School fees: best ways to meet the expense

A recent survey found 80 per cent of parents who send their children to private schools are making "significant ...
A recent survey found 80 per cent of parents who send their children to private schools are making "significant financial sacrifices". Michele Mossop

Families recovering from the expense of Christmas and the summer holidays have another financial deadline on the horizon – school fees. The start of the school year is just a few weeks away, along with the expense of school books, computers, uniform and private school fee increases that far outpace inflation.

Sending two children to a mid-range private school for six years of secondary education is likely to cost almost $1 million including uniforms, books and excursions and tuition fees, according to analysis by school fees' specialists.

But that's not stopping record numbers of parents committing to years of scrimping and saving in the belief that it will provide better education and offer more opportunities and increased social mobility.

Gaynor Boroczky and her husband are liable for about $60,000 a year on school fees for Marcus, 17, who attends St Andrew's Cathedral School in Sydney, and Sophia, 15, at Presbyterian Ladies' College.

Gaynor Boroczky, right, prefers a private education for daughter Sophia because she says the resources are better.
Gaynor Boroczky, right, prefers a private education for daughter Sophia because she says the resources are better. Dominic Lorrimer

Gaynor, a Japanese teacher, and her husband, Leslie, an IT specialist, believe their children "will have a better educational experience" because there are more academic and sporting options. Sophia receives a scholarship which helps their funding.

"Education is a top priority," says Gaynor, who lives in Strathfield, about 12 kilometres west of Sydney. "The schools are very responsive to the needs of the children and their parents."

Gaynor, who worked in the state education system for 15 years, believes teachers in the private sector often have much better resources, which increases their ability to perform better.

"We are managing with the costs but it is tricky," she adds.

Financial sacrifices

Eight in 10 parents who send their children to private schools are making "significant financial sacrifices", according to research company CoreData.

Andrew Peters, a former school teacher who became a financial adviser, reckons he has saved $600,000 by sending his son and daughter to a public school and using the money to take them on holidays to Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East.

"$60,000 a year is a high cost for a blazer with colours and a sticker on your back window," says Peters. "Parents can probably retire 10 years earlier by saving on school fees or simply give the kids a lump sum each to set them up for their lives."

Australian private schools each year generate nearly $24 billion in revenue, employ more than 151,000, and educate more than 1.4 million students, or about 35 per cent of school-age children, according to analysis by IBISWorld.

Demand for private schools is growing at a marginally faster rate than for government schools, about 1.7 per cent compared to 1.5 per cent, according to its research.

Long waiting lists for places at top-rated schools mean parents are enrolling their children at birth, are prepared to meet strict religious and academic criteria and accept annual school fee increases averaging about 7 per cent.

That means a parent budgeting $1 million for two children at today's prices will pay $1.3 million over six years at an average annual inflation rate of 2.1 per cent, or more than $1.5 million if fees rise at 7 per cent a year because of the impact of compounding interest. That's according to ANZ's School Ready online calculator which forecasts school fees adjusted for inflation.

Parents who lack the resources, or have failed to plan, for fees will dread the arrival of school fee bills at the end of term more than their children fear class results.

Specialist debt collectors, such as AMPAC, are increasingly being used by school administrations to chase up parents who fall behind in paying fees by verifying assets, reporting on parents' capacity and willingness to pay and advising on strategies for collection.

Prestige schools, such as exclusive Trinity College, in Perth, have written to parents warning of a "concerning" rise in the number of families in arrears.

Headmaster Ivan Banks, whose school charges $8800 a year for primary students and $14,000 for seniors, told parents that "it must be stopped" and warned the school had set a deadline for payment after which debt collectors would be called in.

Ways to save

Matt Walsh, general manager of life and superannuation for mutual organisation Australian Unity, says: "Saving for a child's education may seem like a daunting task at first, especially when looking at all the different costs involved such as text books, extra-curricular activities and equipment, and even travel costs. But by taking some simple steps, parents can steadily build up a pool of funds that will be available when most needed."

Australian Unity's Lifeplan Education Investment Fund is a savings plan that allows regular contributions into a mixed fund of equities and fixed income that can be drawn down at a later time to pay school fees and other education expenses. Investors can choose between asset classes, such as cash and shares, and local or overseas equity markets.

Investment bonds have some tax concessions, such as paying tax at the 30 per cent corporate tax rate on investment returns, to encourage saving for primary, second and tertiary education fees and expenses.

Michael Horwood, a GP with six grandchildren aged from a few weeks to 14 years, contributes to a Lifeplan fund for their education.

"Like any investment, it has to make money before the tax breaks are of any use," Horwood says about his fund that after 18 months has not produced any gains. "The principle is great but in the current environment it is difficult to make money." He chose a mixed fund of Australian and international equities, property and some exposure to fixed income.

Horwood, who enjoys investing and runs his own self-managed superannuation fund, says the performance reflects his personally chosen asset allocation.

Walsh says: "We do not offer a single investment solution but rather a broad menu. Investors can choose their investment options based on their risk profile and manager preferences, and performance accordingly tracks the related asset mix, market performance and manager skill. As is the norm in the industry, it's important to focus on long-term returns and after-tax results."

Over four years equity returns in most of the funds, which are managed by leading equity houses like Perpetual and MLC, have easily outpaced cash funds, which have averaged about 3 per cent. The balanced fund option (a mix of equities and fixed income) has returned about 10 per cent and the share fund about 13 per cent.

Other providers of education products include Australian Scholarships Group, another mutual organisation that offers a range of savings products to help manage education costs. Its website also has specialist calculators for identifying costs of paying for pre-school, primary, secondary and post-secondary education. Its specialist funds, which also have tax concessions, have contributions from $12 a week.

School fee loans

Another option for parents is an education loan, which is tailored to meet spending peaks that might arise when, say, more than one child is at secondary school. Repayment terms can be extended to accommodate stretched budgets.

Interest rates on school fee specialist EdStart's unsecured loans range from 8 to 13 per cent.

"We provide customised loans allowing parents to spread out fees over a manageable period, which might be six or 10 years," said Jack Stevens, EdStart's chief executive. "It really appeals to large families making a significant investment with a few years of really expensive outlays."

A recent survey by EdStart of 300 families found about one in four were borrowing for school fees, with one in seven using credit cards where interest rates range from 9 per cent to 24 per cent. Other surveys estimate up to 14 per cent of parents are using credit cards. Some schools charge an additional fee for using credit cards.

Paying by credit card at rates of more than 20 per cent is likely to quadruple the final cost of six years education before factoring in annual fee increases. It can also, however, be an effective way of earning additional frequent flyer and other user rewards for those who can quickly pay down the debt.

Anyone using a financial product should carefully check initial, annual and any other fees, particularly in a low return environment.

"Parents should consider financial advice," says Will Hamilton, managing partner of Hamilton Wealth Management, an independent financial adviser, about balancing the merits of alternative strategies.

"Children's education is very important to parents whose payment options might be limited," he says.

Save via the mortgage

Hamilton adds that drawdown facilities and offset mortgage accounts are a lower interest option.

"A lot of parents do not want to take on any risk with money earmarked for school fees by moving from a low paying deposit account into risk assets such as equities," says Hamilton. "But sometimes the only way to get growth is to take on element of risk. It is all about risk return."

Alternatively, parents might consider linking their mortgage offset account to a savings or investment account.

The credit balance of the transaction account is offset daily against the outstanding loan balance on the cheaper mortgage loan, reducing the interest payable against the loan.

Justine Davies, from research house Canstar, says cashed-up parents might consider paying fees in advance. Some schools offer discounts, typically ranging from 2 per cent for one year in advance through to 7 per cent for six years.

"Given the currently woeful term deposit rates, it might be attractive," she adds. "While 7 per cent for six years in advance doesn't sound thrilling, it also safeguards against the inevitable fee price rises."

Seven strategies to help you get there

  • Save early, save often – lots of affordable amounts over time will add up, and you'll benefit from the effects of compound interest. Ideally, start as soon as your child is born. As an example, use any financial gifts on the birth of a child to kickstart the investment. Small but regular contributions are more likely to see goals realised than big deposits made when parents feel they can afford it.
  • Set achievable goals. It can be demotivating aiming to save the whole amount required for a child's education. The aim is mainly to have a nest egg to help absorb education costs, not necessarily pay for the entire education. Breaking the ideal outcome down into manageable chunks can help you stick to your savings plan. An example may be to save two full year's high school fees over the next six years.
  • Get the markets to do some of the "heavy lifting". Think long term and don't invest too conservatively. Invest in growth assets to optimise investment horizon, risk and returns.
  • Encourage other family members such as grandparents to give birthday and Christmas "education" gifts, spending less on toys for their grandchildren (or nieces and nephews) and instead investing in their future. For example, instead of buying a $100 toy for a birthday present, spend $50 on the toy and put $50 into the education fund. The toy may end up in the recycling bin in six months but the $50 deposit will grow to buy a number of text books in 12 years' time.
  • Look at ways to increase the regular contribution amount each year. For example, pass on any pay rises on an after-tax basis straight into the education fund before it is absorbed into normal expenditure. Invest any windfall gains such as tax returns or bonuses.
  • Keep an eye on the big picture. The aim is to provide children with the best education possible, one that will help them achieve their goals in life. Is a private education the best option for your child? A government school education might be just as good. Don't immediately believe private is best. Do the sums to check whether a private education adds up.
  • Check out specialist savings products on offer from financial service companies, such as Australian Unity and Australian Scholarships Group. Are there any tax advantages? What are the fees? How transparent is the investment strategy? What is the investment record? When can assets be accessed? Are there any withdrawal penalties?

Source: Australian Unity and AFR