Monday, June 29, 2009

SnitchWire's Public GPG Key

We have received a few emails from people encouraging SnitchWire to use email encryption on our Riseup account snitchwire [at] riseup [dot] net. We've decided to take them up on that as well as publish our public key information for any interested parties out there. From what we have read, the matter is as simple as finding our public key and publishing it like so:

-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (MingW32) mQGiBEpIme0RBAD2UUnGTSieInKYPtscEVKVcNeMaizJagVHdyojLlMKdS9Cu9L4 B26nvbAkek/DYUbqp9Qw8ovXj/4sD0NIMhnUGypm8EGqleFZ86LlZWwJ8r+26ruh +NQJvrxUBjWtiM2tCviPq/bzt1Wxwg02ehInxFD2k1C0mZX8GCdw8QgzZwCgl9cQ oljd3Lvq1WaEUB97C1HCBZsEAIRoxM7hcO6sfcFBJ8wh/AE1MwS3hrDsUIBOpkrE chexxVfcuUcntmtTJ75IT2SHRCIxkh3OeWaC28TRrjfJZp/xKP5cKHbrj1kQc7Vb YqXfFK9FC6KKBuT/wdO/rcsZ7HNNjeIJOoax+cZY5EOTrqtSMGDOXt65bdZ77/JN esHlA/93dWGBlVG7/Yh8PNCFwwiv/Jhh0Pqvxe12SV8cKLtGUHKSAWs/l9Nhrbu4 Y90a8kRd8/omQXgS6obK9qfKz/kXxpn9KwnHOBSI6tW+piHNVZYLx43H5cygElvd bhty82raRGWluPoS2ozRlaVV5/aXlf4YVuYUF4iXDWGtrRifa7QhU25pdGNoV2ly ZSA8c25pdGNod2lyZUBnbWFpbC5jb20+iGAEExECACAFAkpIme0CGyMGCwkIBwMC BBUCCAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRCD5uHNB/z4yGmnAJ9fb1H3ApjDdYsOXU0PCyQS iI+rwACcCYq7pP70yohB9pJ2fsR87vNmGNy5AQ0ESkiZ7RAEAPn/O1ko7O/BYtpE u2CKjaXQMICbU2hT/X329f0hU4Gi5SkrDd+msz3UEfat43dA4/6reqIsXQjvSN7G 8QyvfxfAEO/rj/VkwgVs9cwQY2iAIsfrxyzLWUFfSxqSFDqSliRSQiK961Hz4UaI h/+HX8/OnE7DTdIIrLjuNntzfb7DAAMGA/98yG+L05ZmbC2DvAVHqg6mZFA9OTwe qiALAlHs42GU22+jgbAzXGGNZDGyM+vvw6X5naZ1OaIOTI4SItDsiMs+8KvwUspd 8vVt6N5T27lJriIECwUwYK/ubuu4W7t5fu5omUpjI9RWg/ComZQAKsdS4lrtSWSY 7dtDctUbkirh6YhJBBgRAgAJBQJKSJntAhsMAAoJEIPm4c0H/PjIwigAoI8uIB+A emxGod3+SosFcB93hEo8AJ4+Ck3dCaJhow0byAe3w0wO+9foRg== =d5d/ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Apparently, that is all we are supposed to do. Those of you who wish to send us mail through encrypted means, you now have our public key. Because we still hold access to our super-secret key that decrypts all of those good tips you zipped up for us, only SnitchWire will be able to read it and nobody else. From now on, we will also be digitally signing our emails so people communicating with us can be sure they are talking to the operators of this blog. Thank you all for the tips on how to get this system up and running, hopefully it will provide secure communication for this ongoing project.


  1. Joseph miles shaffer 1-25-87 and girlfriend Tracie Secord (czerneski, pullman) 10/04/76 police informants/snitches for several counties and federal marshalls out of lansing michigan now living in dewitt, michigan

    1. Of the two, Czerneski is probably the most dangerous. A sociopath. She ruins every life she touches with her evilness. I pray to God & the Powers that Be, that he will take her out of society as soon as possible. An unfit mother, an adulterous wife, a thief, a liar & USER. A person who cannot say No to herself. Proof positive is her obesity. She can not see what every one else sees. An UGLY person inside & out.

  2. Czerneski, Tracie Morane(nee Secord) is a dangerous sociopath that preys on the weak & niave. She will appear to be friendly & imagines herself to be of higher intelligence than the average person. She has turned her own brother in to the Federal Marshalls in order to give herself a way out of the many retail frauds & other scrapes she has had w/ the law. With her record & that of her Mother, Cindy Prater- Garcia (Secord-Farr), a pattern of criminal activities have been set down at a very early age. Beware all who meet her! her goal is to connive/thieve what she wants w/o working for it. She may be still enrolled at LCC. Beware all men. Czerneski flaunts her obese body w/a special showing of her large bosom to lure men into her web, once in, they seldom emmerge. She will destroy the mans life. Czerneski has destroyed the life of her ex-husband Chad Czerneski, she spent most of his midical settlement & once the $ was gone she ruined him. Thanks to her specail work, he is now on the sexual predator web page. This was after Chad prooved Tracie to be an unfit mother & had her 2 youngest kids taken away from her. BEWARE! She is a SNITCH in the biggest way. The biggest USER the world has ever seen.

    1. Not to mention the STD she carries. Herpes & PID to name a few. Mental & emotionally sick for sure.....and how she has ruined the young lives of her children. she should be put away for that in it self.....

  3. She has turned her own brother in to the Federal Marshalls in order to give herself a way out of the many retail frauds & other scrapes she has had w/ the law.

  4. I would really like to know who wrote these I could laugh in their face! Whoever you should consider writing a screen play in regards to ALL of your ludicrous fantasies. Your imagination and your intellect by far exceeds the true writer of this story. I applaud you! However, I must say, that after the 3rd accusation and obvious use of slander..I was dissapointed that there wasn't more to the story....good opening, but quickly lost my attentio. By the repetitivenes. Better luck next time with your new victims. Oh..a word of really should use ficticious this type of public accusation could result in a few problems.

  5. While I SHOULD post my name, I won't for personal reasons and fear of retaliation from MR. CHAD CZERNESKI (the author of all the original posts about Tracie Czerneski on this sight) I personally know ALL of the individuals mentioned in Mr. Czerneski's post and can assure you that every single word out of Chad's mouth is a lie. He twists and turns things, people, and situations to his benefit without taking into consideration the TRUE victims in his web of lies...HIS CHILDREN! Tracie Czerneski is not a police informant. (Believe me!) Is she perfect? No. Does she deserve all of the lies and accusations being made by Chad? Certainly not! I know her to be a loving, caring, devoted wife AND mother. The truth is, Mr. Czerneski grew tired of using her and cast her aside with nothing but the clothes on her back. He was so good at hiding his true nature (and money), that Tracie was blind sided. He then went to work on destroying her life and the lives of those she cared for. Yes, he is on the sex offenders list. Not because of her, but because he chose to molest her then 14 year old sister. If you look into court documents, Tracie did not testify against Chad at any point, nor was she called as a witness of any kind. To insinuate that she is behind his criminal problems in any way is ridiculous. Mr. Czerneski has been proven to be a fraud in both Eaton, Clinton, and Ingham County courts. I saw the judge's order/rulings from all 3 counties. The only threat to society I see, is him. The ones to feel sorry for? His children. (the 3 he claims and the 4 he doesn't)

  6. Mary Guerra 29, of oak cliff, dallas, texas Fbi informant agent who sets up people to turn them in. She currently resides in grand prairie texas

  7. Bitch leaves her kids back in 2012 snitched on her own brother showed them were he lived and started all this nonsense! Bitch been away from her kids for 4 years is a dope head,, bitch dutches everyday is 35 wtf yes 35 aint got no commen sense no mind of respect! Smh Dorothy Guerra is a liar and crackhead and worse than a dog couldnt even keep her government apt paid off car smh dumb hoe! Leaves dirty as spanties around the house lmfao
