Darwin Community Arts

Our Journey

By Darwin Community Arts ·  9 mins

What has your town got to celebrate? A group of young people from Darwin have come together using their rhymes, rhythms and moves to show us what this Top End town really has to celebrate.

Late last year twelve young Australians came together at Darwin Community Arts and took part in a six month filmmaking and drama program called Captiv8.

The young crew, all members of Multicultural Youth NT, came from a variety of cultural backgrounds and decided they wanted to make a short film sharing their own stories about their family’s journey to Australia and the life they have made here since.

Faced with many of the same issues and challenges that affect multicultural youth across urban Australia – these young people have decided to use their own cultural weapons – their rhymes, rhythms and moves to come together and take on the under currents of racism and fear that still move through modern Australia.

They wanted people to know not only about the challenges of setting up life in a new country, but also what needs to be celebrated: the new hope Australia has given them and their desire to contribute to a thriving multicultural community.

The group collaborated with a number of local filmmakers, drama practitioners and musicians to come up with the concept of ‘Our Journey’ – a musical documentary celebrating resilience and diversity in Darwin. As a group they planned the whole film out, learnt filmmaking techniques, wrote their own music and lyrics and then practised a lot.

With 2013’s theme for Refugee Week ‘Restoring Hope’, these young people show that despite our differences, it is only by coming together as a community we can share and celebrate our common humanity.

Congratulations to the Captiv8 crew!

Captiv8 is a filmmaking and drama program run by Darwin Community Arts, in partnership with Multicultural Youth NT. The program was supported by Scanlon Foundation and the Australian Government’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Published 18 Jun 2013.  Darwin NT 0800


  • Anna

    I love this short film. I had been living in Melbourne. When I had to go back to Vietnam, I said goodbye to Melbourne with lots of tears. :). Melbourne just likes my second home country. I love this place.

  • Sophia

    Love this video. Thank you for briliant clip!

  • Melanie Lotfali

    This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for all the creativity, consultation, and determination that must be behind this. We will share it with the young people with whom we work in the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program all of whom share your goal of enlightened, diverse and united communities.

  • Kustiana

    Love it

  • Suzanne

    What a great clip. These young people demonstrate resilience and show there is hope for us all to combat racism. Music is a great medium to reach all people. Well done to everyone involved.

  • Sunny

    Great song, great combination & thats really Australian stype. Love it

  • Maria Da Silva

    I'm from Brasil, my husband was Greek and my baby was born at Australia...She was grow up at Italy...We are back to Australia last year and were had soon many discriminition on this place...but they are many like us where....what make Australia special !

  • parth

    Hey, it's awsome have you mp3 version of it

  • Kamryn and Hayley

    Hi Guys Its me Kamryn and my friend hailey we watched the video and for the 1st time ( 2nd for me) it was very good For the second time i loved it more then last time :) we love dancing I love singing and music

  • Kamryn Halfpenny

    Very inspiring. All of it was awesome. She is a wonderful Singer. I would love to meet those people in the video. I love music and dancing and singing.

  • Peter Sobey

    Saw this on ABC last night. Absolutely beautiful. It gives me hope for the future.

  • Annie

    Fantastic video - lots of really good thoughts. Well done guys.

  • Dorothy

    this is very beautiful people from different countries when they gather together

  • Simon Johnson

    I have just finished watching BTN and was disappointed to hear them say that only 2 aboriginals have been on the Australian cricket team, the very first Aus cricket team in the late 1800s was made up of native australians. Regards Simon Johnson

  • Michael Desimone


  • Kim Wirth

    Good Stuff! Whenever I'm living in the "South" as I am now (Brisbane) I miss the more multi cultural environment of the North, Queensland and Northern Territory.

  • Peta Khan

    Yes - I believe there was some inspiration form the legendary 1 Giant Leap!

  • Michael Bromage

    I enjoy hearing the different accents and enthusiasm to learn about each other's cultures. The film style is kind of like a mini 1 Giant Leap except that the whole world is in Darwin. Awesome!

  • Peta Khan

    Love your work DCA! Being a part of the facilitation team on this project was inspiring - these young people are my true teachers.

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