Worst performance from the top 20 stocks since 1989

Stick to blue chips.
Stick to blue chips.

Unfortunately for investors turning over the calendar to a new financial year won't bring an end to the anxious mood that has whipsawed through the major S&P; ASX 200 Index over the past 12 months.

If anything it's going to get worse.

Ahead is an election in the US in the first half of the new year and already tortured by Europe and Britain's  seemingly intractable exit crisis, fragile market sentiment will be at the whim of central bankers and politicians.

Not a good combination these days with interest rates already at record lows and not doing the trick.

S&P/ASX 200 payout ratio
S&P;/ASX 200 payout ratio

But pick the right stocks and it might not be as bad as you think.

For sure the major index is down around 4 per per cent over the past 12 months, but take away the top 20 stocks, that account for more than 60 per cent of the index and are down close to 13 per cent on their own, and the rest of the sharemarket is up around 10 per cent.

Dig deeper and the returns are there.

For sure the top 100 stocks are down around 6 per cent, but not for the first time it's the small end of town that has the growth.

The small cap index is up around 10 per cent led by stocks like Ingenia, APN News & Media and A2Milk.

▶ Brookfield lobs $9b bid for Asciano ▶ Greece accepts austerity after agreeing to bailout ▶ APRA flags big four banks will need to raise extra $28b capital ▶ TPG Telecom acquires iiNet for $1.6b ▶ The Star Entertainment, beats Crown Resorts in new Brisbane casino bid
▶ Panama Papers unveil global profit shifting and tax avoidance ▶ Westpac sued by ASIC over rate rigging ▶ Malcolm Turnbull (pictured) attacks banks at Westpac’s birthday bash, Labor announces a royal commission ▶ Chinese e-commerce crackdown hits exporters like Blackmores, Bellamy’s, Murray Goulburn ▶ Wesfarmers sacks four Target executives over supplier scandal ▶ RBA warns on apartment glut, McGrath falls 30% on property slump fears ▶ Turnbull calls July 2 election ▶ French group DCNS wins $50b submarine contract
▶ ANZ raises $3b, CBA $5b, NAB $5.5b ▶ Google splits operations, creates parent Alphabet ▶ Coalition leadership spill talk begins ▶ Seek shares plunge after CEO prioritises long-term growth over short-term returns ▶ Qantas swings to a yearly $1b profit, from a $600m loss ▶ Gordon Cairns appointed as Woolworths chairman
▶ Federal budget slashes super tax concessions to fund business tax cuts ▶ RBA cuts cash rate to 1.75% ▶ Philip Lowe appointed as new RBA governor ▶ Colonial First State sells out of Crown Resorts over governance concerns ▶ Oil Search launches $3b takeover bid for InterOil ▶ Wesfarmers books $2b-plus write-downs on Target and Coal businesses ▶ Harry Triguboff tops the BRW Rich List with wealth of $10.6b ▶ Bell Potter broker Angus Aitken sacked after ANZ sexism row
▶ Glencore flags $US10b cost cutting program, raises $US2.5b ▶ Woodside Petroleum bids $11.6b for Oil Search ▶ Malcolm Turnbull replaces Tony Abbott as Prime Minister ▶ Hong Kong’s Biostime buys Swisse Wellness for $1.7b ▶ Volkswagen emissions cheating scandal erupts ▶ Atlassian files documents for NASDAQ IPO
▶ Oliver Curtis found guilty of insider trading, sentenced to at least one year in jail ▶ NAB becomes third bank sued by ASIC over rate rigging ▶ Labor retreats on opposition to billions in spending cuts ▶ Aussie 10-year govt bonds fall below 2% for first time ▶ Crown Resorts moves to spin off international arm ▶ Virgin launches $1b capital raise ▶ ACCC sues Medibank ▶ Coalition pulls plans to private Medicare payments system after Labor scare campaign hurts ▶ Britain votes to leave EU, David Cameron quits, markets panic
▶ Shayne Elliott appointed new ANZ CEO ▶ 12 nations sign up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership ▶ AB InBev pays $68b for SABMiller ▶ IAG relents to shareholder pressure and abandons China expansion plans ▶ Westpac raises $3.5b ▶ Medibank Private CEO George Savvides announces his departure less than a year after the $5.7b float ▶ Santos rejects a $7b takeover bid by Scepter Partners ▶ Dick Smith flags massive pre-Christmas discounting and an advertising blitz to boost sales ▶ Qube takes Asciano stake to block Brookfield bid
▶ Samarco dam collapse at a Brazil iron ore mine part owned by BHP Billiton, kills 19 people ▶ Santos raises $3.5b, offers a 15% placement to Chinese firm Hony Capital ▶ Paris terror attacks ▶ Tatts Group and Tabcorp mull merger ▶ BHP flags it may drop its controversial progressive dividend policy. Share price shares hit a decade low ▶ Treasurer Scott Morrison knocks back Chinese bids for S. Kidman & Co ▶ NSW sells TransGrid for $10.3b
▶ Dick Smith shares fall 70% in a day on massive write-downs ▶ Spotless shares fall almost 40% in a day after a profit warning ▶ Iron ore drops to $US38.30/tonne ▶ Gina Rinehart’s Roy Hill ships first iron ore ▶ Anglo American cuts 85,000 jobs ▶ Atlassian shares surge 32% on debut ▶ Almost 200 countries sign Paris climate accord ▶ James Packer (pictured) begins Crown Resorts privatisation talks, quits board ▶ Michelle Guthrie appointed ABC MD
▶ Dick Smith goes into administration ▶ Blackmores hits all-time high of $220.90 ▶ Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall get engaged, David Bowie dies ▶ Sacked traders allege ANZ tolerates drugs, strippers ▶ Wesfarmers buys Britain’s Home Base for $700m ▶ BHP writes down its shale oil and gas business by $10b ▶ Brent crude hits $US27.88/barrel ▶ Woolies abandons hardware, puts Masters up for sale ▶ Clive Palmer’s Queensland Nickel enters administration ▶ Qube makes a counter-bid against Brookfield for Asciano ▶ Japan cuts rates to below zero
▶ S&P; downgrades BHP credit rating, paving the way for the miner to cut its dividend ▶ BHP, Rio abandon progressive dividend policies ▶ Proposed Arrium recapitalisation to give control to hedge fund ▶ Qube and Brookfield combine for joint Asciano bid ▶ Wesfarmers restructure gives control of Kmart and Target to Guy Russo ▶ Asciano CEO John Mullen named new Telstra chair ▶ Brad Banducci appointed as Woolies CEO
▶ ASIC launches rate rigging case against ANZ ▶ Fortescue inks a JV with Vale ▶ Chevron ships first LNG from Gorgon ▶ Surfstitch CEO quits, says he has a private equity bid ready ▶ Jean-Sebastien Jacques replaces Sam Walsh as Rio Tinto CEO ▶ ASX CEO Elmer Funke-Kupper resigns amid a bribery scandal at his old company Tabcorp ▶ Ex-NAB CFO Craig Drummond announced as new Medibank CEO ▶ Air NZ looks to sell its 29% Virgin stake
Australian Financial Review Interactive
Interactive graphic by Les Hewitt

But the problem is most investors, led by the self-managed superannuation army, have got their exposure in the large-cap space, the so-called blue chips that are struggling despite the dividends they pay out.

Numbers crunched by the Coppo Report show that over the past 23 years the major index has risen around 208 per cent for a 6 per cent per annum return.

Throw in those dividends however and the accumulation index has returned as much as 737 per cent or 10.5  per cent per annum.

But this past financial year the accumulation index is having its worse year against the major index since 2010.

Despite the dividends the outperformance just isn't there because the top 20 stocks have fallen so far.

The last time the top 20 stocks performed so badly compared to the rest of the market was 1989.

It comes as the payout ratio hovers around record highs and the outlook for the top companies apart from CSL doesn't look like it will change while there is still talk the major banks might have to raise capital.

The past 12 months also shows that the consumer staples sector,  long considered a defensive part of the market, is also out of favour with a 3 per cent fall. 

Instead investors are seeking safety in stocks like Transurban and Sydney Airport rather than bonds as yields continue to drop to fresh record lows. 

Macro influences are once again going to remain the main driver of the sharemarket's fortunes as investors look to central banks to do more to support economic growth.

But this game must be drawing to a close and it comes as the Bank for International Settlements warns that negative interest rates are now causing more problems and it all must come to an end as soon as possible.

But there's probably not much chance of that. A look ahead and there appears to be little to cheer investors other than record low rates.

While fundamental valuation metrics suggest shares look cheap there's been no earnings growth for almost three years and although that will hurt the large caps eventually, if investors can find that elusive growth in the small cap space they will do well.