
Breaking the Language Barrier on Human Rights

About Us

Our Mission:

Persian2English is a blog which aims to expose the human rights violations in Iran to the international audience.
We are a team of volunteers from across the world with a shared purpose: to break the language barrier on human rights.
We strive to further the amount of Iranian human rights news used by international media outlets. Citizen awareness is
imperative to the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and civil liberty.

What we do:

We are a team of translators, editors, human rights activists, and citizen journalists dedicated to distributing daily
translated news. We rely on information from Iranian human rights organizations and internal news agencies to translate.
Once we spread a news story, we then rely on dedicated online activists who aim to spread Iran’s news to the largest
possible audience.

About Iran:

Iran is at a very critical stage in its history. While there is an increasing trend of grassroots opposition to the current regime,
the government has increased its oppressive tactics to eradicate the growing civil unrest. In light of the Iranian government’s
ongoing media censorship, there is limited access to English news on Iran’s internal affairs. Since the Presidential election in
June 2009 , the Iranian government has limited access to international correspondents. As a result, writers, reporters, and journalists haveĀ come to rely on citizen journalists and news agencies inside the country for the latest information.

Join us:

We are actively looking to expand our team of translators and editors to be able to provide the most timely news updates.

You can join us as a translator or editor by contacting:

Please note that your contribution to this project will remain confidential at your request.

Send questions and comments for Persian2English to Maryam Nayeb Yazdi, the Editor in Chief: