Erelle's Urgent Situation.

$11,595 of $30,000 goal

Raised by 156 people in 23 months
Mission Serenity  Nerang, QLD
Two years ago Erelle Mason and her partner Scott Martin lost their beloved 3 week old baby boy Mason to SIDS.
The tragedy of this event has had a profound effect on Erelle's and Scott's life and she has struggled to keep her life going.

On the morning of Saturday 14/ 1/2017 at 2am at Halls Head in WA while she and Scott were asleep in their apartment, a man unknown to them both, broke into their home and stabbed Scott to death as he slept.
Erelle awoke and challenged the man who said he was going to kill her too.
She attacked him and fought solidly to protect herself. In the struggle she was hit in the face several times with an object or objects causing facial injuries and smashing her front teeth and suffering damage to both eyes. The psychological damage can not be underestimated.

Erelle's life has been virtually destroyed for now. Her will to go on is strongly degraded.
Her face is a mess and her teeth have been badly damaged.
Everytime she looks into the mirror and sees her image she will relive the horror of this dreadfull event and the loss of Scott.

Your help can litteraly save this life.
The photo above is of Erelle when she had an exciting destiny. Now in her early thirties, she still has time to turn her life around. While your help can never bring back Scotty and Mason, it can restore her damged faith in human nature.
Please help.

Graham Hood.
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Update 4
Posted by Mission Serenity
23 months ago
Dear Friends and Donors.

We are pleased to advise that Erelle is on the mend physically and mechanisms are now underway to support her healing.
Offers of support have been received that will ensure that the physical scars will be well attended to.

With this in mind and bearing in mind the costs of the proposed administration of funds we proposed, it has been seen to be more prudent to have the funds applied directly to Erelle.

This has given her an independence and a chance to start a new life in her own hands.

Therefore all donations received will go directly to her in 7 days.
We understand that this is a change for some of you and we are therefore happy to arrange a refund to anyone who feels so inclined.

If we do not receive a refund request within 5 days of this post we will assume that you are happy with this arrangement and your funds will go where they are sorely needed.

Requests for a refund can be made to us through this site by way of a message.

Your support has been invaluable and you have truly made a difference.

Her family at this time is focussed solely on saying goodbye to Scott. May he rest in peace knowing that he will be very sorely missed by mates and family.

Graham Hood
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Update 3
Posted by Mission Serenity
23 months ago
Dear supporters and friends.
I am reviewing the comments associated with your donations and they are very humbling.
I know many of you and I know your circumstances in some cases. I know that some of you are struggling.
This makes your contributions even more humbling.

There will come a time soon when these messages of love and support will kick in where they are most needed.

God bless you all.

Graham Hood.
+ Read More
Update 2
Posted by Mission Serenity
23 months ago
Dear friends and contributors.
I have an update that is pleasing and reassuring to all who are following this and supporting this campaign.

Firstly Erelle's current condition.
She has received extensive medical examination yesterday and is improving. Facial swelling is reducing and her sight is coming back.
We are delighted to announce that a Dentist in Halls Head has extended an offer of their services to start work on her teeth and we are overwhelmed at their generosity and that of all of you who have supported this campaign.

We have also, through the WA police, started a process to obtain some funds through Victims Of Crime to cover some of the expenses that are able to be covered under their terms and conditions.

This we know for certain.

Your messages of support and the monies given so freely has restored her faith in humanity and has been a ray of sunshine at this time.
We ask that your thoughts and prayers be directed to Scott's family who are grieving the loss of a dearly beloved Son, Brother and family member.

God bless you and thank you for your continued support.

Graham Hood.
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Update 1
Posted by Mission Serenity
23 months ago
Dear supporters. Words fail us. We are overwhelmed with your love and support. When Erelle is in the right place we will sir with her and go through your messsages of support.
Thank you all so much for bringing some sunshine into her life at this dark time.
Family are rallied around her and her physical condition slowly improves as swelling subsides.
God bless you all from the depths of our hearts we say thank you. Graham Hood.
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$11,595 of $30,000 goal

Raised by 156 people in 23 months
Created January 15, 2017
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20 months ago
Customers & Staff Gidge Rural
21 months ago

Our thoughts are with you from Customers and Staff at Gidge Rural.

Greig Lipman
22 months ago

Dear Erelle and family, You have been in our thoughts since we heard of your tragic experiences. We hope and pray for you as you find a way through all this. From friends at Springwood Church (SDA)

Chantal Faulkner
23 months ago
Shirley Lloyd
23 months ago

You are in our thoughts & prayers Erelle, wishing you inner strength at this difficult time. From the ladies at Southern District Weight Watchers

Fran Husband
23 months ago
Pixie Stott
23 months ago
Leah Dawson
23 months ago

I remember you from our days at St Norbert's, Erelle, and had to help. Sending you love and light xxx

Damon Pearce
23 months ago

Our thoughts are with you and your family in this tragic situation, xo

Kathleen Johnson
23 months ago

Sending all the love and prayers possible to this poor woman and family.

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