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The Institute for Social Ecology (ISE) is an educational and activist organization based in Central Vermont.
Publications des visiteurs
  • Hey! 👋🏽 We’re still accepting nominations for our January “You Decid...e We Provide” charity contest, and we’d love to see this organization participate! 💌 Please “like” this post to enter our contest. It’s that easy! 🙌🏼 The charity with the most votes in our Facebook poll, which will be held January 16th-31st, will win $500! 💸 Thanks, and we hope to hear back ASAP! 😀 Click here too see our official contest rules: http://bit.ly/2hxTUUd Afficher la suite
  • CfP: UTOPIA AFTER THE HUMAN Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 11-12th A...pril 2017 Free to attend and bursaries available (see link for details) What subjectivities exist within, against and beyond our present? Is ‘the human’ still a viable subject for an emancipatory politics? And if not, what does this mean for utopianism? Is it even possible to think utopia apart from the human? How might we distinguish between technological futurisms that (re-)centre the human and those that de-centre it? The fifth Imaginaries of the Future symposium will explore the relationship between utopia(nism) and subjectivity. We welcome proposals for twenty minute presentations that explore the relationship between the post-, trans-, more-than-, non-, and/or in-human and utopia(nism) from any academic discipline. We also welcome proposals from artists, film-makers, musicians, activists or indeed anyone else from outside the academy. This may include the presentation of artistic work, or presentations that do not otherwise conform to academic norms. We particularly welcome proposals for presentations that challenge dominant narratives regarding the ‘turn’ away from the human. Particular racialized, gendered and disabled subjects have long been excluded from the category of ‘the human’, whilst many Indigenous cosmologies reject understandings of ‘the human’ that underpin Western thought. Many such subjects have also been excluded from and by various utopianisms, even as they develop forms of knowledge and praxis that might be thought of as utopian. Papers should engage with the concept of utopia(nism) (or a related term: dystopia, anti-utopia, heterotopia, etc.), although this engagement can be critical. We do not expect all presenters to have familiarity with academic work on utopia. More information and suggested/possible topics on link. Afficher la suite
Is Occupy a Revolution? (2012, Yes

Enroll now for the 2017 Social Ecology Intensive!

Linking Protest and Social Transformation:
Social Ecology and the Future of Our Movements


June 10- 15, 2017 | San Francisco, California Institute for Integral Studies

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"Beyond the Limits of Nature". A new commentary on degrowth from the perspective of social ecology from ISE board member Eleanor Finley. Thanks to Capitalism, Nature, Socialism and the ENTITLE_Political Ecology Blog

By Eleanor Finley* In this second article of the series “Ecology after capitalism”, Finley revisits the concept of growth from the libertarian socialist perspective of social ecology. S…

#MurrayBookchin, born 96 years ago today; his birthday wish would have been for a federated Syria and autonomy for the #Kurds. #twitterkurds

Reposted from ‏@debbiebookchin on twitter.

L’image contient peut-être : 2 personnes, personnes assises et intérieur

Happy Birthday Murray Bookchin - he would have been 96 today!

L’image contient peut-être : 1 personne, assis

Come to San Franscisco June 10-15 to learn, strategize, and network with others from across the country and world about how we can link protest to wider social-ecological transformation! Weekend and full week workshop options - $20 reserves a spot.

Theme is "Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Our Movements," and sessions will be held at the California Institute for Integral Studies.

Activist-scholar and ISE alum Federico Venturini has recently completed a dissertation which analyzes urban social movements in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil through the lens of social ecology. Check it out!

Last Spring, scholar-activist Federico Venturini, a friend and recent student at the ISE, completed his PhD in Human Geography at the University of Leeds in the UK. Federico's dissertation offers an in-depth study of radical urban social movements in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and explores the lessons…

Enroll today in our self-directed online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia, and join a global community of activist-thinkers sharpening our understanding of the world while developing visionary ideas to change it!

The ISE online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia introduces students to social ecology – an interdisciplinary body of ideas that examines social and ecological issues from a transformative and holistic perspective. Participants learn the foundations of social ecology and apply these insights to a va...

Green Politics and Theory Newsletter for Fall 2016

A response to the current moment by ISE staff Peter Staudenmaier

A commentary by ISE faculty member, Peter Staudenmaier, November 13, 2016 A friend of mine asked me this week to explain my perspective on the disorienting and dismaying rise of Trumpism. In my view, our focus at a time like this should not be so much on elections or politicians, but on the underlyi...

The ISE online seminar Ecology, Democracy, Utopia starts today, but there's still time to register! Join us for eight weeks of discussing politics, ecology, and social change with an amazing community of activist-thinkers from around the world!

We are happy to announce that we will again be offering our online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia: An Introduction to Social Ecology as an interactive weekly seminar that will begin on October 17th.

Ecological Challenges Conference 2017: An Exchange Between Academics and Activists

Oslo, Norway 15-18 February 2017

Environmental movements use the slogan “System Change, not Climate Change.” It points out that international negotiations and technological innovations repeatedly fail to reduce carbon emissions levels, and that our societies need to be profoundly transformed to prevent disastrous climate change. At the Ecological Challenges conference in Oslo, Norway 15-18 Febr...uary 2017, we take this as a point of departure and focus on questions that relate to systemic change:

What kind of systemic alternatives are desirable and feasible in the economic, political, social, and cultural spheres? What systems have to change, and why is it so hard to change them? What strategies could environmental movements adopt in order to achieve system change?

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Environmental movements use the slogan “System Change, not Climate Change.” It points out that international negotiations and technological innovations repeatedly fail to reduce carbon emissions levels, and that our societies need to be profoundly transformed to prevent disastrous climate change.

Howie Hawkins engages with ISE faculty member Brian Tokar's critical assessment of the transformation of the Greens from a movement to a traditional party in the new article: "Beyond Social Democracy: popular assemblies, confederal democracy, and internationalism."

There is still time to register for the ISE online seminar Ecology, Democracy, Utopia.

Join us for 8 weeks of discussing radical social theory, ecology and nature philosophy, capitalism and the state, movement history and strategy with ISE faculty and a global community of activist-thinkers.

Course starts Oct. 17 - Enroll today!

We are happy to announce that we will again be offering our online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia: An Introduction to Social Ecology as an interactive weekly seminar that will begin on October 17th.

ISE affiliate Aaron Vansintjan analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of two widely discussed yet seemingly opposed political tendencies on the left today – Accelerationism and Degrowth.

ISE affiliate Aaron Vansintjan has written an engaging article that accel-degrowanalyzes the strengths and weaknesses of two of the most widely discussed political tendencies on the left today - Accelerationism and Degrowth. By exploring their political priorities, vision, and blindspots, Vansintjan...

Defend the ZAD – October 8th & 9th, 2016

A call for international solidarity from John Jordan and The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, who have been at the front lines of a pressing social-ecological movement in France: the zad, or zone a défendre – an airport occupation that became an “extraordinary laboratory of new ways of living.”

A call for international solidarity from ISE affiliate and Reclaim the Streets co-founder John Jordan and The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, who are on the front lines of one of the most pressing social-ecological movements in France - the zad, or zone a défendre, the airport occupation…

Register today for the ISE online seminar Ecology, Democracy, Utopia!

This 8 week course begins October 17th, and combines a weekly online seminar, video lectures, readings, and forums to explore nature philosophy, capitalism, the state, technology and agriculture, social movement history and strategy.

Enroll now!

We are happy to announce that we will again be offering our online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia: An Introduction to Social Ecology as an interactive weekly seminar that will begin on October 17th.

Check out “Bookchin and Marx,” a paper from this year’s ISE annual gathering by Reid Kotlas, now featured on the ISE blog!

We are happy to present “Bookchin and Marx,” a paper delivered at this year’s ISE annual gathering by Reid Kotlas, a member of the Platypus Affiliated Society. Platypus is an international project “for the self-criticism, self-education, and, ultimately, the practical reconstitution of a Marxian Lef...