Dick Smith was an accident waiting to happen

Anchorage Capital Partners managing director Phil Cave rings the bell  with Dick Smith CEO Nick Abboud at the retailer's ...
Anchorage Capital Partners managing director Phil Cave rings the bell with Dick Smith CEO Nick Abboud at the retailer's stock market debut. Louise Kennerley

If you believe the former executives and directors of Dick Smith, this was the collapse that should never have happened.

The sad final receiver sale, the thousands of angry gift card holders, the 2460 staff left jobless – it could have all been avoided if its bankers had not pulled the plug and appointed receivers after a cash crisis late last year.

"This was a viable business that had a cash crunch that was only going to last for four to five weeks, at the most capital-intensive part of its cycle, before Christmas," one source close to Dick Smith's directors tells AFR Weekend.

Phil Cave, the managing director of private equity giant Anchorage Capital Partners, which famously made almost $400 million buying Dick Smith for a song and floating it a year later, still believes the retailer could have been saved, particularly if Australia had Chapter 11 style bankruptcy laws.

Former Dick Smith chairman Rob Murray is in the eyes of the receivers.
Former Dick Smith chairman Rob Murray is in the eyes of the receivers. David Rowe

"If you had Chapter 11 you would have had protection," Cave says. "The banks couldn't have put a receiver in and the administrator would have been able to work through the business in a clearer fashion."

Now Cave, former managing director Nick Abboud and former chairman Rob Murray are in the sights of Dick Smith's receivers, Ferrier Hodgson, which plans to examine 10 directors and executives under oath in court in September.

'Diligent and compliant'

Abboud is said to be devastated by the turn of events, while Murray and Cave have denied they did anything that contributed to the company's demise.

"I am confident that we were diligent and compliant at all times in exercising our duties as company directors," Murray said in an emailed statement.

Jan 4, 2016 Bank lenders appoint receivers Ferrier Hodgson; Dick Smith appoints administrator McGrathNicol
Rob Murray Former Dick Smith chairman
Dec 2015 • Suppliers like Apple knock back requests for credit, forcing Dick Smith to take out a$20m loan with Macquarie Bank • A $10m repayment to Macquarie breaches Dick Smith's agreement with other lenders NAB and HSBC
Between Jun 2013 and Jun 2015 inventories blew out from $171m to $293m
Sep 2012 Woolworths sells Dick Smith to Anchorage for $94m
Dec 2013 Dick Smith lists on the ASX with a market value of $520m
Nov 30, 2015 Dick Smith takes a $60m write-down on excess stock
Nick Abboud Former Dick Smith CEO
Phil Cave Anchorage Capital Partners chairman
Australian Financial Review Interactive
Interactive graphic by Les Hewitt
Graphic by Evelyn Barota

"I'm very confident that we had stock under control, we managed and reported our rebates in line with the accounting standard throughout our ownership and during my time as chairman and I am not aware that there was any change to that approach after I stepped down," says Cave.

But if company directors are looking for a poster child for a new Chapter 11-style insolvency regime they won't find it in Dick Smith.

The long-awaited report by administrators McGrathNicol into the reasons behind Dick Smith's collapse has put paid to the argument that the company could have traded or restructured its way out of its problems.

The report shows that Dick Smith's business model was deeply flawed and the company was an accident waiting to happen.

Dick Smith ultimately failed because it breached the terms of its banking facilities in December 2015.

Seeds for failure

But the seeds for its failure were sown in 2012, when Anchorage Capital Partners bought the struggling business from Woolworths for $94 million and embarked on an ambitious growth program.

Woolworths closed 91 Dick Smith stores in 2011 and 2012, in an attempt to cut costs and restore earnings growth, reducing the stores to 348. Another 25 net stores were closed in 2013, taking the footprint to 323.

But then, in an attempt to portray Dick Smith as a growth company ahead of a $520 million float in 2013, Anchorage embarked on an aggressive store opening schedule, putting in place plans to open at least 10 standalone stores a year.

Under Anchorage, Dick Smith also took over David Jones' loss-making consumer electronics business, opening about 30 Dick Smith concessions within the department store chain. It also expanded into fast-fashion consumer electronics by opening stores under a new Move brand and reinvigorated the online business.

By the time Dick Smith listed on the stock exchange in December 2013 it had 359 physical stores – the largest consumer electronics store network in Australia and New Zealand (albeit its stores were about half the size of a typical JB Hi-Fi). In comparison, Harvey Norman had 239 stores, JB Hi-Fi 177 and The Good Guys 102.

Changing market

The new stores disguised a problem – Dick Smith's underlying business was under pressure and the company was losing market share in a market where technology was changing rapidly and deflation was rife.

According to McGrathNicol, sales from existing stores fell $113 million or 10 per cent in 2014 and 2015. But the decline in same-store retail sales was disguised by sales from Dick Smith's online business and its commercial operations, which generated little margin.

"Declining comparable sales in Dick Smith bannered stores indicate that existing retail outlets were failing to compete in their local market," McGrathNicol said. "Yet the company continued its strategy of store expansion in circumstances where same-store sales were declining in its core business."

McGrath Nicol's assessment of the growth strategy is brutally frank.

"In our view, there was insufficient analysis performed on comparable sales and the investment case to support continued store expansion," the report said.

"Better and more focused analysis on comparable sales would have identified that the core retail business was experiencing declining sales and that the store expansion plan was eroding value by reducing the return on invested capital whilst at the same time increasing Dick Smith's debt burden."

Consuming resources

The new stores were consuming all of Dick Smith's cash resources, forcing the retailer to not only borrow more but to lean on suppliers for better trading terms and rebates, straining relationships with big brands such as Apple, Samsung and LG.

Between June 2013 and June 2015 inventories blew out from $171 million to $293 million, borrowings from zero to $70.5 million, trade and other receivables from $10.4 million to $53 million, due to rising rebates, and trade and other payables rose from $153 million to $220 million as Dick Smith sought extra credit from suppliers.

Rebates are ubiquitous in retail, but Dick Smith appeared to be addicted to deals, particularly those that had few contractual conditions and could be booked as profits immediately rather than when the stock was eventually sold.

An analysis of Dick Smith's earnings by McGrathNicol showed the retailer would have lost more than $100 million in 2015 if not for rebates worth more than $166 million, including scan rebates and "over and aboves" such as volume and promotional rebates.

Echoing concerns aired by the receivers, Ferrier Hodgson, McGrathNicol said Dick Smith's management was making decisions on what stock to buy, and at what volumes, based on the rebate attached to the stock, rather than what customers wanted.

The rebate-driven buying triggered a chain reaction that would ultimately prove to be Dick Smith's undoing.

Inventories built up and turnover rates slowed. By November 2015 Dick Smith was forced to write off and discount excess stock, destroying the margins gains the rebates were supposed to deliver.

Destroying gains

"They had substandard inventory which wasn't turning over even one times a year," said one source.

When suppliers such as Apple declined to extend further credit and demanded cash on delivery, Dick Smith was forced to take out a $20 million trade finance facility with Macquarie Bank to pay for stock.

Dick Smith repaid $10 million of this facility to Macquarie on December 24, but the payment breached conditions of its agreement with National Australia Bank and HSBC.

"Macquarie was demanding immediate repayment of its debt and DSG had no available cash or other source of funding to meet Macquarie's demand," the report said.

After trying and failing to extend the Macquarie repayment deadline, Dick Smith's directors were forced to appoint voluntary administrators on January 4 and the banks appointed receivers the same day.

Over the next six weeks, Ferrier Hodgson received 10 indicative offers for the business, including two from hedge funds interested in buying Dick Smith's debt, one from technology distributor Dicker Data and one from a Chinese supplier, which were interested in the business as a going concern.

But as Dick Smith's financial position deteriorated the buyers dropped their offer price. By February 25 all the offers had either been rejected or withdrawn, forcing Ferrier Hodgson to wind up the business.

Dick Smith had stock valued at about $230 million at the time of its collapse but the wind-up process raised only $30 million – raising questions about whether the stock was hugely overvalued or the wind-up process poorly executed.

McGrathNicol confirmed creditors' worst fears on Wednesday, saying Dick Smith had an assets shortfall of more than $260 million and there would be no return to unsecured creditors, while the secured lender, NAB and HSBC, would receive only a partial return on the $140 million they were owed.

McGrathNicol partner Joe Hayes has refrained from pointing the finger at any party, including directors and executives, the banks or Anchorage Capital Partners.

Liability policies

"I think more time is needed to reflect on the reasons for the failure of Dick Smith, before assigning responsibility to those reasons,"  Hayes says.

"It's too early to attribute those causes (of failure) to any particular party because it all happened so fast."

Ferrier Hodgson, however, has no such hesitation and has accused Dick Smith's directors and executives of misleading the banks and breaching their duties.

In letters sent to about 10 directors and executives last month – before Dick Smith's directors and officers liability insurance policies expired on June 30 – Ferrier Hodgson alleged that executives inflated earnings to meet market expectations by buying too much stock, booking rebates from suppliers as profits and disguising weak retail sales with low-margin commercial sales, while directors "encouraged, permitted or failed to control the practice of making purchasing decisions on the basis of maximising rebates".

Ferrier Hodgson is aiming to pursue directors and executives, initially through the insurance policies. Its court examinations of management in September are likely to be one of the most watched business events of the year.

A Senate inquiry into the causes and consequences of the collapse of listed retailers, which was due to report on September 14, will no doubt assess the role of Anchorage Capital, the store growth program, the rebate-driven buying, the actions of Dick Smith's bankers, and come to its own conclusions about the company's demise.