We are happy to announce that we will again be offering our online course Ecology, Democracy, Utopia: An Introduction to Social Ecology as a weekly seminar starting October 17th, 2016.

Stay tuned for the Spring 2017 offering! Meanwhile, the flexible, self-paced version is available anytime – see below.

This 8 week course explores the core themes of Social Ecology using a combination of video lectures, readings, interactive forums, and weekly online discussion sessions with ISE faculty. It explores a broad range of interconnected themes, including:

  • What is Social Ecology?
  • The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy
  • Understanding Nature
  • Capitalism, Critique, Alternatives
  • Technology, Agriculture, and Society
  • Politics and the State: Direct Democracy & Popular Assemblies
  • Getting from Here to There: From Protest to Social Transformation
  • Reconstructive Vision: Reclaiming Utopia

We are now accepting enrollment on a first-come-first-serve basis; you can reserve a spot now by paying the $150 registration fee here and writing us an email at: social-ecology@mail.mayfirst.org.

Please note that enrollment for EDU Flex – the flexible, self-directed version of the same course but without the weekly online seminar – is ongoing and can be started anytime. Registration for EDU Flex costs $50.

We look forward to learning and changing the world together!