How can I stop someone from contacting me?
Nid yw'r dudalen cymorth ar gael yn eich iaith chi. Dewiswch o blith yr ieithoedd a gynhelir gennym ni:Gallwch gael cefnogaeth hefyd gan ddefnyddwyr eraill sy'n siarad eich iaith trwy ymweld â'n fforwm defnyddwyr.
If someone’s bothering you on Facebook, the best way to stop them is to block them. Learn more about blocking. Other ways to limit someone's ability to contact you include:
  • Unfriending them: Only your friends can post on your Timeline. You can also change your settings to prevent anyone from posting on your Timeline.
  • Blocking their messages: When you block messages from someone, they'll no longer be able to contact you (ex: send you messages, call you) in Messenger or in Facebook chat.
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