
Breaking the Language Barrier on Human Rights

Ailing Blogger’s Video Message to Iranians Prior to His Re-Arrest

June 06, 2013

Hossein Ronaghi’s Video Message that He Recorded Prior to His Recent Re-Arrest

(Translation Source) Lalehsr | These are difficult times for Iran, and for all of us. I believe that under these difficult circumstances, in some manner all of us must do our part in resistance, because there is no other alternative, and if we want to be witness to our Iran mended and restored, and exposed to bright days, all of us must think of change. I believe in order to achieve the change that we desire we must begin with ourselves because the problem with our Iran is that we are the ones who have brought Iran to where it is today.

If we all desire that Iran becomes a better place, we must completely avoid extremism, because in the past years, Iran has been greatly damaged by the extremism that has penetrated both from us and from the ruling apparatus.

We must be willing to pay a price in order to witness a brighter tomorrow for Iran. If not, it is not possible to expect a good future for Iran. I ask that we all put aside our grievances. We have to be able to hold each other’s hands so that together we achieve something positive for our country. It is not possible to imagine a good future while holding on to resentment. In my opinion, what can be strongly rebuilt in our society is wisdom and compassion– which has plunged to almost zero among us.

The main foundation for a new Iran needs to be formed based on international standards of human rights so that we can build a free Iran free of cruelty, violence or oppression. I hope that you will help us in this endeavor, because each and every one of us can make an impact and we all have a responsibility towards this nation and to those who have in some way suffered in this land.

The only thing that can be said is that I hope this year will be a good one for everybody– a year, where in my opinion, Iran may be described as a prosperous and free land. And I hope the pain that the people are immersed in and the hardships as a result of high costs and poverty will be eradicated this year. Most importantly, our damaged society must be mended and restored.

I hope that we can begin with [working on] ourselves today, for I am certain that if we begin with ourselves we can build a bright future.

Information on Hossein Ronaghi’s latest arrest and imprisonment HERE

  • Balatarin

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