Action diary

Diary of upcoming anti-fascist mobilisations, as well as right wing events we encourage you to organise against. Email or leave a comment below to let us know of other events.


Sat 26th: No fascists in Bolton!






9 responses

18 06 2014
Ross knight

I’m interested in joining the Colchester anti EDL demo on 12th July! Please could I some details of where its starts etc…
Kind regards

18 06 2014

best bet is to stay in touch with essex anti-fascists:

we will also circulate info as soon as it becomes available. thanks!

17 01 2015


Trying to find a facebook page for the 7th march manchester antifa march but not having any joy – can you provide a link?

Thanks a lot

18 01 2015
17 01 2015
ali unityof peoples

Live in Scotland only have limited access on phone. Please update where applicable. Peace out!

20 11 2015
Karl Sadil (Bangor & Ynys Mon Peace & Justice Group)

North Wales action 21/11/15
Antifa section to assemble in council car park for 12:30pm start
Llangefni, Anglesey, North Wales

Counterdemo and antifa rally ‘Diversity’ with local politicians and other speakers at car park and outside council buildings, followed by a march.

To oppose the Llangefni march and rally by fascist racist group NW Infidels, taking place at the same time. They are against Muslims, immigrants etc.

8 02 2016

Hi, looking for any info on the Norwich movement? I’ve looked on the FB page but it hasn’t been updated since April. Thanks!

10 02 2016

I’m afraid we aren’t aware of any active antifascist groups in Norwich at the moment. Maybe you could start one?

24 02 2016

Thanks for the reply, ok i will look in to it, Got quite alot going on At the moment so i can’t devote alot of time.

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