WA News

Why was I driving at 150kmh? Because of the kangaroos!

Excuses of speeding drivers have long been a source of shock and amusement for police officers.

The latest example comes from the country town of Perenjori, nearly 400kms north-east of Perth.

Police officers on patrol there clocked a speeding driver and could barely believe the radar reading... the car was travelling at 149km/h.

More unbelievable, though, was the driver's excuse.

The man told police he was driving so fast because he was "keeping an eye out for kangaroos", an anecdote officers shared on Twitter.


Police Superintendent Mike Bell was scathing in his reaction to the excuse.

"If it wasn't so serious, I reckon this would be leading the list of lame excuses when caught speeding," he said.

Speaking of lame excuses, we thought we'd track down some of the best in the past.

A quick search online revealed the following excuses apparently offered to police officers by speeding drivers.

Excuses for speeding:

"I'm sorry for speeding, but without my glasses I can hardly see the speedometer."

- "I was speeding because I didn't see you and your radar gun."

"Officer I've got a hot date tonight. If you'd seen this girl you'd be speeding too."

- "I'm sorry officer, I was trying to blow a leaf off my windshield."

"My air conditioner is broken and I was trying to fight off heat exhaustion by making a faster breeze."

"I ran out of beer about two kilometres back and was in a hurry to get some more."

"Officer I'm eight months pregnant and my two other kids have been fighting in the back seat. Just take me to jail, I need the rest."

"My wife ran off with a police officer and when I saw your flashing lights I thought you might be trying to bring her back to me."