Weekend Action Diary

2 06 2016

There’s a lot going on this weekend for Antifascists. Here, we’ve rounded up the main demonstrations, and what’s going on.



Bristol: On Saturday, a group of Fascists called the “South West Infidels” have announced a march through Bristol. Bristol Antifascists have announced a public counter-protest, saying:

Nazi fascists want to march through Bristol on 4th June. We have other plans.

Hitler idolizing South West Infidels have called for a ‘Unity’ demo in an attempt to finally make their mark on Bristol. In Liverpool they scrawled swastikas in a corner while being confined by the police for their own protection as hundreds of locals stopped them from marching, in Dover they were stopped in their tracks by antifascists from around the country. Let’s show them what Bristol thinks of fascism too!

Bristol has a long and proud history of working class organisation, solidarity and resistance.
Nazis will be beaten by a solid and overwhelming community response.
Be part of it and show zero tolerance of fascism in our city.

Antifascists are meeting up at 11am at the Fountains in the city centre. More info on the facebook event here.

Follow @BristolAntifa on twitter or Bristol Antifascists on facebook for updates.


BWPOSTER.pngOn the same day, a small group called “South Coast Resistance” have called a flash-mob style demonstration in Brighton. Local antifasicst/anti-racist coalition “Stop the March for England” have called a counter demo, meeting at the Brighton Station at 11am.


On the 4th of June, a group of far-right racists want to protest in Brighton against refugees.

The group, calling themselves “South Coast Resistance” or “Pie and Mash Squad” say they’re opposed to our city hosting any refugees whilst British people are homless. In reality, this is simply an excuse for their undisguised racism. These fascists don’t care about homelessness, they just want to keep refugees out. The reason for the homelessness in Brighton isn’t the (frankly pathetically small) amount of refugees we’re taking in, it’s the government selling off all the council stock, closing homeless shelters and banning squatting.

Brighton is a city that’s proud of it’s diversity and solidarity. We’ve seen off fascists many times in the past, and we will again.

We’re calling for people to gather at the train station at 10:30am on Saturday 4th June, to show these fascists they’re not welcome in our city. (Please note, the time is likely to change closer to the date. Keep your eyes on our social media for updates.)



Brighton Antifascists getting ready

Follow StopMfE on twitter or facebook for updates. Facebook event here.

Rotherham: PEGIDA have announced a “Silent Protest” through Rotherham on Saturday, and local antifascists are gearing up to oppose them. Meet up at 11:30am in All Saint’s Square. Facebook event here.

Glasgow: The miniscule far-right group The Scottish Defence League are intending to march through Glasgow on Saturday. Local UAF and G161 Crew are opposing them. Meet up at George Square in the centre of town at midday to oppose them. Facebook event here.



Leeds: Leeds Antifascists have issued an emergency callout for Sunday 5th June. For several weeks running, open neo-nazis from the BNP and National Action have been running a stall for the “Vote Leave” campaign in the town centre. Local Antifascists are asking for people to be in the town centre at 10:30am. There’ll be a contact number released nearer the time. Full details on the Leeds AFN blog here.


Far Right activists holding a stall in Leeds City Centre. From left to right: Jack Coulsen (National Action), Mark Collett (formerly BNP), Eva Van Housen, Wayne Bell (National Action) and Ian Roper (formerly BNP).




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