Why it's time to rebalance your portfolio

Asset allocation is compiling an investment portfolio that suits your investment goals - not putting all your eggs in ...
Asset allocation is compiling an investment portfolio that suits your investment goals - not putting all your eggs in one basket. Michael Mucci

There was a time not so long ago when a few Australian stocks, a bit of cash and a few hybrid notes would have been enough of a spread to score you an adequate to impressive investment return. 

With long bull runs, high‑yielding fixed income choices and good cash rates, investors didn't need to constantly think about asset allocation. Instead, they could just pick their mix of four, sometimes even three, asset classes, then check in very occasionally to make sure the weightings hadn't become distorted.

But times have changed. We now face the prospect of lower returns for a longer period of time, partly due to slowing growth in China, uncertainty around interest rate moves and political question marks. As a consequence, investors now have to be more vigilant in their portfolio construction. For some that has meant taking on slightly more risk to elicit the same results or delving into a new school of asset classes. Both are frightening prospects if the old strategy served them well.

A survey by Financial Review Smart Investor found no investors were "very confident" about their asset mix and fewer than 15 per cent were "confident" (as scored by a 7 or 8 out of 10 on a confidence scale). As such, more than half of investors under age 65 plan to do more to diversify their portfolios this year.

Australian Financial Review Interactive
Interactive graphic by Les Hewitt
Strategies for beating volatile markets
Traditionally, savers looking for a slightly better return would be paid a premium for locking their money away in a term deposit. However, a survey of major providers found the premium was slim to non-existent for all but the longest of terms – two years or more. Researcher Canstar found almost 30 "at-call bonus savings" accounts with rates of 3 per cent or more. The at-call account with the most attractive rate at the moment is ME Online Savings Account, which offers 3.6 per cent for a $20,000 deposit. However to get the bonus 1.8 per cent interest to achieve the total 3.6 per cent rate, account holders must make weekly "tap and go" purchases with a debit Mastercard via a linked transaction account. The next highest rate is ING DIRECT's Savings Maximiser, which requires users to have an Orange Everyday account and deposit $1000 or more each month. Not adhering to the conditions will result in the interest rate reducing from 3.5 per cent to 2.25 per cent. If you're not excited about the terms on at-call accounts, the AMP Saver Account offers the highest bonus‑free rate of 2.6 per cent, according to Canstar. If you have a mortgage, another way to earn higher interest is to open a mortgage offset account, where your cash is, in effect, earning your mortgage rate in the form of reduced interest charges on your loan. "When choosing a deposit account, be mindful of any deposit conditions, spending conditions or limited promotional periods that apply to the advertised interest rate," says Mitchell Watson, Canstar research manager. – Matthew Smith
Private equity is the most well known of the alternative assets, but small-scale investors would be excluded from most deals as they tend to start at $250,000. These opportunities are usually shopped around to institutional investors at the superannuation fund level or consortiums of families or individuals among the high-net-worth investors' set. However, some PE managers have taken their products to the listed market via a listed investment company in recent years, while some firms have provided access to a series of PE funds via a fund of funds structure – both of which have lower minimum investments and are easier to transact. However, they have their shortcomings, says the chairman of the Association of Real Return Investment Advisers, Matthew Walker. While the underlying portfolios of listed PE investment companies fit the alternative category, their structure exposes investors to market movements. Walker also says that fund of fund structures can be expensive because fees are charged both at the underlying manager level as well as by the provider. "Unlisted managed funds are the most true to label and easiest way to access alternative strategies. The challenge is there are not enough to give investors a reasonable amount of choice, but that's changing as more investment firms bring their strategies to market," he says. Market-neutral hedge fund strategies, which are becoming popular, are another alternative. Funds managers – including BlueSky, Ellerston Capital, Watermark and Ironbark Asset Management – have made such funds available to retail investors. Walker says those considering hedge funds should ensure they're investing in "true to label" market-neutral strategies, as only managers without correlation to the equities market can be considered alternative. The concept of investing in alternative asset classes ensures investors are able to diversify away from equity market risk, he explains. Venture capital, encapsulating early stage and start-up funding, also comes under the alternative banner. The federal government has proposed making individual investing in early stage start-ups more attractive through tax concessions. The proposals are yet to be debated but include a 20 per cent non-refundable tax offset, and capital gains exemption for investments held between three and 10 years. – Matthew Smith
There are more ways than ever for investors to address their domestic equities bias and go global. The evolution of exchange-traded funds, listed investment companies and trading technology have lowered the barriers for individuals to invest overseas. Funds management firms are also increasingly focusing efforts on overseas markets. Platinum Asset Management, Magellan Group, BT Investment Management, Henderson Group and Macquarie all have dedicated overseas investment strategies with established track records. Specialist Australian equities funds manager Perpetual recently started pushing its overseas strategy to investors, while Hyperion Asset Management, Watermark and Greencape have also broadened their mandates to start investing more offshore. Increasingly, the question for investors is not how to invest offshore but when is the best time to deploy the right strategy? Macro strategists, and those who believe in mean reversion theory, say that underperforming emerging markets will be the best place for investors to think about equity market exposure using ETFs. Meanwhile, ASX-listed global LICs currently trading at a discount might be about to benefit from the growing demand for global equities coming from the self-directed superannuation market. Gone are the days when investors would buy shares in ASX-listed companies with overseas earnings, such as CSL or Brambles, and think that's adequate global exposure, says Andrew Reeve-Parker, a principal with Sydney-based NW Advice. His clients' domestic/international equities exposure split is about 30 per cent domestic, up to 20 per cent overseas and the remainder in cash and high-quality fixed income, based on his view that global economic conditions are poor. For exposure to the global equities market, he invests in an S&P; 500 ETF and selects active funds managers in specific areas where they might be able to add value. He tradies ETFs over the S&P; 500 via iShares Core S&P; 500 ETF and BetaShares S&P; 500 Yield Maximiser Fund to capture short-term positive sentiment, but he is wary of rich equity valuations bestowed on large US companies given the artificially low interest rates and on-market buybacks. Volatility in global equities has led Reeve-Parker to take exposure in a US dollar ETF based on the theory that a flight to quality should lead the US currency higher. – Matthew Smith

The good news is that getting exposure to more options – including alternative assets, international shares and fixed income – is getting easier and in some cases cheaper, especially with the advent of exchange-traded funds on the ASX. Advocates say passive ETFs have democratised the retail investment market and provide enough choice to construct an entire portfolio, while active managers say investors need to drill a little deeper to find the opportunities. With the insights of both camps, we think it is possible to construct a portfolio to weather bad markets without sheltering your money completely.

Why it matters

Modern portfolio theory suggests if you share your investments across enough asset classes you can reduce the risk, because each asset class is exposed to different factors to affect its performance. It is those allocations, however, that may need a rethink.  In a low-return world, the traditional 70/30 balanced asset mix you may have put in place six or seven years ago (70 per cent of your exposure in equities and 30 per cent in cash or fixed income) may not be enough to get you to the goal you set when you designed your portfolio, says Jeffrey Johnson, head of Vanguard's Investment Strategy Group

For some clients, this realisation has resulted in moving towards 90/10 in search of the same results. Johnson cautions against dramatic moves up the risk curve without knowing the consequences, but says investors will increasingly have to choose their priorities.

"In a lower-return portfolio, it really forces a question for investors as to what's more important," he says. "If it's more important for an investor to achieve the level of return they've had in the past, it's possible to do that, but it may mean building a more aggressive portfolio.

"On a 10-year basis today, we think a 70/30 portfolio should return somewhere in the 5 to 7 per cent range before inflation. And we would expect, on a longer-term basis, inflation averages about 2 per cent." 

While investors will have to be more active in their choices, the fundamentals of asset allocation remain unchanged, he says. That means knowing what your goal is, knowing when you want to get there, how much risk you are willing to take and, finally, controlling the controllables.

Other factors to consider

Johnson does not believe the current environment requires a move into exotic or historically higher-risk investment vehicles, such as junk bonds, but says there are other factors that can be looked at when revisiting portfolio construction. The obvious, somewhat controllable, factor is risk but others include cost and expectation. "In a lower-return environment, cost eats up a larger share of your returns. We have to be vigilant, as investors, about what we are paying for," he says.

More than half the readers polled aged under 65 said they planned to diversify more heavily in 2016.
InvestSMART model portfolios

Put another way, if you are paying someone to invest for you, you want to be sure they are delivering enough outperformance to justify the fees. Vanguard has done a lot of work around strategic asset allocation, which is broadly defined as arranging your portfolio to meet your goals and needs, and adjusting your strategy as those needs change over time. It also means reweighting from time to time when allocations fall out of sync.

Some investors would perceive this as a "buy and hold" strategy, but Johnson rejects the idea that it's passive. "In order to reach a strategic asset allocation, an investor has to make many key decisions," he says. "They need to decide how much risk they would like in a portfolio, they need to decide how much liquidity; they need to determine their home country bias; decide what sort of tilt they'd like, whether to go for high-income generating bonds; they need to decide on a rebalancing program … the list goes on."

On a goals and needs basis, there is no such thing as a perfect model because what's right for someone else won't necessarily be right for you. However, here are some ideas about how to get the diversification for various risk appetites right.

Ideal v reality

A glance at the ATO's aggregate figures for how SMSFs invested across the asset classes in 2015 may look something like this: a third in Australian shares, a quarter in cash or term deposits, 15 per cent in direct property, 15 per cent in managed funds and the  rest in international stocks and other assets. However, according to Alastair Davidson, director of portfolio health-check service InvestSMART, retail investors' actual portfolios are more likely to be massively overweight either shares or property with only a small holding of cash and/or term deposits to the side.

Depending on your expectations, the above scenarios could see you either taking on too much risk or not hitting your investment targets, Davidson says. With the emergence of a more diverse mix of ETFs covering asset classes such as international equities, fixed interest and currencies, you can essentially follow the same process as a multibillion-dollar investor such as AustralianSuper, according to Davidson.

InvestSMART's portfolio examples use Morningstar asset allocation benchmarks and overlay them with an active tilt, on which investors can base their models. They are long-term portfolios, rebalanced at most on a quarterly basis. "We react to market moves, but by and large what we're doing is strategic asset allocation," he says.

He rejects the suggestion that it's a purely passive approach. "We drill into the asset class and be a bit more precise as to what you should buy. Currently we have higher weightings to emerging markets just because we believe they're undervalued on a long-term, fundamental basis," Davidson says.

Your diversification menu

In the past couple of years, there has been an explosion of new defensive options for retail investors, many of which provide access to asset classes that were previously difficult to access if you didn't have wholesale backing. Top-rated international options include iShares' Global 100 ETF, Vanguard's MSCI Index International Shares ETF and the SPDR S&P; World ex Australia Fund.

Popular infrastructure options, meanwhile, include RARE Infrastructure, Magellan Infrastructure Fund, Transurban, Sydney Airport and Auckland Airport. Those with an appetite for property may be tempted by some of the diversified A-REITS, including Scentre Group and Westfield Holdings.

A key turning point has been the inclusion of fixed-income options on the ASX, which has previously been hard to get into for smaller-end investors, according to Jon Howie, head of iShares Australia. "We really haven't had a fixed income culture [in Australia]," he says.

Given its low correlation with equities, Howie says the fixed-income options may become increasingly popular with retirees. You can build an ETF bond portfolio now if that's what you desire. 

However, not all bonds are created equal, with huge variation in terms of risk and yield. Given the zero rate policies in the US, Japan and across Europe, yield has become harder to find, Vanguard's Johnson says.

Howie sees more opportunities in corporate bonds than in global sovereign bonds. But Johnson cautions against corporate bonds as they carry higher risk.

Again, it comes down to your individual risk tolerance. Options for fixed income now include the SPDR ASX Australian Bond Fund, Russell Australian Corporate Bond ETF and iShares Global Corporate Bond (AUD Hedged) ETF. Howie says iShares is working on options to improve the income offering for Australian investors via ETFs. 

He stands by the academic rigour of portfolio construction theory, but says difficulties have arisen when retail investors try to put those rules into practice for a specific outcome, because they are too expensive, too inaccessible or too complicated. "When the rubber hits the road, it's sometimes difficult for investors to align that to the outcomes they are seeking; that is, 'how much am I going to be able to save for my retirement?'

"There are a number of ETF options, but if we take that traditional mean variance approach – trying to balance the amount of risk we take with the amount of reward – you actually need quite a broad range of assets," Howie says. "Up until the middle of last year, there weren't enough assets on the ASX to do that in an efficient way."

While there's little debate about the variety ETFs have brought to retail investors, the key re-emerging criticism of index investing is that while it levels out the impact of companies that are a drag on your portfolio, it also dilutes the effect of the winners.

A dynamic approach

In the other corner of current asset allocation thinking lies Nader Naeimi, portfolio manager and head of dynamic asset allocation at AMP Capital, who believes the best opportunities cannot be found by buying an index. 

His fund aims to smooth out the impact of market fluctuations for investors with a higher risk tolerance (the fund aims to achieve 4.5 per cent plus CPI). He believes you have to drill down to the sector level and says you have to "buy from the pessimists" to achieve that. Volatility is not risk, he says, and sectors the market dismissed for the wrong reasons can offer the best windfalls in a diversified portfolio.

Theoretically, it means adjusting your asset allocation in anticipation of future market changes. Naeimi looks for assets that fulfil or react positively to five criteria: value; economic cycles; monetary policy; sentiment; and technical indicators (such as breadth indicators). In practice, it makes sectors such as commodities and global energy look far more attractive, he says. Because expectations were depressed, it didn't take much of a turnaround before the fund started seeing good returns from the sectors.

China ticks a lot of boxes for Naeimi. "From our point of view, volatility was high but there was increasing support from central banks, and China shifted its attention from reform to growth," he says. "From a fundamental point of view, we see signs of turnaround in China. China H shares are trading on single P/E multiples."

Another important feature of Naeimi's approach is rebalancing on a semi-regular basis, which he says is a necessary part of asset allocation in a volatile and low‑rate world. "Buy and hold worked really well in the 1980s to 2000, when there was a long bull market and you didn't need any asset allocation. [But] it's very different now. We don't have a long tailwind."
