Australia's 2 million real estate investors and what they pay in tax

Investors own 2.6 million Australian homes.
Investors own 2.6 million Australian homes. Jessica Shapiro

Australia's housing investors earned $51.2 billion in gross capital gains in 2015 – enough to make property taxation an important electoral battleground.

Labor leader Bill Shorten wants to curb the benefits of negative gearing and concessional capital gains tax, while Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says such changes could hit house prices.

In a new Profile of the Australian Residential Property Investor, leading real estate research firm CoreLogic looks at the numbers behind the sector which, with 2.6 million homes and a total value of $1.37 trillion, is not much smaller in size than the $1.5 trillion stock market.

CoreLogic's research director in Asia Pacific, Tim Lawless, said the Profile provided a "comprehensive picture". He did not recommend one policy or the other, or comment on the impact the Labor policy might have on housing values.

Total net rent over time
Total net rent over time

"We are already in a marketplace showing sights of weakening," he said. "Our forecasts suggest a reduction in the rate of capital gain in 2016 and some falls in 2017. How much policy changes would affect that is anyone's guess."

Mr Lawless stressed that housing, owner occupier and investor, had a total value of $6.5 trillion, which is far more than superannuation. Backing 60 per cent of bank balance sheets, it was a "very important asset" class, he said.

"Any policy decisions need to be very carefully thought out," he said. "A policy that involves an erosion of wealth could flow into reduced household consumption at a time when the economy is relying more on consumption to drive growth."

The national president of the Property Council, and chief executive of leading real estate investment trust, Stockland, Mark Steinert, has asserted the changes proposed by Labor could tip the economy into recession.

The Grattan Institute, a long-time critic of negative gearing regime, estimated that the change to the Labor policy would reduce house price growth by 2 per cent.

Australian Financial Review Interactive
Interactive graphic by Les Hewitt

"If you change the price of an asset by 2 per cent, the impact on the economy is pretty small," said Grattan chief executive director John Daly.

Investors earned gross rent of $38.7 billion in 2013-14, a rise of just 1.8 per cent in the year. But they claimed $42.5 billion in deductions, for mortgage payments and other costs, and the net rent, claimed against other income for tax purposes, and lost to the public, was negative $3.71 billion.

CoreLogic noted that the net rent was down 59 per cent since the peak of 2007-08, largely due to falling mortgage costs. The losses could rise again if or when interest rates rise.

Investors do pay tax. In 2013-14, they paid, even at the concessional marginal rate, around $5 billion in capital gains tax on $33 billion of net capital gains. More recent tax collections would be higher.

They also paid a substantial share of the $45.2 billion collected in 2014-15 in in stamp duty, municipal rates, and land tax.

The CoreLogic numbers show that investment properties are cheaper than the general market, with 53 per cent worth less than $500,000. Investors are competing directly with first home buyers but they do not appear to be buying expensive properties to maximise the taxation advantages.

The numbers show that investors take a greater proportion of new properties, 40 per cent in March, than is widely believed.