The bears are in charge in Australia's sharemarket - but for how long?

The average bear market in Australia since 1974 has lasted 11 months, Credit Suisse says.
The average bear market in Australia since 1974 has lasted 11 months, Credit Suisse says.

The Australian sharemarket tumbled into bear territory this week and investors, scarred from the global financial crisis, are fearing the worst, But statistics may be on their side. 

What defines a bear market is highly subjective. While the conventional definition is a fall from peak to trough of 20 per cent, some would argue that conditions for a bear market had long been met

The negativity is being fuelled by the fact that the global financial crisis is still deeply entrenched in the psyche of the investment world, said Credit Suisse equity strategist Hasan Tevfik. It is mentioned in each meeting he attends, he said.  

"There are obvious reasons why investors are concerned about a financial crisis," he said. 

The All Ordinaries Index and bear markets since 1974
Financial Review All Ordinaries Index and bear markets
bear markets interactive
bear market graphic
Will this bear market be grizzly or gummy?
Dorothy Woodgate

Strains on the European banking system, debts linked to the energy and commodity sectors, negative interest rates, divergent monetary policy, persistent low inflation and China's economic slowdown are among them. 

Rather than a frightening grizzly bear, however, Mr Tevfik said company profit results so far, although early in the reporting season, have added weight to his belief that this market was more of the gummy-bear kind.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which makes up 14 per cent of the S&P;/ASX 200 by weighting alone and reported a 4 per cent rise in interim profit to $4.8 billion this week, was a good start, he said.

Cause for optimism

Another cause for optimism is that statistically for Australia, the odds are in favour of a relatively short bear market.

According to Credit Suisse's research, of the previous 12 bear markets since the OPEC oil crisis in 1974, the average duration was 11 months. They ranged from very short – just one month in 1980 – to the longest at 21 months, mired in the tech bubble bursting, the September 11 attacks and the collapse of US energy giant Enron.

Eight of the previous 12 bear markets did not reach a fall of more than 30 per cent, while two thirds recouped all losses within 12 months. 

These numbers are up for debate. Some analysts suggest Australia has been in a bear market since 2007, or longer. 

Historical data also does not help much in a market that is looking forward. Is the next step for Australia and the broader global economy a fall into recession?

Indicating a recession?

Historically, since the stock market crash of 1929, a recession has accompanied a bear market in just seven of thirteen cases, according to research by UBS strategists David Cassidy and Dean Dusanic. 

But Australia has been recession-free for almost 25 years, which sets it apart from the US even as the local sharemarket follows Wall Street movements closely. 

"We haven't had a recession since the early 90s, that may have reduced the magnitude of the length and duration of the average compared with the US," Mr Dusanic said. 

According to HSBC chief economist for Australia and New Zealand Paul Bloxham, a bear market can in and of itself be a sign of an economic downturn. "The equity market can tell you what's going on in economic conditions," he said.

The clearest sign was consumer confidence. Australian households had a fairly large exposure to equities through share portfolios and superannuation funds, so a lift in the savings rate might occur to offset share price falls. 

Yet a more important indicator was the labour market, which remains strong. "That is a key underpinning factor in people's willingness to spend," Mr Bloxham said. 

Mr Dusanic said that while some global economic indicators were "flashing amber", such as manufacturing, others were ticking along strongly, particularly US employment figures

"The sharp recent fall does not necessarily presage a recession, or a replication of the GFC," he said. 

Fairfax Media Australia