Hidden Documentaries interviews Jasmine-Kim Westendorf

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[Jasmine was recenlty interviewed by Sarah from Hidden Documentaries.]

Lygon Street, Carlton, 5pm

For generation Y, free education died before we were even born. Our parents watched Whitlam get kicked out in the 70s and by the time we were watching Agro’s Cartoon Connection, HECS was here to stay.

We are a useful lot. We are accountants, lawyers, builders, chefs, hairdressers, iphone lovers and commerce degree holders. We have little interest in pursuits that have no career-orientated outcome or ‘tangible’ value.

This week, however, I stumbled upon a generation rebel – Jasmine-Kim Westendorf.

Jasmine is a 25-year-old PhD candidate at Latrobe University who, along with colleagues Gerhard Hoffstaedter and Aurelien Mondon, has started Australia’s only free university.