Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Jendea Guztiak ikusi

  2. might be spending billions on weapons but some of its soldiers are going hungry.

  3. OMG your farewell speech as !!! I wish politicians in had 1/1000 of that kind of grace, generosity, intelligence.

  4. MS Dhoni As Captain for One Last Timeee ! 🙁🙁! Goo Dhonniiii! You Are The Best India Has Ever Had!

  5. 3.75/5 Detailed review will be available after the 1st few shows at !!

  6. Ohh soo dis is how empower womens nd representing at international level 😯 *Slow Claps* 👏👏

  7. - Four Great Colts, from a Maharajah to a British officer serving in India.

  8. Share it if you stand with Israel.

  9. The Demonetisation Fiasco: Not Even a Pinprick To Black Economy: PRABHAT PATNAIK

  10. Meet fights alongside communities to end open defecation

  11. T 2519 - from now Winner will be traveling almost to come to for .

  12. Off to Pune to join the team 🇮🇳 it's so good to be back in action after a good long break ✅

  13. . 's last match as Team Captain is over.. for your service as Captain of the national cricket team.. 👏

  14. Hi guys, Back online after getting lost in :) Wanderfull places, people and parties !

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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