Budget Explorer 2015-16

Budget Explorer 2015-16

The Australian Financial Review's exclusive Budget Explorer allows you to delve into every major aspect of the federal budget. Source: Budget Papers.

Surplus v deficit Surplus v deficit

See how Labor and the Coalition have managed the federal budget during the past three decades and the reforms they have put in place.

Revenue v expense Revenue v expense

Explore how the government plans to raise revenue and where it plans to spend the money.

Policy Decisions v the Economy Revenue v expense

Compare the impact of government policy decisions and factors outside the government’s control on the budget bottom line.

Treasurers The Treasurers

Use this tool to compare the budget performance of the current and past federal treasurers.

Budget speeches Budget Speeches

Explore the language the current and past Treasurers have used to explain their budgets.

Budget Calculator Budget calculator

See how the government's budget plans will impact individuals and small businesses.

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