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This Week’s Issue

Deal (Or No Deal) 2017

Deal (Or No Deal) 2017

Shari Redstone puts the brakes on Viacom-CBS, AT&T awaits The Donald, Lionsgate and Starz say "I do": inside the wild scramble from Hollywood to Silicon Valley for size (and smarts) as the stakes get higher and the signposts blurrier. Says one banker, "It's going to be a rambunctious M&A market."

  • Michael Wolff on Shari Redstone: Yes, She Does Have a Plan for Viacom
  • Hollywood's Merger Mania: Inside the Studios' "Size Anxiety," Scramble to Match Silicon Valley
  • A Dead Kangaroo, a Bleeding Pig: Hollywood's Top Animal Training Firm Hit With PETA Abuse Claims (Exclusive)
  • Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren Moves Force Fox News to Go Trumpier
  • Martha MacCallum Steps Up as Fox News' (Only) Female Primetime News Anchor


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