Federal Politics

'I was invited because I'm the Trade Minister': Steve Ciobo defends MPs' taxpayer-funded attendance at sport events

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo has argued the case for politicians to attend sporting events on the taxpayer dime, describing it as the kind of activity that voters expect.

Mr Ciobo, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Tasmanian senator David Bushy claimed publicly-funded travel entitlements to go to the 2013 AFL grand final, according to the ABC. Mr Ciobo charged taxpayers $1100 to attend.

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Independent MP Andrew Wilkie wants the parliamentary entitlements system overhauled and thinks the current crop of politicians should have better judgement when claiming expenses. Courtesy ABC.

Asked to explain the expenses amid the ongoing focus on politicians' expenditure – triggered by now suspended Health Minister Sussan Ley's Gold Coast travel – the Trade Minister was unapologetic for the "absolutely" work-related trips.

"I'm sorry, but the reason I was invited isn't because I'm Steve Ciobo. I was invited because I'm the Trade Minister," he told ABC radio.

"Ministers or parliamentary secretaries or others are invited to go along to these events specifically by businesses and organisations who are taking the opportunity to showcase themselves there, to take the time to have a conversation in relation to important matters."

Mr Ciobo also defended using his taxpayer-funded car to attend local sport events in his Queensland electorate of Moncrieff, saying: "I think people expect that".


He also pointed to Australian prime ministers attending rugby union matches between the Wallabies and All Blacks as another positive example.

Following the latest expenses flare-up, the government has promised to act on long-awaited reforms in the first half of this year.

The government agreed in-principle to 36 recommendations from a review of expenses triggered following former speaker Bronwyn Bishop's $5227 taxpayer-funded helicopter flight to a Liberal Party fundraiser.

The review – led by Remuneration Tribunal president John Conde – recommended clearer distinction between party political duties, office duties, electorate duties and personal matters in order to clear up the notoriously flexible interpretation of "official business".

The review also urged changing the language from "entitlements" to "work expenses", explicitly banning the use of the Comcar chauffeur service for "primarily personal" journeys, bolstering the Finance Department's expense auditing capacity, extending a 25 per cent financial penalty on erroneous travel expense claims to all claims and more regular publication of expense reports.

The government will simplify the existing system, which is currently governed by a patchwork of acts of parliament, independent determinations and executive orders. Fairfax Media understands the consolidation of this complex network into one piece of legislation is currently being drafted and will be dealt with promptly after Parliament returns.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has also been caught up in the latest focus on expenses, having used $2716 from the government purse to attend the Portsea Polo event on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula in January 2016, where she was a guest of beer company Peroni and car manufacturer Jeep.

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