Election Explorer 2016

Election Explorer 2016

Poll of polls

The Australian Financial Review's exclusive Poll of polls allows you to see how federal polling numbers have changed over time. The interactive graphic draws on a database of polls from Faixfax/Ipsos, Newspoll (by Galaxy), Essential, Roy Morgan, ReachTEL and Galaxy.

Poll of polls

The Australian Financial Review's exclusive Poll of polls allows you to see how federal polling numbers have changed over time. The interactive graphic draws on a database of polls from Faixfax/Ipsos, Newspoll (by Galaxy), Essential, Roy Morgan, ReachTEL and Galaxy.

Poll of polls

The Australian Financial Review's exclusive Poll of polls allows you to see how federal polling numbers have changed over time. The interactive graphic draws on a database of polls from Faixfax/Ipsos, Newspoll (by Galaxy), Essential, Roy Morgan, ReachTEL and Galaxy.

Understanding the polls

Guide to the polls The insiders' guide to political polls

When it comes to polls there's usually something for everyone, but finding the true lay of the political land can be difficult for voters without inside access.

Explaining Newspoll (by Galaxy) This is not your mother's Newspoll

What many don't realise is that the "new Newspoll" published in The Australian now uses robo-polling and online surveys, and has only existed since last July.

Leader attributes Polls show how Turnbull has disappointed voters

Voters have gone from swooning over Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his government in late 2015 to steadily turning back towards Labor this year.


No change Election 2016: Polls show campaign ending where it started

The headline number in the last Ipsos poll before Saturday's election tells the same story of a tightly locked battle with the major parties going into the election at 50-50.

No change Campaign fails to shift voters, Labor and the Coalition still tied

Two weeks of fierce campaigning have failed to shift voters with a new poll showing the major parties evenly matched and the July 2 election still too close to call.

Eight weeks to go Eight weeks to go and it's too close to call

The July 2 federal election is shaping as a cliffhanger with neither Labor nor the Coalition beginning the 56-day campaign holding a clear lead, while the personal standing of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull continues to decline.

starkest choice The starkest choice in the nature of government in years

The choice for many voters will come down to a simple question: are we prepared to pay the transaction costs involved in moving to our fifth prime minister in less than four years?

Laura Tingle Labor draws level with Coalition as election looms

Support for Malcolm Turnbull and his government has fallen sharply and Labor has moved into contention on the eve of a critical week of Parliament that could trigger a double dissolution election for July 2.

Phillip Coorey Turnbull's star falling but it still outshines Shorten's

​Malcolm Turnbull's star is falling fast but he still outshine's rival Bill Shorten in the majority of leadership attributes, including trust, vision, competency and grasp of economic policy.

Laura Tingle Two-thirds of voters back Labor's call for royal commission into banks

Almost two-thirds of voters support Labor's call for a royal commission into the banks, according to a new poll.

Phillip Coorey Shorten's biggest asset could be no one thinks he can win

The Fairfax Ipsos poll has confirmed other published opinion polls in putting the major parties neck and neck on a two party preferred basis.

Laura Tingle PM back in the land of the political mortals

Alarmed Coalition MPs might take some comfort from the latest Ipsos numbers. They finished the previous parliamentary fortnight with the idea that the government could face an election loss.

Phillip Coorey Government holds lead but Turnbull's star falls

The Turnbull government has a comfortable lead over Labor just months from the next election, but the Prime Minister's personal standing continues to tumble.

Data editor: Edmund Tadros

Senior interactive graphic designer: Les Hewitt

Data editor:
Edmund Tadros

Senior interactive graphic designer:
Les Hewitt

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