Inside James Packer's Crown China nightmare

James Packer, the company's biggest shareholder, would see his stake in Crown fall by more than half a billion dollars ...
James Packer, the company's biggest shareholder, would see his stake in Crown fall by more than half a billion dollars after the arrests of 18 employees in China. Xaume Olleros

The first hint of trouble came in the western Chinese city of Chengdu. It was just after 8pm on Thursday of last week and police were knocking on the door of a Crown Resorts employee they suspected of breaching the country's tough anti-gambling laws. By chance he was not at home.

But watched over by his wife and young child the police began to search his house seizing laptops, tablets, and anything else that could determine the scope of Crown's activities on the mainland.

It was a scene repeated across the country that night and into the early hours of the next morning, in one of the biggest moves against a foreign company ever seen in China.

When the police were finished they had staged 20 raids in four cities and had 18 Crown employees, including three Australians, in custody on suspicion of committing "gambling crimes". Over the next week, more than $1.7 billion would be wiped off Crown's market value as the company struggled to make contact with its staff and its business strategy – with a focus on Chinese high-rollers – lay in tatters.

Events relating to the arrest of Crown employees in China.
Events relating to the arrest of Crown employees in China.

James Packer, the company's biggest shareholder, would see his stake in Crown fall by more than half a billion dollars.

But before any of this had played out the two Crown employees' fortunate enough to be out of the country during the raids would go into hiding, leaving their families behind and knowing it could be years before a return to China was possible.

Four hours after that first raid, 2000km to the east of Chengdu, Jason O'Connor, the man in charge of overseeing Crown's big-spending international clients, was being picked up in Shanghai. One source has told AFR Weekend O'Connor was detained at the airport, but it is unclear if he was taking a domestic flight or trying to flee the unfolding chaos.

Occasional visitor

O'Connor, a "mild-mannered accountant" and father of two, who was said to be uncomfortable with "glad-handing" high rollers, was only an occasional visitor to China. This suggests authorities had waited for a senior Crown executive to be in the country before launching their strike.

Studio City casino resort, developed by Melco Crown Entertainment operates under special provisions relating Macau's ...
Studio City casino resort, developed by Melco Crown Entertainment operates under special provisions relating Macau's status within China. Xaume Olleros

At the same time as moving on O'Connor, a separate team was on the outskirts of Shanghai at the apartment of Jiang Ling.

The Crown employee, who processed visas for the group's VIP clients, was at home with her American husband watching television when five plain-clothed officers knocked on the door. They were later joined by a uniformed officer and would spend the next two hours questioning Jiang and searching the flat. They took away her laptop, iPad and phone.

"We thought it was nonsense," says her husband Jeff Sikkema who works at a logistics company. "I didn't even go with her to the police station. I thought she would be back before I was up. Now I wish I had gone."

At this stage, Crown was unaware of the police operation against its staff.

Jiang Ling's detention notification, hand delivered to Mr Sikkema's home on on Sunday.
Jiang Ling's detention notification, hand delivered to Mr Sikkema's home on on Sunday. Supplied

It wasn't until the next morning, on a golf course in the gaming hub of Macau, that Michael Chen, Crown's head of international marketing, was alerted his entire team in China could not be contacted.

Crown staff in Macau, the only place in China where gambling is legal, had sensed something was wrong that Friday morning when routine phone calls checking on the progress of work items had gone unanswered. It was then Crown went into crisis mode.

Warning signs

But while the scale and scope of the operation was a surprise, warning signs had been around for months that the Chinese government was serious about cracking down on the flow of money from the mainland to foreign casinos.

"We thought it [the initial raid] was nonsense," says Jiang Ling's husband Jeff Sikkema.
"We thought it [the initial raid] was nonsense," says Jiang Ling's husband Jeff Sikkema. Supplied

Macau, which like Hong Kong is part of Greater China but has a degree of autonomy, had watched its gaming revenue slump by more than a third in the previous two years as President Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign and austerity drive began to bite.

The Macau government complained loudly to Beijing that while its casinos were suffering, those in Australia, the Philippines and South Korea were thriving as high-stakes gamblers from the mainland headed elsewhere to avoid detection from Chinese authorities.

In response, the Chinese government launched "Operation Break Chain" in February last year to cut the ties between big spending gamblers and foreign casinos.

Just a few months later it arrested more than a dozen staff from two South Korean casino companies, who have since been released, some of them as recently as this week. All the while, according to one company insider, at Crown's Chinese operations it was "business as usual".

A car carrying Australian consular officials enters the Shanghai Detention Centre.
A car carrying Australian consular officials enters the Shanghai Detention Centre. Dave Tacon

On Friday of last week, as the hours dragged on and there was no contact with mainland staff it became increasingly clear; Australia's largest casino operator was facing a situation in China over which it had no control.

Chen would later tell AFR Weekend "the situation is very fluid and I can't say anything as there are families involved".

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was alerted by the company later on Friday, but like Crown there was little they could do except wait for official notification and draft a statement for when the story inevitably broke.

Detention rumours

By evening rumours about the uncontactable employees came back to The Australian Financial Review in Sydney.

Both Crown and DFAT confirmed the suspected detentions later on Friday and the AFR's breaking news went live at 12:40am on Saturday.

"To my knowledge every single Crown employee in China was detained," says Sikkema.

This was done via raids in Chengdu, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai.

Crown's senior international VIP manager Jason O'Connor who was uncomfortable with "glad handling" high rollers.
Crown's senior international VIP manager Jason O'Connor who was uncomfortable with "glad handling" high rollers. Supplied

Two of the Australians, Pan Dan and O'Connor, were detained in Shanghai, while the other, Jerry Xuan, was picked up outside Beijing.

Confirmation of Xuan's location was only received on Monday when Chinese authorities officially notified consular officials that three Australians were in custody, as is required under a bilateral agreement between the two countries.

Sikkema would wait 2½ days to know the fate of his wife. It was Sunday before Shanghai police came knocking once more on his apartment door and confirmed their earlier visit was anything but "nonsense".

This time they brought with them an official detention notice, which showed Jiang, who also uses the English name Jenny, had been registered as an inmate at the Shanghai Detention Centre at 3:50pm on Friday. She had been detained for suspected involvement in gambling crimes under Article 80 of China's procedural criminal code, according to the notice.

Safety priority

No other detention notices were served at the time and in the case of Xuan, who was moved from the country's north to Shanghai, it took more than a day for Crown to even find him, according to one person familiar with the matter.

Crown chairman James Packer hinted at the scramble to locate his colleagues on Tuesday. "Our No.1 priority is to be able to make contact and to ensure they [the employees] are all safe," he said in a statement.

In a surprisingly honest admission later that day, Trade Minister Steve Ciobo conceded there was little the federal government could do to help the detained Australians. "There is limited scope for Australia to intervene in relation to these matters," he told Bloomberg TV.

This is the reality of China.

Expensive lawyers and the intervention of foreign governments mean little once a person has been caught up in the country's opaque justice system.

"This is where it gets really scary because no one can help, not the consulate, not the government and not your lawyer," said one long-time Shanghai resident.

Such is now the fate of the three Australians, one Malaysian and 14 Chinese nationals who are now housed in two Shanghai detention centres.

Charges delay

They can be held for 37 days before charges are laid and could wait another 1½ years before coming before a judge.

"The first 37 days is the golden time to secure release," says former inmate Matthew Ng who spent four years in a Chinese jail before being transferred back to Australia and released in June.

"Trust me, you don't want to be there," Ng says of any detention centre in China. "They cut you off from the world."

Family visits are not allowed and consular officials can check on detainees once a month, although they can apply for additional visits.

Even handing over basic necessities is difficult, as Sikkema discovered on Wednesday. It took his father-in-law five hours to drop off underwear and daily necessities. Despite having the correct documents the sole person able to receive these items was not there. "It is unbelievably frustrating that I can't do anything in this situation," says Sikkema.

He is also frustrated that his wife has been detained when she is in charge of only administrative work, including the processing of visas.

But in recent years this has emerged as a central part of Crown's operations in China.

The company has built its business model around high rollers and after three decades of explosive economic growth and extraordinary wealth creation, many of those happen to be in China.

'Sky's the limit'

"For the true high rollers, the sky is the limit," says gaming industry consultant Sudhir Kale, also a professor at Bond University. "Private jets, exclusive villas, dedicated butlers, chefs cooking exotic Chinese dishes, shopping sprees and walk-in money," he says.

Following Xi's anti-corruption campaign, more and more wealthy Chinese gamblers now prefer to deal directly with the gaming companies. In the past, casinos have dealt mainly with VIP junket operators, which organise groups of so-called "whales" to visit casinos, paying for their accommodation and facilitating their lines of credit in return for a commission.

This shift away from junket operators forced Crown and other foreign casinos to devote more resources to the Chinese high rollers.

Leads were followed up, credit terms negotiated and debts collected. Potential and current clients were wooed with gifts, and when a sale was secured, the logistics were organised.

In Crown's case, all the employees in China worked from home, suggesting the company wished to remain low-profile. While organising and marketing gambling activities is illegal in China, casinos are allowed to promote the non-gaming aspects of their resorts.

One former professional gambler says casinos lure high rollers with lavish gifts, ranging from expensive handbags to private jet transfers. These are known as "comps" in the industry and depend on the "theoretical value of each player".

"They basically work out how much they can make out of each player," he says.

From this calculation they are generally prepared to spend 30 per cent of this profit on "comps".

"You can have anything you want," said the former gambler.

Complimentary suites

At Crown this could range from tennis tickets, to a suite that spans the entire top floor of its hotel in Melbourne, complete with gambling tables that mean not leaving the room is an option.

But the Chinese players who have frequented these suites in recent years are now likely to be less willing to make the trip to Melbourne. China's investigation into Crown will also threaten its casino in Perth and muddy plans for the group's $2 billion six-star hotel and casino resort at Barangaroo in Sydney.

Company executives tried to play down the impact at the annual general meeting on Thursday, insisting that high-stakes gamblers from China account for less than 12 per cent of total revenue, but some analysts believe it is significantly more.

This means little to the families of the detained employees, who have no immediate way of contacting their loved ones.

On Friday morning, as a typhoon headed towards mainland China, two consular officials made their way to visit the three Australians at the Shanghai Detention Centre. They will be hoping for clarity around the timing and nature of any charges.

As former Australian Ambassador Geoff Raby wrote on Thursday in The Australian Financial Review, "in China's opaque system where administrative edict governs rather than the rule of law, one of the biggest challenges is trying understand exactly why someone has been arrested and what charges are being made".

"The arrests show a strategy that would have involved decisions at the highest levels of the Chinese government," he wrote.