Afterpay market update to highlight Christmas growth

Afterpay lets shoppers buy now and pay later without interest.
Afterpay lets shoppers buy now and pay later without interest. Stocksy

Afterpay provided plenty of Christmas cheer for its new investors. The start-up's stock price has more than doubled since listing last May and its market value has swelled to $435 million – not bad for a company founded just under three years ago.

This week Afterpay, which provides a payments product for retailers, will dish out to investors some additional gifts, in the form of a market update on its Christmas trading performance. Investors will want to know how the business model resonated in the peak period of customer demand. 

Given the furious pace at which hundreds of the nation's best known retailers have been signing up for the service, it's safe to assume that customer and retailer numbers along with underlying sales will be materially higher than Afterpay's last update, at a UBS conference last November. That presentation revealed various graphs depicting the early stages of exponential growth curves. The performance has largely been driven by female, Millennial clothes shoppers. 

Pored over

The update this week will be pored over by some big-name investors on the register including Sir Ron Brierley's Mercantile Investment Company, CVC Limited and Wilson Asset Management.

"We rate management highly and believe Afterpay can continue to capitalise on its first mover advantage and the uniqueness of its offering," says Tobias Yao, an analyst at Wilson Asset Management, which holds 4 per cent of the equity according to Bloomberg.  

Yao reckons Afterpay is set to grow revenues – especially if it can replicate its success online in its merchant customer's brick-and-mortar stores. 

Bell Potter, which jointly-managed and underwrote the float, initiated coverage in mid-November with a "speculative buy" recommendation and valuation of $3.53 (shares, issued at $1, closed on Friday at $2.41). 

Afterpay executive chairman Anthony Eisen and managing director Nick Molnar at the ASX float in May.
Afterpay executive chairman Anthony Eisen and managing director Nick Molnar at the ASX float in May. Supplied

"We expect the company to achieve its first profitable month within a year," says Bell Potter analyst Lafitani Sotiriou in that report. 

So, just what is the business model to which the market has responded so positively? And how likely is it that Afterpay's impressive share price performance in 2016 will be replicated this year? 

Payments hot

The prevalence of PayPal in global internet commerce and arrival of tech giants Apple, Samsung and Google into mobile payment at the point of sale has made payments a hot area of financial services. Yet Afterpay doesn't see itself as a fintech, but rather a retail innovation company. 

The business model – which has mainly been focused on online sales – involves Afterpay paying the retailer for goods at the time of the purchase and then collecting payments from the customer in four, fortnightly instalments. 

Because the product doesn't charge any interest or establishment fees to the customer, Afterpay is not technically providing a financial product. It is the retailer that pays a fee to Afterpay, thought to be about 4 per cent of the purchase price. 

Afterpay does collect late fees if the customer defaults on their payments (overall these comprise less than 15 per cent of revenue) and is exposed to the risk of loss of principal if the customers default. 

If on time, the customer will pay exactly what is on the price tag. Afterpay contacts them by email or SMS to make sure sufficient funds are in their account before initiating the automatic transfers. More than 80 per cent of Afterpay's customers pay with a bank-linked debit card rather than a credit card.

Millennials keen

Millennials are lapping up the service – now being rolled out in physical stores – for the payment flexibility it affords. As of late November, there were 250,000 unique customers. 

For retailers, Afterpay promises increased customer conversions and larger shopping baskets, given deferral of full payment can convince customers to spend more. Afterpay said in the UBS presentation that since launching on Veronika Maine's website, the fashion label's average order value was up 22 per cent; at General Pants it was 25 per cent higher. As of late November, more than 1200 retailers had integrated the service since June 30 with 1,500 retailers joining since the IPO. 

For Afterpay, this is a capital-efficient model. The short-term customer collection timeframe means the weighted average of receivables is less than 30 days. This allows capital to be recycled more than 12 times a year. 

Funds from Afterpay's $25 million initial public offering and subsequent $36 million private placement in October have largely been deployed to support sales but in November the company struck a $20 million funding facility with National Australia Bank to support further sales growth.

Climb to continue?

Given the recycling rate, its $80 million of capital can support about $1 billion of sales. Afterpay says it "looks forward to working closely with NAB in the future". 

So, to the second question: are Afterpay shares likely to continue their climb? Analysts and investors say this will depend on how management navigates the sharp growth, especially the shift in focus from online to brick-and-mortar stores. 

Despite the broader trend towards online shopping, the vast majority of retail sales still occur in physical stores. A recent NAB survey suggested the Australian retail online industry, including travel, was worth $30 billion, while physical sales represented $250 billion. 

Afterpay's instore product was only introduced after the IPO and will take some time to become established. Growth rates for online may be hard to replicate given the instore product requires businesses and staff to change behaviour by downloading and scanning barcodes. 

Another test for Afterpay this year will be attracting more retailers outside fashion, where it put down roots. While fashion-savvy Millennials are the early adopters, will Afterpay, for example appeal to revheads and campers? (It recently struck deals with SuperCheap Auto and BCF.) 

Sophisticated system

Investors also need to be cognisant of other risks. 

As Bell Potter's Sotiriou noted, by guaranteeing payment to merchants, Afterpay is exposed to fraudulent end customers. It also is exposed to credit risk from potential customer defaults. 

Another risk is competition. Point-of-sale finance is a hot space right now. ZipMoney also performed strongly on the ASX in 2016. And PayPal Credit could also move into the space. Another competitor, Openpay, is also planning an ASX listing this year

To ameliorate the credit and fraud risk, at the core of Afterpay's intellectual property is a sophisticated computer system that approves customers in milliseconds and analyses repayment capability in real time. The technology platform needs ensure it's not hard for customers to get approved while also reducing the risk of bad debts eating into the capital base. 

Afterpay uses "net transaction margin" to measure performance; this points to the unit profitability of each transaction. The margin is calculated by adding the merchant fee and subtracting processing costs (fees paid to the ASX-listed Touchcorp, which is developing the software), funding costs and net transaction losses (and non-recoupable instalment payments less late fee income). The transaction margin has been positive from day one as a listed company and has been expanding as more data is fed into the algorithms. 

Rich lister

Bell Potter also called out the relationship with ASX-listed Touchcorp, which has built and continues to develop the Afterpay software (Afterpay retains all the IP), as a "third-party relationship risk" given its reliance on the firm for day-to-day operations. Yet Touchcorp has plenty of skin in the game, holding 28 per cent of Afterpay's equity. 

Each of the company's co-founders, executive chairman Anthony Eisen, previously the chief investment officer of Guiness Peat Group, and managing director Nicholas Molnar, hold 14 per cent. The share price performance in 2016 was enough to catapult Molnar, a former investment analyst for venture capitalist Mark Carnegie, into the BRW Young Rich list – at age 26.

At Friday's close, Eisen and Molnar's equity stakes are worth about $56 million and both are sitting on some in-the-money options too.