raucous May Day rampage from a contingent of anarchists in Santa Cruz. Check out the video below of the small, but ferocious Black Bloc making liberals uncomfortable and having each others backs in the street.

Anyway, Bradley reported that he was followed by another camera man, the identity of which is unclear. He reports: "This person, who I do not know, made more than one effort to photograph me. This was after he inquired about me taking photographs of the graffiti and broken windows. I confirmed to him that I was taking photos of the damage, and asked him who he was taking photos for. He said for himself as he was trying to take a photo of me, but I went in the other direction. The first time was at the corner of Pacific and Locust. This second time, shown in the photo above, we were on the sidewalk of Pacific Avenue."

Ugh! Goddamn fucking Maoists! That shirt and camera are SO first worldist! Anyone with information on the identity of this "investigator" should definitely hit us up. It isn't uncommon for police officers to hunker down at a scene after an action to see if anyone would be careless enough to show up and take pictures of "their" handiwork.