
Breaking the Language Barrier on Human Rights

Dissident journalist on nationwide journey blogs experience: “Nothing but decadence”

January 10, 2014

Translation Siavosh Jalili Persian2English

Dissident Iranian Journalist Mohammad Nourizad — from his Facebook Page — January 7 2014 — I was in *Shush-e Daniel today. A friend…called me from Tehran and asked if I had seen the article published on the ‘Solh News’ website. I replied, “I am on a trip, and I have no access to the internet. What does it say?” He said, “I am not feeling very well, Mr. Nourizad. “Where is [our society] heading to?” I asked, “What happened?” With a lump in his throat he said, “I am ashamed to quote what it says…Solh News claims you have raped your own daughter, your wife has filed charges against you, and now you are being held in a psychiatric facility. It also published a photo of you and your daughter.”

I am now in Ahwaz. It’s 1:00 a.m. A friend has sent me the link to the article. Solh News is [controlled and operated by] the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence’s news agency. I read the article. More than being sad, I reflect on the moral descent into the abyss of *decadence in a society that claims to be Muslim.

I tell myself, “You have to stand steadfastly, for these gestures of frustration and acts of aggression show that you have been able to hit the monster, that you hit the nail on the head; this is only the beginning of the road in which you have set foot on.” I recommend that you read the article published [by Solh News] so you may see how deep decadence can penetrate in this pillaged and sacked land. 

Editor’s Note: For the past year journalist Mohammad Nourizad has been travelling and hitchhiking his way across Iran visiting victims of rights abuses– including Iranians belonging to ethnic and religious minority groups, burn victims, the poverty-stricken, and the families of 2009 post-election protesters who were murdered by Iranian authorities. Nourizad’s peaceful initiative has led news sites controlled by Iran’s security apparatuses to publish slander about him.

Translator’s Note: * Daniel’s Susa is a site in the city of Shush in Southern Iran where Daniel the Prophet is said to be buried). * Decadence: “The act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state”

For more information on Mohammad Nourizad and his initiatives please visit the English section of his official website or check what he’s up to on his Facebook page.


More on Mohammad Nourizad including English translations of his letters to Iran’s leader Ali Khamenei


سقوط و دیگر هیچ!

امروز در شوش دانیال بودم. دوستی که نمی شناختمش از تهران زنگ زد و گفت: خبر ” صلح نیوز ” را دیده ای؟ گفتم من اکنون در سفرم و به اینترنت دسترسی ندارم مگر چه نوشته؟ گفت: حالم خیلی بد است آقای نوری زاد. ما داریم بکجا می رویم؟ پرسیدم: مگر چه شده؟ بغضش گرفته بود. گفت: شرم دارم بگویم. و گفت: صلح نیوز آورده که شما به دخترت تجاوز جنسی کرده ای و همسرت از شما شکایت کرده و شما اکنون تحت درمان یک مرکز روانی هستید. و عکسی نیز از شما و دخترتان منتشر کرده.

اکنون به اهواز باز آمده ام. ساعت یک بامداد است. می بینم دوستی خبر صلح نیوز – خبرگزاری وزارت اطلاعات – را برای من ارسال کرده. دیدمش. بیش از آنکه مکدر شوم، به سقوط اخلاقی یک جامعه ی مدعیِ مسلمانی در ورطه ی زشتکاری می اندیشم. به خود می گویم: محکم بایست که این گریبان دریدن ها نشان از آن دارد که تو به مغز این هیولاها میخ کوفته ای. و این که: این هنوز ابتدای راهی است که بدان پای نهاده ای.

پیشنهاد می کنم این خبر را ببیند تا بدانید در این مُلکِ غارت شده، زشتکاری تا کجاها می تواند رسوخ کند:

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