Radical US border tax plan would drive up greenback

The US dollar would soar if the policy is passed.
The US dollar would soar if the policy is passed. Phil Carrick

A radical corporate tax overhaul that Republicans are trying to sell to Donald Trump involving tariff-like tax penalties on imports could push the US dollar up by as much as 25 per cent, economists say.

If the proposed so-called "border adjustment cash flow tax" overcomes lobbying resistance in Washington, Goldman Sachs said currency markets and international capital flows would face an "abrupt" adjustment.

Pro-business Republican leaders in the House of Representatives have outlined a revolutionary tax blueprint aimed at making US firms more internationally competitive, stimulating domestic investment and simplifying the archaic American system.

The US federal corporate tax rate of 35 per cent is the highest in the developed world.

Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is advocating the border-adjusted cash flow tax.
Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is advocating the border-adjusted cash flow tax. Alex Brandon

The government currently taxes US firms on their domestic profits and, unusually, on foreign earnings when they are repatriated home.

The universally criticised system has encouraged US multinationals such as Apple and Google to stash up to $US2.6 trillion offshore, engage in complex transfer pricing with foreign subsidiaries and relocate overseas.

House Republicans propose slashing the rate to 20 per cent, slightly above the 15 per cent proposed by Mr Trump during the election campaign. Capital investment in the US could be written off immediately, rather than depreciated over many years, to encourage business investment. This has been lacklustre in the US and around the world since the 2008 financial crisis.

But net interest expenses would no longer be deductible, eliminating the tax bias that favours debt. Heavily-indebted companies such as real estate developers, including the Trump Organization, would suffer.

More controversially, House speaker Paul Ryan and majority leader Kevin McCarthy want to tax domestic production less and foreign production more, an unprecedented framework which has not been implemented anywhere in the world.

US corporate tax headline rate v OECD countries.
US corporate tax headline rate v OECD countries. Goldman Sachs, OECD

Under such a reform, domestic business expenses such as wages and production costs would be tax deductable.

Costs incurred outside the US, such as in overseas manufacturing by US retailers and technology firms, would miss out on tax write-offs.

The border adjustment plan has been attacked by a coalition of American retailers as a protectionist policy that would "result in reductions in employment, reduced capital investments and higher prices for consumers".

The blueprint is in line with Mr Trump's policy of restoring American manufacturing and his December call for a 35 per cent border tax for businesses that ship jobs offshore to cheaper locations such as Mexico.

How the tax could work, before any currency adjustment.
How the tax could work, before any currency adjustment. Tax Foundation

"The Republicans have long been opposed to protection, but they may be trying to sell Trump on using this approach to trade rather than slapping a 45 per cent tariff on Mexico and China," said Peterson Institute for International Economics senior fellow William Cline.

Tax economists argue that such a radical policy shift would not ultimately penalise offshore production and is not protectionist.

Economic theory suggests that for a 20 per cent tax rate in a border adjustment system, the greenback would jump 25 per cent, ultimately offsetting any impact on international trade as US goods become more expensive and imports cheaper.

The US dollar has already soared to a 14-year high since Mr Trump's election victory, on bets that inflation and interest rates will rise faster due to large tax cuts and infrastructure investment.

How the tax could work, after any currency adjustment.
How the tax could work, after any currency adjustment. Tax Foundation

American Enterprise Institute resident scholar Alan Viard said if the Republican tax plan were adopted the US dollar would surge further due to increased demand for the greenback from more exports and less imports.

"I would expect the dollar adjustment to be quite rapid, but I wouldn't want to say for sure that it would be," Mr Viard said.

In theory, a surge in the dollar would make imports cheaper and neutralise the higher tax bills that importers pay.

"The retailers don't believe that. They say their tax payments are going to go right up which is true, but the economists' answer is that the dollar will strengthen and make your imports cheaper," Mr Viard said.

There is intense debate about by how much and how quickly the currency would adjust.

Goldman Sachs economist David Mericle said in a recent research note that in an "idealised" transition, the US dollar would appreciate enough to offset the impact of the tax change, "resulting in no impact on prices, margins, or trade flows".

"Even in this case, a large and abrupt change in exchange rates would deliver a sizeable hit to US residents' foreign wealth and could create risks of dollar-denominated debt problems abroad," Mr Mericle wrote.

"An alternative transition scenario featuring partial dollar appreciation, higher inflation, a hit to the profit margins of US net importers, and higher net exports appears more likely."

International resistance

A border adjustment tax would face international resistance.

The World Trade Organisation permits taxing imports and exempting exports under a value-added tax system. However, border adjustments for profit taxes, such as company tax, are not allowed.

"It could face some challenges at the WTO," said Tax Foundation director Kyle Pomerleau.

The economist who designed the tax, Berkley professor of economics and law Alan Auerbach, has argued that "border adjustments do not distort trade, as exchange rates should react immediately to offset the initial impact of these adjustments".

"As a corollary, border adjustments do not distort the pattern of domestic sales and purchases," he said.

By taxing business cash flows rather than accounting profits, the policy's economic impact would be similar to a value-added tax like Australia's goods and services tax levied on consumers.

The Australian tax system review, led by then Treasury secretary Ken Henry in 2009, proposed that Australia consider a cash flow tax for companies or a business level expenditure tax in the medium- to longer-term future as a better way of taxing consumption, reducing the debt bias and to reduce compliance costs.

"It is possible that other economies will move towards such systems over coming years and it could be in Australia's interest to join this trend at an early stage," the Henry review said.

The AEI's Mr Viard said the true economic benefit of a border-adjusted cash flow tax would not be more exports and less imports as some advocates suggest.

Rather, the system would attract high-returning companies and investments from offshore, and eliminate the need for complex transfer pricing rules gamed by international companies, he said.

Peter Navarro

Chris Krueger, a policy intelligence analyst at Cowen and Company in Washington, said the President-elect's appointment of Peter Navarro to lead the new National Trade Council inside the White House "only reinforces the likelihood of BAT [border adjustment tax] being a central pillar of a tax reform plan".

Mr Navarro has assailed China and free trade deals for costing millions of American manufacturing jobs.

Mr Trump's team has not given a clear signal on whether the President-elect supports the proposal.

It is unclear if the Senate, where Republicans will hold a 52-48 advantage in 2017, would support such a radical change.

While US business strongly supports corporate tax reform, chiefly through a lower rate and eliminating the taxation of foreign profits, fierce opposition is emerging to the border adjustment proposal.

Koch Industries, controlled by the billionaire industrialists and influential Republican donors Charles and David Koch, said in a statement the consequences of a border adjustment impost could be "devastating" for the American economy due to higher prices for imported goods.