- published: 17 Nov 2016
- views: 25666
Vivian Hsu (Chinese: 徐若瑄; pinyin: Xú Ruòxuān; Wade–Giles: Hsu Jo-hsüan; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Chhî Jio̍k-soan; Japanese: ビビアン・スー Bibian Sū), born March 19, 1975 in Taichung, is a Taiwanese singer, actress, and model who has gained remarkable popularity in East Asia, mainly in Taiwan and Japan.
Hsu rose to prominence in Japan, where she made her first appearance in 1995 and has become a highly recognized celebrity with her countless appearances in media during the late 1990s.
She was also the main vocalist for Black Biscuits, a Japanese dance band which released four singles, Stamina, Timing, Relax, Bye-Bye, and one album Life. All of these four singles reached the top 5 spots of the Oricon singles chart, and Life reached #6 in the album chart.
The second of three children, Hsu was born to a Taiwanese father and Tayal-Taiwanese mother as Hsu Su-chuan (Chinese: 徐淑娟; pinyin: Xú Shújuān), and used this name until she began her modeling career. Her parents divorced when she was a young child. She attended Taipei Jianxing Elementary School and Taipei Shulinguo Junior High School.
●TVBS官網:http://www.tvbs.com.tw/ ●TVBS新聞APP全新上線 立即下載!https://goo.gl/u8vG1d 徐若瑄說,嫁到新加坡後,語言是很大的挑戰,原本以為閩南語"馬欸通",能夠全部搞定,結果後來發現那邊有4個種族。英語,才是官方統一的正式語言,一般的英文對話沒啥問題,不過...有時候買菜就遇到困難了,當地不但有些菜以前根本不認得,更何況還要用英語溝通購買。但徐若瑄沒有因此放棄就不去做,反而更努力學習,想出"鋼鐵V"式的辦法解決。她說,「我好珍惜那個機會,我好珍惜就是我生活上必須用到,然後我就藉著那個機會把它學起來。」 人稱『鋼鐵V』不是沒有道理。 【一步一腳印】 主持人: 詹怡宜 TVBS新聞台 55台 每週 22:00首播 【 全球進行式】 主持人:廖芳潔 TVBS新聞台 56台 每週六 19:00首播 【 當掌聲響起】 主持人:秦綾謙 TVBS新聞台 55台 隔週六 20:00首播 【中國進行式】 主持人:莊開文 TVBS新聞台 56台 每週日 19:00首播 【TVBS 看板人物】 主持人: 方念華 TVBS新聞台 56台 每週日 20:00首播 【 世界翻轉中】 主持人: 古彩彥 TVBS新聞台 55台 隔週日 20:00首播 【 T觀點】 主持人:夏嘉璐 TVBS新聞台 56台 每週日22:00首播
甜美,內心卻沒有外表般柔弱!從女孩14到女人40,出道26年的演藝圈日子全年無休,直到…遇上了「倒頭栽」的臥床生活!逼迫自己用新的視角檢視人生,換個角度看到了更美麗的風景。 敬這一位靠自己認真打拼的女強人,敬這一位孝順家人的乖女兒,敬這一位真心對待朋友的好閨蜜,敬這一位為家庭翻轉人生的好媽媽!敬女人!不顧一切,狠狠愛! 來賓:徐若瑄、徐媽媽、徐若瑜、Fion 《SS小燕之夜》 ●播出頻道→中天綜合台CH36 ●播出時間→每週一至五晚間9點 ●更多線上影音→https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu7Fc1bLWCL81kzpzIaIYA ●中天綜藝攏底家FB→https://www.facebook.com/36tvshow ●小燕之夜FB→https://www.facebook.com/SSnight ●必PoTV影音隨手看→https://www.facebook.com/bepotv/ ●必PoTV大小夯事都不漏→http://bepo.ctitv.com.tw/
徐若瑄老公 驚爆財務危機欠60億 積極復出為尪搶錢!? 史密斯夫妻成追憶! 布裘離婚128億 爭奪戰開打! ■請鎖定夢想街57號Youtube官方連結:https://www.youtube.com/user/57DreamSt
KKBOX-http://kkbox.fm/Ma0thd Omusic-http://goo.gl/Ju67hh iTunes- http://goo.gl/wXZMTh Spotify-http://goo.gl/fm4Mzi 「敬女人」Cheers ! 敬可歌可泣的青春 敬無奇不有的人生 為新秀侯磊製作新歌 卻搶先錄音發行一歌二唱 Vivian徐若瑄:遇到好歌不唱不行,Lady First! 全新國語EP的同名單曲「敬女人」,其實原本是「敬男人」,而且還是一歌二唱,這是怎麼回事? 原來Vivian徐若瑄獲邀擔任《中國夢之聲》新秀侯磊的唱片製作人之一,Vivian覺得侯磊略帶沙啞滄桑的嗓音非常漢子,適合唱一首很男人的歌,於是邀請到台語金曲歌王謝銘祐、陳建瑋,為侯磊寫了一首豪邁瀟灑,描述男人間友情歡聚尬酒的「敬男人」,即將收錄在侯磊的下一張專輯。徐若瑄製作完後非常喜歡這首歌,覺得很有態度,但是又覺得「既然敬了男人,怎麼可以不敬女人呢?」於是Vivian徐若瑄決定重新填詞,將原本描述男人間友情與男性在社會上所負擔責任的「敬男人」歌詞修改成女生看自己的角度,脫胎換骨成為「敬女人」。 在錄製完「敬女人」之後,由於單曲發行時機,反而變成「敬女人」比「敬男人」更早發行,Vivian徐若瑄笑說:「Lady First ! 男生就禮讓一下囉!」 ---------------------------------------- 敬女人 詞:徐若瑄/謝銘祐 曲:陳建瑋 第一杯敬 可歌可泣的青春 聊不完 扯不斷 的我們 第二杯敬 無奇不有的人生 還在煩 還在等 的女人 女強人是咱的偽裝 頂天立地有模有樣 天塌下來落在肩膀 努力扛 為了夢想只好堅強 日日夜夜不停的忙 女人其實要的簡單 只是陪伴 第一杯敬 可歌可泣的青春 聊不完 扯不斷 的我們 第二杯敬 無奇不有的人生...
湖南卫视《快乐大本营》全集【官方版1080P超清全集完整】视频播放地址:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX8b9GEQFHUzkUr1ZVbdtpkW 【湖南卫视快乐大本营-本期精彩】Mr.HE帅气出场一秒变嘉宾!不老女神徐若瑄逆生长神器大公开,待嫁心事来分享!新晋妇产科医生朱丹、孙坚来做客,现场体验生孩子到底有多痛!全新游戏"请说重点"大玩心理战,绑手家务大作战海涛玩逆袭。尽在本期湖南卫视《快乐大本营》! 【欢迎订阅中国湖南卫视官方YouTube频道】 ★湖南卫视官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/imgotv ★湖南卫视《爸爸去那儿》官方版1080P超清全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX8PXgyn4_vTyLiq4iK3yMAq ★湖南卫视《谁与争锋》官方版1080P超清全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX8-bAzydtuVCHs7JVphCE3X ★湖南卫视《2013快乐男声》官方版1080P超清全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX_SVS1OxZs9YlkkfyhiDvsw ★湖南卫视《我是歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX_GR--FvrFsq21_-3HoLl2a ★湖南卫视《中国最强音》官方版1080P超清全集 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUM8x224JrX9Dxr9N7XV25h7mR-dCvar1 ★湖南卫...
《康熙好經典》康熙好經典YouTube網路頻道 ●更多精彩內容歡迎點閱以下網址 節目網路頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mAFu8AQNdJfiBS33qWvTA 中天綜藝攏底家:https://www.facebook.com/36tvshow 《康熙來了》 :https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD97A53B76747131E 《大學生了沒》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1EACA2F821AA5074 《SS小燕之夜》:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL591A2E9E1370F50B 《麻辣同學會》:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5iXjMizQ8gxzbEIV3TKCQ 《背包踐客》 :https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrTMNP6Iw6rtuN7sdIvr94sLk3AkrvPn
●TVBS官網:http://www.tvbs.com.tw/ ●TVBS新聞網:http://news.tvbs.com.tw/ 本集節目內容: 徐若瑄老公傳出財務危機,產後僅歇息半年就急復出搶錢救夫,徐若瑄從小背負家計,嫁富商李雲峰以為能過安穩生活,卻還要擔心老公債務,女星嫁富商沒變鳳凰,反而變成灰姑娘?嫁進豪門真的過貴婦生活,豪門深似海,要守的規矩不能少?嫁進豪門能成為幸福的保證嗎? 今日來賓:胡孝誠,呂文婉,Paul,熊海靈,李昂 ✔密切鎖定【國民大會】快來訂閱➔https://goo.gl/LW1fIH 每週一至週五晚間20:00 TVBS 56台首播 主持人:于美人 ●完整內容在這裡也看的到:http://goo.gl/ScfQRt ●TVBS官網:http://goo.gl/S9e9kK ●按讚粉絲頁:https://goo.gl/gzS5PS
徐若瑄 Vivian Hsu RuoXuan -Ai Xiao De Yan Jin (Concert)
song from Kuruneko opening
TODAY talks to singer and actress Vivian Hsu on the launch of her new film Rhythm Of The Rain, which premieres in Singapore on Oct 10.
^_^; enjoy
Vivian penning the lyrics and compose by gary cao ge called 'I still believe'. Quite a nice song :)
Taiwan goddest Vivian Hsu play in the hot movie, uncensored Angel Heart.
我的倒頭栽人生 新書分享暨粉絲見面會 台北/誠品書店信義店 2016/10/30
Vivian Hsu. 徐若瑄 Vivi and... 2006年艾迴唱片 Mandarin 國語 Tracklist: 01. So So (OT:Go Go) (Feat. 李玖哲) (中文詞:嚴云農 原詞曲:Mikkel Remee Sigvardt/Mich Hansen/Joseph Belmaati Rap詞/Rap:李玖哲) (00:00) 02. 美人魚 (詞:徐若瑄 曲:周杰倫 Rap:大金剛) (03:39) 03. 親愛的 (詞:葛大為 曲:黎珈儀) (07:31) 04. 女人心機 (OT:Refugee) (中文詞:陳天佑 原詞曲:Paul Eng-Yi Tan/Steven Mark Jacobs) (12:34) 05. I Still Believe (Feat. 曹格) (詞:徐若瑄 曲:曹格/涂惠源) (15:55) 06. 小女子 (詞:徐若瑄/污泥 曲:馮翰銘 Rap詞/Rap:馮翰銘) (20:42) 07. 來電Darling (詞:徐若瑄 曲:勵啟明) (24:15) 08. 別愛我 (詞:徐若瑄 曲:馮翰銘) (27:08) 09. 臭皮匠V.S.諸葛亮 (詞:徐若瑄 曲:李偲菘) (31:36) 10. 因為你 (詞:徐若瑄 曲:王力宏) (35:25)
Love Storm (狂愛龍捲風 / Kuang Ai Lung Juan Feng) is a Taiwanese Drama of 2003 starring Vic Zhou, Ken Zhu, Vivian Hsu and Beatrice Hsu Synopsis: When love and disaster approaches at the same time, the only road to obtain true love is through bravery! Jia Le (Vivian Hsu) was never able to forget, the day that her aunt got married. At that time, her aunt of excellent upbringing was forced to break up with the one that she loves by the pressure from the family. But on the day of the wedding, young Jia Le saw with her own eyes, her aunt's lover, for love, he put on a heroic posture that blocks the whole line of cars, including the wedding car. Over these past 10 years or more, Jia Le frequently looks at the necklace that her aunt gave her and ponders when her own brave love would arrive. Jia Le's ...
Love Storm (狂愛龍捲風 / Kuang Ai Lung Juan Feng) is a Taiwanese Drama of 2003 starring Vic Zhou, Ken Zhu, Vivian Hsu and Beatrice Hsu Synopsis: When love and disaster approaches at the same time, the only road to obtain true love is through bravery! Jia Le (Vivian Hsu) was never able to forget, the day that her aunt got married. At that time, her aunt of excellent upbringing was forced to break up with the one that she loves by the pressure from the family. But on the day of the wedding, young Jia Le saw with her own eyes, her aunt's lover, for love, he put on a heroic posture that blocks the whole line of cars, including the wedding car. Over these past 10 years or more, Jia Le frequently looks at the necklace that her aunt gave her and ponders when her own brave love would arrive. Jia Le's ...
Love Storm (狂愛龍捲風 / Kuang Ai Lung Juan Feng) is a Taiwanese Drama of 2003 starring Vic Zhou, Ken Zhu, Vivian Hsu and Beatrice Hsu Synopsis: When love and disaster approaches at the same time, the only road to obtain true love is through bravery! Jia Le (Vivian Hsu) was never able to forget, the day that her aunt got married. At that time, her aunt of excellent upbringing was forced to break up with the one that she loves by the pressure from the family. But on the day of the wedding, young Jia Le saw with her own eyes, her aunt's lover, for love, he put on a heroic posture that blocks the whole line of cars, including the wedding car. Over these past 10 years or more, Jia Le frequently looks at the necklace that her aunt gave her and ponders when her own brave love would arrive. Jia Le's ...
Sleepless Fashion (與時尚同居 / Yu Shi Shang Tong Ju) is a Chinese Movie of 2011 starring Vic Zhou (周渝民) and Vivian Hsu (徐若瑄) Synopsis: Beijing, the present day. Three years after being hired as a shy university graduate by Alex (Alan Tam), editor-in-chief of leading fashion magazine Celebrity (名尚), Zhou Xiaohui (Vic Zhou) has become associate editor, taken on the English name Patrick, and turned into an arrogant, pretentious young control freak. However, after a minor gaffe that threatens the company's future IPO, he's sacked by Alex. Proclaiming he'll set up a rival publication, Xiaohui is joined by only two of his staff, office dogsbodies Fatty (Tong Lei) and Yinghong (Vivian Hsu), an editorial assistant he'd recently promoted. He persuades college friend Wu Yang (Kimi Qiao), the son of a we...
39岁的女星徐若瑄与新加坡马可波罗海业集团主席李云峰今年2月注册结婚,上月在巴厘岛举行婚礼,23日晚在台北办归宁宴。虽然徐若瑄否认怀孕传闻,还说有避孕、办完婚宴再与老公"顺其自然"发展,但她暴肥7公斤,且都肥在小腹,加上不时出现"护肚"动作,仍被解读应已怀孕。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews/playlis...
徐若瑄、李云峰先生选在巴厘岛举办私人婚礼,仪式结束后晚宴登场,大家享用美食之余,新郎父亲特地带来《传奇》一曲,徐若瑄的婆婆、妈妈合唱《月亮代表我的心》,一起祝福小俩口新婚愉快。随后李云峰演唱创作歌曲献给爱妻,接着和徐若瑄对唱《I Still Believe》,气氛使然,两人即兴共舞演出意外带来笑料。 现场不免俗有捧花时刻,包含王思涵、林心如等女性好友们齐聚抢捧花,最后由徐若瑄干妹妹安婷拔得头筹。而李云峰最后安排15分钟惊喜烟火秀,在美丽夜空烟火下,紧紧拥抱的两人热情拥吻,让现场所有亲友都感受到小俩口热情如火的喜悦。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh...
Premiere of Madeleine II aka Mother Android II 《玛德二号》- Huang Xiaoming Vivian Hsu Interview - 16th Shanghai International Film Festival 第16届上海国际电影节 - June 15, 2013 上影节专访《玛德二号》邱黎宽、黄晓明、徐若瑄等《第16届上海国际电影节》 Learn more about the talented actor Huang Xiaoming 黄晓明 on: http://www.huang-xiaoming.info
Vivi releases a new J-pop album entitled 'Beautiful Day' after a long absence from the Japan entertainment scene Here's a clip from the album launch with a special preview of beautiful Vivi's new MV source: http://www.asahi.com/video/showbiz/TKY201002120172.html?ref=reca credit: www.asahi.com
AsianInNY's Exclusive Interviews Vivian Hsu. Article by Alice Chin Video by Ken Lo For details: http://blog.asianinny.com/exclusive-interviews/exclusive-interviews-with-gao-xiao-song-han-geng-wang-bao-qiang-vivian-hsu/
Vivian Hsu and Yuka interview the great Gackt and cook for him. The discussion ranges from driving to marriage and many other things besides. NOTE: Samehada is literally shark skin, but in Japan it often refers to a number of skin diseases.