Daily Life

Finer diner:This home-made take on retro classics raises the bar

Throw a stone in any city around Australia at the moment and you're likely to hit a cool new burger joint. Big-name chefs, first timers, food trucks and former fine dining restaurants – everyone seems to be getting in on the act these days. 

Sure, it's probably more a function of tougher conditions in traditional restaurants forcing operators into wider-margin business models, but the law of supply and demand ensures that chefs will supply what people demand – and we demand burgers!

It's hard not to love burgers. Some favour the Aussie burger-bar versions of yesteryear, stacked high with cheese, lettuce, tomato, bacon, eggs and barbecue sauce. Others go for the minimalist appeal of the American greasy spoon variety, with medium-rare patties and sweet, soft buns, where even tomato sauce is seen as an unnecessary complication. 

However you like your burgers, I don't think you need to get too gourmet with them. Burgers are simple food, and are at their best when they're just doing their thing. Here are a couple of simple burger-bar favourites that are certain to hit the spot.


Serves 4

If you've only ever tasted burger patties packed with eggs. breadcrumbs, herbs and all other whatnot, just try these and you'll be converted forever. Simple really is best.


 2 tbsp dripping or vegetable oi

l • 4 soft hamburger buns

• sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to season

• 1 brown onion, peeled, and shaved into very thin rings

• 4 slices cheddar or tasty cheese

• ½ cup sliced dill pickles, to serve

• tomato sauce, to serve

• American-style mustard, to serve

Divide the minced beef into four equal portions and roll them into balls without pressing them together too much. Squash the balls and gently mould them into four "quarterpound" patties the same size as your burger buns. Chill the patties in the fridge for at least 10 minutes. 

Heat a large frying pan or barbecue hotplate and brush it with a little dripping or oil. Cut the buns in half and place them, cut-side down, directly onto the hotplate. Season each patty well with salt and pepper, and place onto the hotplate alongside the buns. 

Add a small amount of shaved onion to the raw top of the patty and squish it in. After a minute or so, flip it over. Add a slice of cheese to the cooked top of the patty and then cover it with the top of a bun. Cook the patty for a further minute or two until the cheese is melted. Flip the bun bottom and cover with the cheese and bun-covered patty. Serve with pickles and condiments.

Adam's tip Cheaper beef minces are higher in fat than the more expensive "premium" minces, which makes them great for hamburgers. While burger experts recommend 30 per cent fat for hamburgers, the 15-20 per cent fat you get in cheap minces is perfectly fine.


Serves 4

Cooking bananas really intensifies their flavour. Keep the ice-cream to a minimum and this decadent-looking dessert actually ends up being relatively healthy.

• 4 large ripe bananas

• 4 tbsp granola

• 4 tbsp chocolate chips

• 4 tsp honey

• 4 scoops vanilla ice-cream, to serve

• 1-2 cups thick yoghurt, to serve

• ½ cup crushed pistachios, to serve

• 1 cup mixed berries (raspberries, blueberries and strawberries work well), to serve

• 1 tsp ground cinnamon, to serve

Preheat oven to 200°C. Split the bananas (don't peel them) in half lengthways, almost all the way through. Fill each banana with granola and chocolate chips and drizzle with a little honey. Wrap in foil and bake for 20 minutes.

Remove the foil and place the banana halves (with the skin) on a serving plate. Add a scoop of ice-cream, a couple of spoons of yoghurt, scatter with the pistachios and berries and finish off with a little cinnamon.