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Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts. Most of the remaining languages are critically endangered because says in...


Listen to SBS correspondent Nassem Sadiq.
Listen to this exclusive interview with Archimandrite Emmanuel Baito the head of the largest relief organization in Iraq (CAPNI) speaking about the current and...
Iraqi Special Forces declared victory in the eastern half of the city last Wednesday, more than three months after the launch of the Mosul offensive. "Residents...


Enrollments for the Assyrian Language College will take place on Monday 30th of January and Wednesday, the 1st of February 2017, from 6.30 pm to 8 pm at Mar...
My Grandmother's Lingo

A unique voice-activated interactive tells the story of one woman’s fight to save her endangered Indigenous language.

Special Features

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Face to Face with Wilson Younan

Decisions from the Assyrian Church of the East Synod that was not revealed publicly. ...
Has the Assyrian Church of the East officially opened a dialogue with Israel? ...
In this part of Suitcase Full of Stories film, Ninos Emmanuel meets The President of the Assyrian Association of Krasnodar Mr Oleg Georgizov. He is a prominent...
Face to Face with Wilson Younan
Mrs Carmen Lazar Center Manager of the Assyrian Resource Center and advocate on behalf of the NSW Assyrian Chaldean Syriac community, was one of the speakers in...