- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 679502
Apus is a faint constellation in the southern sky, first defined in the late 16th century. Its name means "no feet" in Greek, and it represents a bird-of-paradise (which were once believed to lack feet). Its genitive is "Apodis".
Apus was one of twelve constellations created by Petrus Plancius from the observations of Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman. It first appeared on a 35 cm diameter celestial globe published in 1597 or 1598 in Amsterdam by Plancius with Jodocus Hondius. Plancius called the constellation Paradysvogel Apis Indica; the first word is Dutch for "bird of paradise", of genus Pteridophora, but the others are Latin for "Indian Bee". Apis (Latin for "bee") is presumably an error for avis ("bird").
The name Apus is derived from the Greek apous, meaning "without feet". This referred to the Western misconception that the bird-of-paradise had no feet, which arose because the only specimens available in the West had their feet and wings removed. Such specimens began to arrive in Europe in 1522, when the survivors of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition brought them home.
Android commonly refers to:
Android may also refer to:
Criss Blaziny - Apus (feat. Catalin Coma) (Ep. 9)
Los Apus - Cancer de amor
Los Apus - Vengo solterito
Implant pentru Refuz - Apus
Android App Review: Apus Launcher
LOS APUS : Dime quien
LOS APUS : No podras olvidarme
Apus Launcher: Personaliza Tu Android - Android Apps Team
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http://www.facebook.com/CBlaziny http://www.facebook.com/comaband http://www.facebook.com/adapter.official http://www.facebook.com/sagace http://www.facebook.com/hierba.putas.dineros Albumul se comanda de aici: http://shop.hiphopkulture.ro/criss-blaziny-rasaritul-apus-2012/ sau http://rapmusicstore.hiphopnews.ro/v1/criss-blaziny-rasaritul-apus-2012/ Muzica: Adapter & Sagace Aranjament muzical: Adapter @ Beatkraft Hertz Text: Criss Blaziny / Catalin Mix: Adapter / Ortega Master: Ortega Artwork: Criss Blaziny @ blART video & photo Album: Rasaritul Apus VERSURI Catalin-COMA Am alergat odata cu timpul Si mi-a fost dat sa aleg cununa de lauri Si as fi smuls'o cu jind sperand sa-i tac ritmul Dar m-am lasat incurcat de o mana de valuri Am alergat odata cu timpu...
Implant Pentru Refuz - Apus (Acustic) Live @ D'arc | Unirii 5 Mulțumim pentru sprijin și ajutor: Voce: Lelia Nicolaiciuc Teremin: Gabi Almași Cristian Văduva, Electronic Resistance, Club D'Arc, Pragma, Typopassage, Eugen Neacșu, Bogdan Tudose, Alexandru Pascu. Credits: Video Production by Cristian Văduva | Electronic Rezistance (http://weresist.ro/) Camera: Cristian Văduva, Bogdan Tudose Edit: Cristian Văduva Visuals: Eugen Neacșu
Implant pentru Refuz - Apus
Apus Launcher: http://adf.ly/qO6k4 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/thomasbiniam ------------------------------------------- Please: Respect each other in the comments. Thanks for all your supports, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! FAQ What phone are you using? -Im using an s4 What are you recording and editing with? - im recording with a Samsung smart camera ST150F
Los Apus http://www.youtube.com/TarpuyProducciones - Artista producido y promocionado por: TARPUY PRODUCCIONES J.F. - PERU Produccion General: Jeanette Fernandez S. Coordinación: Alexander León DISTRIBUCION Y VENTAS: LIMA Jr. Mesa Redonda 1000 Stand 191-A Celular: 989-573902 / 996-362293 Email: tarpuy_siembra@hotmail.com * FILMACIONES con camaras profesionales. Y ahora en FULL HD. HQ. * ESTUDIO DE GRABACION * MEZCLA y masterizacion * EDICION de videos * FOTOGRAFIA profesional * DISEÑO GRAFICO * IMPRESIONES láser de portadas, afiches y mas * PUBLICIDAD EN GENERAL ________________________________________ Los Apus CONTACTOS: PAGINA WEB: E-MAIL: Disco: Artista: Los Apus Año: 2012 Género: Folklore Andino Contemporáneo - Huayno Sello: TARPUY PRODUCCIONES Formato: Video Clips - DVD País: ...
Que tal amigos, hoy les traigo el Apus launcher, un nuevo launcher muy ligero y personalizable para Android, espero les guste este vídeo y puedan compartirlo en sus redes sociales y también apoyarlo con un like, saludos! Mas Información Desde Aquí. http://adf.ly/rwl5m Para ver mas tips y trucos de tecnologia para dispositivos Android, suscribete al canal AndroidAppTeam: http://bit.ly/13XwD08 Si Te Ha Gustado Este Vídeo, Apóyalo Con Un Like y Compártelo En Tus Redes Sociales. Suscribete a mi segundo canal en Youtube, androidgamesmx: http://www.youtube.com/user/androidgamesmx Mas Información Aquí. http://adf.ly/sWwrx Visitame En La Pagina Web http://androidappsteam.jimdo.com/ ::::::::::Mis Redes Sociales:::::::::: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Androidappsteam Twitter https://...
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel. https://www.youtube.com/tricksthatmakesmart https://www.facebook.com/tricksthatmakeyousmart https://www.facebook.com/groups/tricksthatmakeyousmart
This one is the concept video, featuring the band as pseudo-punk stereotypes.
Lansarea albumului "Nestramutat"
Implant pentru Refuz & Lelia - Apus live @ Fabrica Bucuresti 19.10.2012. "Transplant acustic"
Sunet Fin - De La Rasarit Pana La Apus https://www.facebook.com/sunetfin
Filmare din cadrul spectacolului "Farse Muzicale", desfasurat la Sala Radio, in Bucuresti.
Enuella performing live at the Battle of the Bands at Moulton's Skate America on 11.10.07 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Check Them Out at http://www.myspace.com/enuella
AMD is proud to bring you the livecast of our presentation at Computex 2016. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 3:18 – AMD President and CEO, Lisa Su, discusses the company’s mission 6:40 – AMD Senior Vice President and Chief Architect, Radeon Technologies Group, Raja Koduri, discusses his mission to make VR accessible and announces Radeon RX 480 24:34 – AMD Senior Vice President and General Manager, Computing and Graphics Business Group, Jim Anderson, launches the 7th Generation AMD A-Series APU 35:30 – Microsoft Partner Group Program Manager, Matt Perry, discusses the AMD and Microsoft relationship, especially 7th Gen AMD APU support for Windows 10 and the Windows 10 Anniversary Update 42:50 – HP Inc. Vice President, Consumer Notebooks, Personal System, Josephine Tan, shows off the 7th Gen AMD APU-base...
Cele doua conflicte ale dramei se impletesc de-a lungul a patru acte care prezinta ultimul an de viata al marelui domnitor Stefan cel Mare (din toamna anului 1503 si pana la 2 iulie 1504 - ziua mortii voievodului). Dorind sa recucereasca Pocutia stapanit de Polonia, Stefan cel Mare este nevoit sa-si intrerupa expeditia la insistentele sotiei, doamna Maria, datorita ranii grave de la picior. Simtindu-si sfarsitul aproape, Stefan cel Mare decide sa-si lase fiul, pe Bogdan , in locul sau insa boierii uneltesc spre a-l pune pe tronul Moldovei pe Stefanita, nepotul domnitorului.
All rights to The Schoenberg Automaton: https://www.facebook.com/TheSchoenbergAutomaton/ But the album: http://merchnow.com/products/ Band: The Schoenberg Automaton Album: Apus Year: 2016 Genre: Technical/Abstract Death Metal Country: Australia Tracks: 1. 0:00 Year Zero 2. 2:51 Swarm 3. 7:43 Lost City of Embers 4. 12:32 Withering 5. 16:48 ...and Thus Spoke Helepolis 6. 22:06 Master of Obsolescence Pt. I 7. 26:23 Of Omnipotence 8. 31:48 Prince Monopolist 9. 35:14 Vengeance 10. 37:17 Praise the Sun 11. 40:11 Don't Be Disputin' with Rasputin 12. 46:13 The Fragile Ones 13. 49:09 Fear
Los APUs son una muy buena opción para una PC Gamer de entrada, pero el elegir los componentes es un poco diferente, hay que poner bastante atención sobre todo en la memoria RAM y su velocidad, tienen un buen desempeño, un buen costo y pueden servirte para ti que tienes un presupuesto limitado o para alguno de tus hijos, dado que tienen una tecnología muy similar a la de las consolas de nueva generación. Pagina de AMD con especificaciones de los APUs: http://www.amd.com/US/PRODUCTS/DESKTOP/PROCESSORS/A-SERIES/Pages/a-series-apu.aspx#3 Compatibilidad de Dual Graphics: http://www.amd.com/us/products/technologies/dual-graphics/pages/dual-graphics.aspx#3 Dual Graphics con tarjetas que no estan listadas (esto bajo tu propio riesgo, no se contestaran preguntas de este tema) : http://www.cpu-w...
PARA BAILAR¡ Y GOZAR¡ Por las "Rutas del Folklore Peruano" con nuestros hermosos carnavales Peruanos, un Mix de los Mejores Carnavales de los Maestros de la Música Andina Peruana "Los Apus del Perú". Nuestro Amigo ZUZU y Carlitos Vila. Contactos Los Apus del Perú: LOS APUS Edgar Alfredo, Espinoza Zuzunaga (Zuzu) Carlos Vila Palomino CONTACTOS: 01-258-6883 / 992-775837 / 996820582 E-MAIL: losapus@hotmail.com
Presentación en las bodas de plata de Jose y Angélica. Alquiler de equipos de sonido para fiestas y espectáculos al aire libre,artistas ,conjuntos,orquestas..Alquiler de juego de luces y efectos led multicolor,luces inteligentes,láser humo ,kabuki,etc. Filmaciones full HD dual.
SENTIMIENTO PURO¡, DESDE EL PERÚ PARA TODO EL MUNDO... "LOS APUS DEL PERÚ" LOS APUS Edgar Alfredo, Espinoza Zuzunaga (Zuzu) Carlos Vila Palomino CONTACTOS: 01-258-6883 / 992-775837 / 996820582 E-MAIL: losapus@hotmail.com
“Ama waqaspalla wayqichallay” Sentir Andino Profundo. Contactos: Los apus E.I.R.Ltda. Edgar Alfredo espinoza Zuzunaga Phone. (511) 99277.5837 /99682.0582 / 258.6883 Rpm #968928471 / rpc 940435247 www.losapusperu.com losapus@hotmail.com Lima – Perú ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░░░ GRACIAS POR SEGUIRNOS ░░░░▒▒▒▓▓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ “PRIMICIASMUSIX” LA MAS COMPLETA VARIEDAD EN MUSICA ANDINA PERUANA. CANAL DEDICADO A LA DIFUSIÓN DE TEMAS MUSICALES DEL GENERO ANDINO EN SUS DISTINTAS VARIEDADES: AYACUCHANO, CUSQUEÑO, APURIMEÑO, CENTRO DEL PERÚ, CAJAMARQUINO Y DEMAS. PUEDES ENVIARNOS TU MATERIAL A LOS SGTES. CONTACTOS: "Sin Compromiso" E-mail: → primiciasmusix@hotmail.com FACEBOOK: → https://www.facebook.com/PRIMICIASMUSIX/
Serial TV adaptare dupa trilogia lui Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea "Apus de soare", "Viforul", "Luceafarul". Primul serial de televiziune realizat in Romania. scenariul si regia: eSorana Coroama distributia: Tofil Valcu, Dina Cocea, Silvia Popovici, Stefan Iordache, Traian Stanescu,George Motoi, Radu Beligan, Colea Rautu, Aurel Giurumia, Ion Bog, Ion Siminie, Costel Constantin, Vasile Cosma, Valeria Seciu, Cornel Constantiniu, Sorin Cruceru, George Mihaita, Corina Chiriac, Ica Matache,Dorin Varga,Mircea Albulescu, Violeta Andrei, Vladimir Gaitan, Elena Amaria, Monica Ghiuta, Cornel Garbea, Mircea Basta, Sergiu Tudose, Constantin Codrescu..
Do you know the story of APUS? Watch this interview of Mr.Li, CEO of APUS, telling you the development of APUS. You'll be surprised by our achievements within a short time, which can't be possible without our best users like you! Thank you! Thanks to everyone who left us questions on Facebook (http://bit.ly/1GHWfrc) and Twitter (http://bit.ly/1HJH93t) Make sure to check back for new episodes! Get more information about APUS :) ↓↓↓ Website: http://www.apusapps.com APUS Launcher: http://bit.ly/YTBdl APUS Browser: http://bit.ly/1KK7kcl APUS Booster+: http://bit.ly/1dJMmMb
This week, Ramesh welcomes representatives from the American Public University System (APUS) whch consists of two on-line universities: American Public University (APU) and American Military University (AMU) at Darshan Studio visti www.darshantv.com for more...!
Interviewing some people on the major events of the United States in the 1980's.
This week, Ramesh welcomes representatives from the American Public University System (APUS) whch consists of two on-line universities: American Public University (APU) and American Military University (AMU) at Darshan Studio visti www.darshantv.com for more...!
This week, Ramesh welcomes representatives from the American Public University System (APUS) whch consists of two on-line universities: American Public University (APU) and American Military University (AMU) at Darshan Studio visti www.darshantv.com for more...!
Before you head to your next job interview, there are several key things you should do to set yourself apart from the crowd. American Public University walks you through the top 10 tips to maximize your interview skills. To learn more about American Public University, visit www.StudyAtAPU.com. If you have any questions for our career services team, you can email them at careerservices@apus.edu.
Beyond Media is the official media team at APU/APIIT. We are passionate and enthusiastic in expressing the lifestyle of APU/APIIT students.
Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed.
The last of Ka drifts across the river
- Our sky outside has not been named.
Two Ugalla-demons start their battle
- Tempest of the creek is floored in flames.
Winds of Imhullu foretold their weather
- Sea-dwelling floods reply without names.
Taste the salty tides of the Apzu
- Alight seven tablets wearing steel of lame.
Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed.
6000 years past away to let the Utu tribes
hear the lying words against Azzta's truth.
Ea's eye is the way...
We are the ones who know the mountain passes,
and we'll search the battlefields,
in order to find the essential weapons corroded within the tan dust.
Marduk, Anu, Ellil, and Ea watch us all to test our bold and drastic strength,
so Tiamat sneers with the hate and commands the storm-chariot of the horses.
Their teeth and heart carry poison to strike us down,
but cannot fill our veins with venom.
We warned you twice:
"We Command The Mushussu!"
"Sharp Of Tooth And Strike Of Fang!"
"Horned Serpent Of The Unclaimed!"
Make a path, fix the hour, and raise the seed
The dragon's semen is what you drink to be crowned by night
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, kiss me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, kiss me!"
With the billowing fog, the abyss speaks below
Your wings of force cannot warp you through the times
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, caress me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, caress me!"
In the ninth aeon, Esharra ceases the laughter
Then, Imhulla assembles the blazing cycllone
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, embrace me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, embrace me!"
Now you are spiritually drunk from the dragon's semen,
So set your arrow in the bow and coat it with the poison
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, clutch me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, clutch me!"