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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
January 15, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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We Were Warned About Barack Obama—by Obama Himself

The 44th president’s service to the rich and powerful was foretold, and not just by leftist “carpers.” This is history that matters.


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Dennis Van Tine / STAR MAX / IPx

Intelligence Report Leak Damages Donald Trump, Just as FBI ‘Hit Job’ Hurt Hillary Clinton

The news media have been reduced to bystanders while the intelligence agencies run the show.
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The Insanity of a New Cold War: A Top Russian Scholar Sounds the Alarm

Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer talks with professor Sergei Plekhanov about Western misconceptions of today's Russia.
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In this week’s episode of “Informed Rant,” host Joshua Scheer interviews three guests on an array of contemporary political issues.

Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer sat down with the veteran intelligence analyst and NSA whistleblower (pictured at left) to discuss alleged Russian hacking in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. (Transcript added.)

Part 5: Back to School and a Sense of Renewal

After earning an associate degree in prison, the 58-year-old author—a self-described “computer illiterate”—hopes to complete his Bachelor of Arts study through a program at Rutgers University.

Overtime Issue Will Be One of the First Tests of Donald Trump’s Pledge to Help Workers

A rule that could secure overtime pay for 4 million workers is in limbo, and the president-elect will help decide whether it survives.

Refuting Donald Trump’s Attack on Georgia Rep. John Lewis

It began when the civil rights icon announced that he will not attend Trump’s inaugural because he does not consider him a legitimate president.

Five Ways Donald Trump’s ‘News Conference’ Wasn’t a News Conference

Trump isn’t even president yet, but he’s already eroding our democracy.



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Will Donald Trump’s Climate Team Accept Any ‘Social Cost of Carbon’?

The nation’s top science panel has just sketched a clearer way to set a fair price today for cutting tomorrow’s climate risks. Some of the president-elect’s advisers say the price should be zero.

Allegations of Russian Hacking Cover Up Larger Issue: Attacks on Independent Journalism

Truthdig contributor Chris Hedges argues that politicians are zeroing in on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election to shut down outspoken media.

What Is Trump Aide Mike Flynn’s Relationship With Russia?

The headlines about Donald Trump and his team and the Russian Federation are coming fast and furious, and the stories seem to be more than merely isolated data points.

Part 4: Restarting Life in a Halfway House

The transition from convict to parolee can be difficult and lonely, with more restrictions in the reintegration facility than in prison. But thoughts of the free world keep the author going.

Truthdigger of the Week: Cornel West, Social Philosopher and Obama Critic

“The reign of Obama did not produce the nightmare of Donald Trump—but it did contribute to it,” West tells us.



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Plan an Inaugurexit That’s Just Right for You

You can protect yourself from it, cleanse yourself of it or correct your world in the wake of it—like a skin care ad for sudden-onset inauguritis.

A Poem Close to the Bone for Many in 2016

“I can tell something bad is happening in the world when my poem is surging,” says “Good Bones” author Maggie Smith.

Chris Hedges on Donald Trump’s ‘Naked Kleptocracy’

The president-elect is “malleable and easily manipulated” in the face of establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle, the Truthdig contributor says.

Part 3: The End of Incarceration

The author gets his day before the parole board after more than 30 years in prison for murder.

All the President-Elect’s Deniers

This week, we’ve seen a parade of Donald Trump’s far-right Cabinet appointees attempting to tone themselves down for the public with half-truths and evasions.

Draw Your Weapon!

“The Realist Cartoons” confirms humor as an essential tool for escaping the notion that our leaders are wise and benign stewards of justice.

Big Pharma-Backed Democrats Join GOP to Block Bernie Sanders’ Effort to End Drug Price Gouging

Sen. Cory Booker and others drew sharp rebuke from observers who pointed out that many who voted “no” receive substantial contributions from the pharmaceutical industry.

Donald Trump Is Creating ‘a Framework in Which Authoritarian Leaders Assert More Power’

Joel Simon, executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, analyzes the president-elect’s troubling attitude toward the media.

The ‘Hidden Figures’ Jeff Sessions Wants to Keep in the Shadows

A new movie reminds us of past racial injustice as a new administration tries to turn back the clock.

Exposing the Man Behind the Curtain

Americans have a right to know the full truth about claims of Russian hacking.

With Late Night Vote, GOP Takes Aim at Key Health Care Gains

Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, called the Republican senators’ action “shocking, reckless and immoral.”