Social Ecology Blog

2017 Social Ecology Intensive: June 10-15, San Francisco

Theme is "Linking Protest and Social Transformation: Social Ecology and the Future of Our Movements," and sessions will be held at the California Institute for Integral Studies.

Reason, creativity and freedom: The communalist model

On the unique relevance of communalism in this historical moment. By Eleanor Finley, originally published by ROAR Magazine.
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    Beyond the Limits of Nature: A social-ecological view of growth and degrowth

Beyond the Limits of Nature: A social-ecological view of growth and degrowth

ISE board member Eleanor Finley has a new article titled Beyond the Limits of Nature: A social-ecological view of growth and degrowth. Part of the series Ecology after capitalism, it draws on Bookchin’s work to interrogate the limits of the degrowth perspective and contrasts it with social ecology’s analysis of post-scarcity and ecological development.

A New Municipal Uprising?

Several articles in the past month have chronicled the emergence of an emerging municipal uprising in several U.S. cities, sometimes encouraged by European models.

New dissertation on social ecology and movements

Last Spring, scholar-activist Federico Venturini, a friend and recent student at the ISE, completed his PhD in Human Geography at the University of Leeds in the UK. Federico's dissertation offers an in-depth study of radical urban social movements in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and explores the lessons of these movements through the lens of social ecology.
By |December 26th, 2016|Social Ecology Blog|0 Comments|

Radical Politics in a Reactionary Time

A commentary by ISE faculty member, Peter Staudenmaier, November 13, 2016

A friend of mine asked me this week to explain my perspective on the disorienting and dismaying rise of Trumpism. In my view, our focus at a time like this should not be so much on elections or politicians, but on the underlying social currents and the longer term historical factors that have brought us to this impasse. Taking a cue from Murray Bookchin’s 1989 essay “Radical Politics in an Era of Advanced [...]

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    Accelerationism… and Degrowth? The Left’s Strange Bedfellows

Accelerationism… and Degrowth? The Left’s Strange Bedfellows

ISE affiliate Aaron Vansintjan has written an engaging article that analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of two of the most widely discussed political tendencies on the left today, Accelerationism and Degrowth, exploring their political priorities, vision, and blind spots.

Defend the zad – a call for international solidarity

A call for international solidarity from ISE affiliate and Reclaim the Streets co-founder John Jordan and The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, who are on the front lines of one of the most pressing social-ecological movements in France - the zad, or zone a défendre, the airport occupation that became an autonomous zone and prefigurative community of struggle.
By |September 20th, 2016|Social Ecology Blog|0 Comments|
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    “Bookchin and Marx;” Reid Kotlas from the 2016 Annual Gathering

“Bookchin and Marx;” Reid Kotlas from the 2016 Annual Gathering

We are happy to present “Bookchin and Marx,” a paper delivered at this year’s ISE annual gathering by Reid Kotlas, a member of the Platypus Affiliated Society. Platypus is an international project “for the self-criticism, self-education, and, ultimately, the practical reconstitution of a Marxian Left” which hosts reading groups and publishes the journal The Platypus Review.  In recent years Platypus has initiated a critical engagement with the ideas of Social Ecology, and have invited ISE faculty members to participate in their annual gathering on multiple occasions. Kotlas’ [...]

Enroll Now – New ISE Online Seminar!

The self-paced, flexible version of our course, Ecology, Democracy, and Utopia, is still available at reduced cost. The full course, with weekly online discussions, will be offered again later in the spring.