Civil war re-enactment in Virginia.

Ghosts of the battlefield

Barbara Noe explores Civil War sites near Washington where the history of conflict still informs modern America.

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Fallingwater and its famous waterfall.

Falling for genius

Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural masterpiece proves to be a sublime diversion for Belinda Gibbon.

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Baby crying plane

Come cry with me

Flying with a toddler? Fasten your seatbelt, advises Dugald Jellie. There's a white-knuckle ride ahead.

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Strahov Monastery

For want of better words

Brian Turner discovers mediaeval treasures, pithy dictums and mischevious desire on a tour of the world's great libraries.

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Washington DC, USA. Security guard at Washington Monument.

Poetry in motion

Sean Mooney discovers Washington's literary heritage in some surprising places.

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