
One Nation senator Pauline Hanson: 'Yes other MP's have approached us'

Pauline Hanson said she and One Nation have been approached by other MPS from the two major parties wanting to join One Nation because MPs were frustrated by the lack of action from their political parties.

Senator Hanson dropped a bombshell on Queensland Parliament on Friday by announcing she had secured the support of Buderim LNP MP Steve Dickson to become a new One Nation MP in Queensland Parliament.

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Member for Buderim Steve Dickson defects from the LNP to One Nation, citing access to medicinal cannabis for sick people in his electorate. Vision courtesy ABC News 24

She confirmed other MPs had approached her interested in joining One Nation.

"And that is not just in Queensland," Senator Hanson told Fairfax Media on Saturday.

"We have had interest from other people, yes," she said. 

"Yes, we have, but that is all I will say.


"But there are so many people who are so fed up with the political parties not delivering for the people, they definitely want to."

She declined to identify MPs.

Senator Hanson said she met the LNP's Cleveland MP Mark Robinson, "as a friend of Steve's in December, but it was simply a social occasion," Senator Hanson said.

"That was just a social visit," she said.

"He was a friend of Steve's and he was up there on the Sunshine Coast and just wanted to say 'hi'.

Senator Hanson said they discussed Mr Robinson's speech to Queensland Parliament about Islam.

Mr Robinson in August 2016 told a Queensland Parliament debate on bipartisan counter-terrorism laws to call for stronger legislation to counter the complex issues of "jihadi terrorism."

Senator Hanson said Mr Robinson wanted to make sure she was aware of his speech.

She said Mr Robinson had not discussed leaving the Liberal National Party at the dinner.

"No, there is nothing more to that," Senator Hanson said.

She said One Nation was not trying to "steal LNP MPs" and would win the next Queensland election on their own policies.

Senator Hanson said One Nation was wary of 'plants' from the two major political parties and was cautious when MPs from other parties approached them.  

Mr Robinson issued a statement on Saturday morning to say he had no intentions of leaving the Liberal National Party.

He confirmed he had dinner with  Ms Hanson, Buderim MP Steve Dickson and Ms Hanson's senior advisor James Ashby on the Sunshine Coast in December.

"While I have had a cordial meeting and chat with Pauline Hanson, as Tony Abbott and Tim Nicholls and others have done so, I wish to make it crystal clear that I have no plan to leave the LNP, and I am not joining One Nation," he said.

"I had dinner with Steve Dickson, Pauline Hanson and James Ashby one December evening in Buderim.

"It is not my practice to publicise the content of private conversations, but suffice to say that at no stage was the possibility of me leaving the LNP and joining One Nation ever canvassed. The conversation was cordial and polite."

Mr Robinson said he "remains a committed member of the LNP in Queensland." He was elected Cleveland MP in March 2008 and has served as Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, before serving as shadow minister for fisheries, main roads,  apprenticeships and trade, training.

Mr Robinson said he intended to run again at the next state election. He said he joined the Liberal National Party because of its policy platform and values regarding family, traditional marriage and life.

Buderim MP Steve Dickson announced on Friday he had quit the Liberal National Party to join One Nation to give the party its first seat in Queensland's now 89-seat Parliament.

Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls said the decision was all about Mr Dickson's self-interest.

"This is simply about Steve's own political self-interest," Mr Nicholls said.

"I'm disappointed, I think the people of Buderim will be disappointed, I think his colleagues in the LNP who have supported him for the past decade will be disappointed."

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