Federal Politics

Misbehaving federal MPs who've stood aside

Sussan Ley isn't the only MP who has been forced to stand aside amid controversy.

Here are other government MPs who've had to move on since the Coalition came to power in 2013. 

Sussan Ley

The health minister stood aside on Monday amid an investigation into her taxpayer-funded trips to the Gold Coast.

Arthur Sinodinos

The man now filling in for Ms Ley stood aside as assistant treasurer in 2014 during a NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry into a company he chaired.


Bronwyn Bishop

The veteran Liberal resigned as speaker in 2015 amid revelations she took a $5000 helicopter ride between Melbourne and Geelong to attend a Liberal fundraiser

Jamie Briggs

Resigned from the frontbench in late 2015 over inappropriate behaviour toward a female public servant during a taxpayer-funded trip to Hong Kong.

Mal Brough

Resigned from the frontbench in 2016 amid a police investigation into his alleged role in the Peter Slipper-James Ashby affair.

Stuart Robert

Resigned from the frontbench in 2016 after witnessing the signing of a mining deal and holding discussions with government officials during a personal trip to China.

It's not only government MPs...

Sam Dastyari

Resigned from Labor's frontbench in 2016 after admitting he asked a Chinese businessman to foot the bill when he exceeded his parliamentary entitlement for travel.