CEO Vincent Nair looks back on his holiday with golfing's greats

Vincent Nair at the Texas Senate Chambers in Austin.
Vincent Nair at the Texas Senate Chambers in Austin.

On a recent trip to Fiji, Smartech CEO Vincent Nair played golf with his sporting heroes and dined with Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy

Qantas business – my trips are usually more than nine hours (minimum) long.

Most frequented destinations

Hong Kong and Singapore.

Favourite airport

JFK in New York. You can feel the multicultural and all-embracing vibe of New York when you land. New York is not a just a city, it's a biosphere of unique artistry.

If I ran my own airline I would ...

Reduce the volume of self-service check-in machines at airports around Asia and the United States. I would have more face-to-face check-in stations to avoid long lines at all these self-service machines where airlines offer little help.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

I would go to unique places such as Micronesia, the Western Pacific Ocean and the Isle of Pines to snorkel; then to Sichuan province in China to see the amazing 71-metre Buddha; Golden Bay in New Zealand; Norway to see the Flam Valley; London to see Chelsea play Arsenal; the beautiful Italian Island of Levanzo; Santorini in Greece; and Vancouver in British Columbia to see family. I would return via Hong Kong after watching the Hong Kong Sevens world rugby tournament.

Worst place you've been lost

Changchun, China, in winter in minus 42 degrees. The language issues so far north were also challenging.

Best trip ever

Last October I went to Fiji to be part of the Australian PGA tour's newest event, the $1.5 million Fiji International at the Natadola Bay Golf Resort. I had two weeks enjoying the atmosphere among some of the best golf players in the world, learning tips from Brandt Snedeker, Matt Kuchar, Vijay Singh, Boo Weekley and Nick Price; experiencing the local cuisine in Sigatoka and the benign Fijian culture; and snorkelling in beautiful waters.

Most memorable overseas dining

Shiva's Restaurant in Sigatoka, Fiji. We found this little hidden gem next to the Sigatoka markets. The divine seafood curries and other local dishes served in an elegant ambience – and with our best friends from Vancouver – turned the experience into perfection.

In the suitcase

Business shirt, gym gear, toiletries, pyjamas, one pair of jeans, two polo shirts, T-shirts and tailored shorts. Suits and ties go in the suit bag.

First thing you do in a new city

If there are business hours left in the day, I make phone calls and head straight to the office. If I arrive in the evening, I catch up on emails, shower and head straight to bed to overcome any exhaustion.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I try to visit the most attractive and famous point in that city.

Cure for jet lag

Don't cave in. I usually adjust my time on the plane to that of the destination and sometimes I take a nap so I hit the ground running. I drink a lot of water on the flight and stay off alcohol and heavy food. I refuse to accept jet lag as part of my vocabulary. I accept tiredness occasionally, but I treat it the same way as I would in my home country.

Any other travel tips

With no phone or email access, watching a movie or two, reading magazines and just kicking back in the plane is a profound experience. Just relax and get into that zone of tranquillity when you get a chance.

Best overseas purchase

Many pairs of linen shorts from New Delhi. They were very cheap, and they are excellent quality and comfortable.

Best travel tale

In one day, I went to the driving range with Brandt Snedeker, played golf with Vijay Singh, had dinner with Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, and had a beer and lazy yarn with George Gregan and Jarryd Hayne. What a memorable day.

Best thing about travelling

You learn new things every day about people, places, culture, poverty, hardship, values and wealth. You can't learn this in school. It gives you confidence and improves your outlook on life.

Top travel gripe

Being away for long periods from friends, family and our pet Baxter. I always look forward to coming home to Sydney.