Macquarie in the middle of Green Investment Bank bunfight

Macquarie faces growing political opposition in the UK over its bid for the Green Investment Bank.
Macquarie faces growing political opposition in the UK over its bid for the Green Investment Bank. Bloomberg


Nobody needs to feel sorry for Macquarie.

It is, after all, a highly-lucrative investment bank which owes some of its remarkable post-global financial crisis success to exploiting access to privileged government-guaranteed capital to make risky investments in high-yeilding bonds and loans.

However, you could be excused for feeling a smidgen of sympathy for Macquarie's London operatives who find themselves caught in the middle of a political bunfight over attempts to buy the Green Investment Bank.

Based in Edinburgh, GIB was founded in 2012 with £3.8 billion ($6.2 billion) of government funding in 2012 and a mandate to invest in emerging green infrastructure projects across Britain, including wind farms, biomass plants and carbon capture and storage. It was put up for sale three years later as part of former Chancellor George Osborne's attempts to reduce the national debt. 

So far, so predictable.

Conservative governments regularly privatise assets in the name of budget repair. The sale of a for-profit green bank, whose self-described "featured investments" include a £6.8 million loan to the Barking and Dagenham London Borough Council for energy-saving street lights, was never going be as controversial as, say, Osborne announcing the National Health Service was available to the highest bidder.

But then Macquarie emerged as the preferred bidder in October. In subsequent weeks a growing list of MPs, green activists and commentators have voiced concerns about GIB falling into the hands of the "Vampire Roo". 

"This preferred bidder, Macquarie, not only has a dismal and terrible environmental record, it also has an appalling track record of asset-stripping," Green MP Caroline Lucas declared during a parliamentary debate last week. Sir Vincent Cable, the Liberal Democrat Business Secretary when GIB was launched, told Fairfax Macquarie was the "worst kind of company to be entrusting maintaining the integrity and green mission of the bank". And former Tory Energy Minister Gregory Barker took to Twitter to say he was "increasingly alarmed that sale of #GIB will now see it broken up so much it threatens its future as [an] enduring institution".

'Asset stripping'

The main thrust of these objections is that ​Macquarie is a nefarious corporate citizen which will ruthlessly dismantle GIB – the term "asset stripping" has been frequently used – in order make a quick buck. These concerns may turn out to be well-founded but, for the time being at least, it should be noted they are pure conjecture given the price and structure of the deal are not public. 

Given all this, some context is useful. First, Lucas can complain Macquarie has funded fossil fuel projects "from open-cast coal mines in China to fracking here in the UK" but she should also acknowledge the Sydney-based bank has invested billions of dollars in often-risky renewable energy ventures such as the £900 million Tees biomass plant in north-east England while its employees have advised on many green projects including the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon in Wales.  

Second, the fact that Macquarie will sell some GIB assets if the sale goes ahead does not constitute asset stripping. GIB is an investment business whose goal is to develop fledgling green projects to the point where they are attractive to private sector buyers. It is within the owner's remit to sell debt and equity in mature projects. 

Were Macquarie to embark on a full-scale sale of GIB assets then it is likely to face opposition from Westminster, which will retain a "special share" aimed at safeguarding GIB's "green purposes". Macquarie's critics argue this arrangement is not enough to prevent asset stripping and, once again, it is possible this speculation may turn out to be true.

However, if the likes of Lucas and Cable believe the GIB's future cannot be guaranteed post-sale then they should stop demonising Macquarie and oppose the privatisation altogether. They are effectively saying the government cannot be trusted to regulate the business if it is in private hands.

Third, having backed 85 projects to the tune of £2.7 billion, GIB is in need of a capital injection. Given the UK government finds it difficult to pay for the NHS, there is little chance the source of new GIP funding will be the British taxpayer. 

The anti-Macquarie brigade may not like to admit it but private ownership remains the GIB's best option if it wants access to the funding needed to make further investments. A better response from those who want to protect the business would be to hold the government to account on the issue of safeguards rather than running a scare campaign.​​