ACT News


ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr a regular at AFL matches on taxpayer-funded trips

ACT Chief Minister and avowed Hawthorn fan Andrew Barr has attended AFL matches for many years on taxpayer-funded trips, defending the practice as part of his job as sport and tourism minister.

Mr Barr attended the AFL grand finals in Melbourne in 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2015 while on taxpayer-paid trips. Hawthorn won in 2013 and in 2015.

He has also attended at least three other Hawthorn games during official trips to Launceston and Melbourne.

Attendance at three of the grand finals is disclosed in Mr Barr's travel reports. The 2015 final is not mentioned; nor are the other games.

Staff and advisers were with Mr Barr on a number of occasions, but records are patchy. In mid-2014 the government stopped reporting staff travel and has been unable to provide any information about staff attendance at games.

The news comes as federal ministers have run into controversy for billing taxpayers to attend AFL grand finals and after Sussan Ley was forced to resign from Malcolm Turnbull's ministry over  travel claims to the Gold Coast.


A spokeswoman for Mr Barr said he had "direct portfolio responsibility for all matters relating to the AFL" and the government had a highly valuable relationship with the AFL and the GWS Giants. The 10-year deal from 2012 to hold GWS Giants matches in Canberra had brought almost $2.2 million in economic benefits in 2015 alone.

"He will continue to develop this partnership and seek to expand opportunities for more AFL content at Manuka Oval through regular engagement, lobbying and attendance at key events," she said.

The AFL officially invited leaders and ministers to finals, the spokeswoman said. Staff accompanying Mr Barr "to official events, such as occasional AFL games" helped with "talks and negotiations with relevant parties also in attendance, as well as following up queries with officials".

Mr Barr's travel reports show he was in Hobart and Launceston from August 6 to 9, 2009, for "research and policy discussions". The August 8 match between Hawthorn and St Kilda is not mentioned, but his office confirmed he had attended. The trip cost $1874. No information is provided on staff costs.

Mr Barr's spokesperson said as education minister he had met the Tasmanian premier and education minister in Hobart. In Launceston he had met the sports minister and discussed Tasmania's agreement with Hawthorn which had "provided important background ahead of the ACT Government's negotiations with the AFL and the Giants".

In September 2010, he visited visit to Melbourne to "attend AFL Grand Final Function, meet with AFL GWS Representatives and attend Tourism Event", according to his travel report. His trip cost $1870, with no information on staff costs.

In September 2011, he again visited Melbourne for "Sports Ministerial Council Meeting, Meeting with Victorian Human Rights Commission, AFL Grand Final". His trip cost $2410. Staff costs are reported from 2011 to 2014, so his report also details $4133 for an adviser and a public servant.

In 2012, he watched Hawthorn play the GWS in Melbourne on July 8, then went on to Perth, for a total cost of $5124. Staff costs came to $11,440. Mr Barr's travel report doesn't mention the game, but lists the reason for the trip as "meetings with a number of organisations, including sporting, philanthropic organisations corporate governance advisory Sports Minister Conference".

His office said he had met with AFL and Giants officials during the game to negotiate the following year's fixture in Canberra.

At grand final time in 2012, he was fighting an election campaign, and might have been forced to watch from his couch in Canberra.

In 2013, he attended the final in September where Hawthorn won. His travel report records "meetings with Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Victorian Baseball and Softball Centre, attend AFL Grand Final". His trip cost $1211. An adviser cost $1941.

Federal politicians Mathias Cormann, Steve Ciobo and David Bushby billed taxpayers for travel to the same game.

In 2014, there is no travel claim coinciding with the grand final, although Mr Barr appears to have tweeted from the game on September 27. On October 1 he left for Singapore and Tokyo, so if he was in Melbourne it was presumably at his own expense.

In 2015, Mr Barr saw Hawthorn beat St Kilda on Sunday June 7 when he flew to Melbourne for "Post Budget Investor Meetings". His office said he had presented at infrastructure and investor roundtables on the ACT budget and borrowing on June 9. The trip cost $1166, although Mr Barr charged just $58 in travel allowance. His report makes no mention of the game; his office said he attended at his own expense.

He also attended the 2015 grand final, but his travel report doesn't mention his stop in Melbourne. It reports a trade mission to the United States and Japan from October 2 to 16, and his office confirmed he had stopped in Melbourne en route for the grand final on October 3, where his team won.

Mr Barr did not attend the 2016 AFL grand final during the election campaign.

Travel reports date to the beginning of 2009, so it is unclear what happened before that.

Mr Barr's spokeswoman said all of the travel had been reported within guidelines.

Mr Barr, whose Labor Party profile says he's a "self-described Hawthorn FC tragic", is on holiday in New Zealand, returning to work on January 23.