- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 8087
Monkey's Life in Cambodia | monkey life in jungle | monkey life documentary | monkey life cycle
Miami -- Monkey Jungle
The Monkey Song from the Jungle Book
I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts (Jungle Beat Season 2)
Animals in Mirrors Hilarious Reactions
Smart Orangutan at Monkey Jungle
A monkey bullies two tigers! (Funniest Video Ever)
The Jungle Book The Monkey Chase
Jungle of the Red Spirit (full documentary)
These monkey are living in Ampe Phnom, a resort in Kompong Speu Province, Cambodia. They are survive by the banana that feed by local tourists. Local Authority said that there were a few monkeys several years before, but now the population are around 200 monkeys living here. monkey monkey kingdom monkey joe's monkey bread monkey go happy monkey quest monkey kingdom trailer monkey jungle monkey ballsa monkey grass monkey d luffy monkey wrench monkey city monkey sports monkey pic monkey business monkey survey monkey island monkey on the car monkey and the engineer monkey and frog monkey as a pet monkey ak47 monkey attack monkey and puppies monkey adaptations monkey and dog monkey around monkey audio monkey and the engineer chords monkey and at monkey ace monkey apprentice monkey abuse mo...
As part of the "Tin Can Travels" book series, we visited Monkey Jungle in Homestead, Florida. If you love primates and are looking for an unusual opportunity to interact with them, this is the place to go -- where the monkeys run wild and the humans are caged! I got up close and personal with squirrel monkeys, saw Java monkeys dive for fruit, was blown kisses from Mei the orangutan, and watched King the lowland gorilla do his famous boogie. You can read my blog, see the photos from our RVing travel adventures, and find out about the latest book release at http://ramonacreel.com/TinCanTravels.asp!
Monkey has found a coconut. He happily sets about trying to eat it only to discover that coconut eating is quite a tricky thing. Try as he might he cannot get through the hard shell of the coconut so he's gives up in frustration. The coconut however does not give up on Monkey and nature and gravity conspire to keep the coconut crossing Monkey's path. How will Monkey escape this hard-shelled menace?
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1m6su5O There can be no better or worse sight than your own reflection, but these vain animals seemed very keen to admire themselves. Innovative French photographer Xavier Hubert-Brierre travelled to Gabon with his wife and set up a mirror in several locations in order to capture animals walking by. The results are stunning, with one of the more amusing reactions being from two leopards. One of them takes several looks at the mirror before it is attacked by a second leopard, who calls off the ambush when he too spots Xavier's mirror. Connect with Caters: Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1m6su5O Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Caters_News Like our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catersnews Visit our website: https://www.catersnews.com
Minecraft Adventure- JUNGLE UNDER ATTACK!!! Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/max_themonkeyyt/ Music by: Kevin MacLeod Songs used: "Carnivale Intrigue", "Crypto" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Little Lizard - http://bit.ly/LittleLizardG Tiny Turtle - http://bit.ly/TinyTurtleYT Little Kelly - http://bit.ly/LittleKellyMc Little Carly - http://bit.ly/LittleCarly Little Donny - http://bit.ly/LittlePrinceDonny The Minevengers - http://bit.ly/TheMineVengers Sharky Adventures - http://bit.ly/SharkyChannel Donut The Dog - http://bit.ly/DonutTheDog Max The Monkey - http://bit.ly/MaxTheMonkey
Here's a very funny n naughty Monkey who really irritates two tiger cubs. The initial narration is in Hindi. This guy is really enjoying by playing with the tiger cubs! :)
This is a journey through the Borneo rainforest , a jungle in which none of the people expected to live too long, where even plants are fearsome predators. This chapter takes us into the protected areas of the northeast end of the Borneo island to show the functioning of this ecosystem. We'll observe the morphology of this great body that houses both a huge amount of insects and large animals. We will also know the social customs of the monkeys called násicos and we can see the activity of the hairy Sumatran rhino . Watch the sophisticated trap that carnivorous plants produce and enjoy a sample of the wide variety of orchids that the rainforest of Borneo houses. But the real protagonist is the red orangutan ,named by the locals as "monkey man". We will approach the lives of these endange...