ACT News

Canberra weather: capital to experience five days above 35 degrees

Canberrans have already sweated through more hot days than usual - and this week is expected to be just as warm.

An average January will record 2.8 days above 35 degrees. Already the ACT has experienced three days above 35 with two more expected this week.

Tuesday is forecast to be 37 degrees while Wednesday is predicted to reach a top of 36 degrees.

A low-intensity heatwave will settle over the territory until Thursday.

Bureau of Meteorology meteorologist Neale Fraser said Canberra would remain "relatively dry" throughout the week with none of the wild winds of last Friday expected.

"You've got three or more days when it's well in the 30s and in the high 20s for the rest of the week, then back to the low to mid-30s next week," Mr Fraser said.

"Friday we'll start to see some decent rainfall with showers and thunderstorms."

The average temperature for January is 31.8 degrees. Friday saw a maximum of 39.6 followed by a freak windstorm blowing gusts of up to 69 kilometres per hour.