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Old One

(Squiggy, Thu 12 Jan, 18:08, 2 replies)
to pay KGB or not to pay KGB? that is the question..
or if a prostitute pisses in the ritz and the presidents not there to pay her, can you book it to room service?

(R2Dtard, Wed 11 Jan, 19:41, 7 replies)
turns out its not a lift, it's a shower

(HappyToast, Wed 11 Jan, 8:10, 11 replies)
Star Feck

(Ninj, Mon 9 Jan, 12:39, 10 replies)
aww, look at his little chubby arms

(Q4nobody, Mon 9 Jan, 12:19, 5 replies)
Overdid it with the Champagne over New Years

Click for big.
How is everyone anyway? Haven't posted much recently, been too lazy to make 400k GIFs...
(Sheep!, Tue 3 Jan, 15:04, 22 replies)
I am peaing this in honour of Rick. Teh Snow Quo

(The Twisted Omentum, Sat 24 Dec, 17:50, 6 replies)
Adding movie characters to xmas cards

/quantity over quality
(monkeon, Fri 23 Dec, 21:35, 8 replies)
Merry Christmas b3tans
I have a twinge of the prolly binduns, but 'ave it anyway

(thecrapgatsby, Thu 22 Dec, 12:07, 5 replies)
What do you mean Zsa Zsa Gabor just died??

(Dr.Dunno, Mon 19 Dec, 10:22, 12 replies)
Fake Ads 2
We're making up fake adverts again. Start with a real one and twist it until it's funny.
See all 14 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 12th Jan at 11am
Maybe the strangest "Belly Dance" you will see in a while
SFW, very exotic and unusual!

See all 20 popular links (10 made popular today)
linked to by tubaman on 14th Jan at 7am
Question of the Week
Local Urban Legends
Urban legends from around your way, suggests top contributor Spanishfly. So tell us of your local legends and myths.
Read all 19 stories (open)
asked on 8th Jan at 5pm
Raise your glasses and say cheers to a week of booze fueled pictures and animations.
See all 58 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 5th Jan at 1pm
2017 Predictions
Put on your fortune telling outfit, stir the tea leaves and gaze in to your crystal ball, we're predicting the hell (or heaven) we're about to enter.
Show us scenes from the next 12 months.
See all 14 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 29th Dec at 8am
Status Quo
Saddened to hear of the death of B3ta legend Rick Parfitt and we thought for old time's sake and a small tribute to him let's have quick Quo challenge.
See all 23 images (closed)
set by rob on 24th Dec at 6pm
Christmasize Movies
Save people from getting bored of the usual Christmas films by taking a non-festive flick and making it all Christmassy. Give us a Texas Chainsaw Christmas Tree Massacre or The Bridge over the River Mince Pie.

Make non-Christmas movies festive.
See all 71 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 21st Dec at 8am
If Adverts told the truth 3
It's been almost 10 years so we're doing a classic b3ta challenge again - If adverts told the truth PART 3!
Tear advertising convention a new one and reject this post-fact world. Use Photoshop for good for once and show the people the ugly truth about what they buy.
See all 30 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 15th Dec at 9am
Fish Films
We're scuba diving to the cinema this week. Fish up your favourite movies either with awful puns or complex re-imaginings.
See all 112 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 8th Dec at 8am
Glam Rock
Put on your platforms, scribble on your face and pick up a guitar, we're going full on Glam Rock this week.
Just try and keep the Glitter to a minimum.
See all 44 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 1st Dec at 8am
dogs with jobs
Dogs do lots of jobs, but in these harsh financial times they could probably be pulling more weight. So set the hounds to work.
See all 42 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 24th Nov at 10am
Question of the Week
Stories of unsurpassed brilliance
This "Week" The suggestion comes from Kroney who muses

"Whilst I was passing through Miami airport at the tender age of 21, I fancied a beer. "ID" said the charming Southerner behind the desk, so I got out my passport and showed it to her.

"You have to be 21," she said. Now this confused me slightly as I had been 21 for several months by this point and my date of birth was staring her in my face.

"I am 21," I replied helpfully "it says so there, look"

"You have to be 21", she said getting angry.

Cut a long story short, I argued, the manager came out, I argued with him before I finally realised that they weren't looking at the date of birth at all. They were looking at the date of *issue*

That would have made me an annoyingly precocious four year old. What examples of unsurpassed mental genius have you experienced?"""""""
Read all 54 stories (closed)
asked on 21st Nov at 9am
Lets turn that frown upside down and put a smile on everyone's face with a week of happiness.
Show us what happy means to you, if you can remember what it looks like.
See all 37 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 17th Nov at 8am