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michael gordon
Political editor of The Age. Author of Playing to Win and other titles on football, politics, surfing, reconciliation and asylum seekers.
michael gordon 10月21日
Essendon rookie Jake Long: my island home - via
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michael gordon 10月21日
Hockey's farewell speech a potpourri of self-deprecation and denial - via
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michael gordon 10月21日
Very fine piece by Tony Wright on Joe Hockey via
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michael gordon 10月21日
Statesmanlike, generous and fitting tribute from bill shorten to joe hockey.
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michael gordon 10月18日
Turnbull's stunning ascendancy to fuel early poll talk - via
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michael gordon 10月18日
The return of the big picture? via
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michael gordon 10月18日
Labor smashed in latest Fairfax-Ipsos poll as Coalition surges under Malcolm Turnbull - via
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michael gordon 10月16日
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michael gordon 10月16日
Paul Keating says it's time to deal with 'unfinished business' of treaty - via
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michael gordonさんがリツイート
lehmo 10月11日
Congratulations on a ripping career After 100+ games and 2 flags you'll always be a Hawk!
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michael gordon 10月5日
Good news for Nauru asylum seekers masks grim reality - via
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michael gordon 10月3日
AFL grand final 2015: Grand finale for a season like no other - via
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michael gordon 10月3日
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michael gordon 9月28日
Terrific back page headline in The Age
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michael gordon 9月25日
Malcolm's conundrum: stop the brutalising but don't start the boats via
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michael gordon 9月25日
My story on the tragedy of Manus Island.
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michael gordon 9月25日
Malcolm's conundrum: stop the brutalising but don't start the boats - via
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michael gordonさんがリツイート
Fergus Hunter 9月21日
Oh I do love it when goes to PJK for comment.
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michael gordon 9月20日
Turnbull's radical recast leaves an angry rump on the outer - via
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michael gordon 9月20日
Graceless dummy spit by Kevin Andrews.
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