Fiestas of International Tourist Interest of Spain

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The title of Fiesta of International Tourist Interest is an honorary distinction of being given in Spain by the General Secretariat of Tourism of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade of the Government of Spain, granted to the fiestas or events involving manifestations of cultural and popular tradition, with particular regard to their ethnic characteristics and special importance as tourist attractions. This honorary title is held by 30 fiestas in Spain.

The requirements include:[1]

  • Antiquity of the celebration and continuity over time (at least should be held each five years).
  • Popular roots and participation, especially value the existence of associations that support it.
  • Originality, diversity that are relevant in terms of promoting tourism of Spain abroad.
  • Impact on international media, at least ten performances in one or more foreign media.
  • Possess the declaration of National Tourist Interest for at least five years.
  • That its development involve no mistreatment of people or animals, and care for the city, architecture and landscape.
  • Existence in the town or within 50 km of suitable accommodation and tourist services.
  • Full Town Council agreement and a favorable report from the Autonomous Community.


Spanish fiestas declared International Tourist Interest
Image Name Date of celebration Concession
Reina carnaval.jpg
Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife[2]
Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Variable date of February
Cádiz Carnaval Chirigota.jpg
Carnival of Cádiz[3]
Cádiz (Andalusia)
During the 10 days preceding
Ash Wednesday (February)
Horse racing of Sanlúcar[4]
Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz)
During two cycles of August depending on the tides
Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía[5]
Torrevieja (Alicante)
From 22 to 30 of July
Martínez y Hernanz. Descenso del Sella 2008..jpg
Fiesta of the Pirogues - Descenso del Sella[6]
Arriondas and Ribadesella (Asturias)
Next Weekend
to August 2
Gaiata de Magdalena.jpg
Festes de la Magdalena
Castellón de la Plana (Valencian Community)
From the third
Saturday of Lent
Entrada toros Segorbe.jpg
Entrada de toros y caballos[7]
Segorbe (Castellón)
Second week
of September
Falla El Pilar 2008.jpg
Falles of Valencia[8]
Valencia (Valencian Community)
From 15 to 19 of March
Feria de Abril[9]
Seville (Andalusia)
Two weeks after
Holy week
Atracciones Feria de Albacete.jpg
Feria de Albacete[10]
Albacete (Castile-La Mancha)
From 7 to 17 of September
Feria del Caballo of Jerez[11]
Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
Three weeks after
Holy week
Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas[12]
La Unión (Region of Murcia)
Eleven days after
first Wednesday of August
Catafalco de la sardina 2015 (Murcia).jpg
Fiestas of Spring of Murcia[13]
Murcia (Region of Murcia)
Next Saturday
after Holy Week
Fiestas de San Juan o de la Madre de Dios[14]
Soria (Castile and León)
June 23 and 24
Festas do Apóstolo Santiago[15]
Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
July 25
Hoguera carolinas altas 2006 alicante.jpg
Bonfires of Saint John[16]
Alicante (Valencian Community)
20 to 24 June
Fiestas Patronales de la Santísima y Vera Cruz de Caravaca[17]
Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia)
From 1 to 5 of May
Detalle alardo tarde 2007.jpg
Moros y Cristianos of Alcoy[18]
Alcoy (Alicante)
From 22 to 24 of April
Desembarc Moros i cristians La Vila Joiosa.png
Moros y Cristianos of Villajoyosa[19]
Villajoyosa (Alicante)
From 24 to 31 of July
Misterio de Elche.jpg
Misteri d'Elx[20]
Elche (Alicante)
14 and 15 of August
Paso del Fuego
San Pedro Manrique (Soria)
June 24
Procesión de la Custodia - Corpus - Toledo - 29 may 2005.JPG
Procession of the Corpus Christi of Toledo[21]
Toledo (Castile-La Mancha)
60 days after
of Easter Sunday
Procession of the Palm Sunday of Elx[22]
Elche (Alicante)
Palm Sunday
Ermita de la Blanca Paloma, El Rocio.jpg
Pilgrimage of El Rocío[23]
Almonte (Huelva)
Weekend of
Pentecost Sunday
Torres de Catoira 1.jpg
Viking Pilgrimage of Catoira[24][25]
Catoira (Pontevedra)
First Sunday of August
Fiestas de San Fermín (Sanfermines)[26]
Pamplona (Navarre)
From 6 to 14 of July
Holy Week in Cartagena[27]
Cartagena (Region of Murcia)
Holy Week
Holy Week in Cuenca[28]
Cuenca (Castile-La Mancha)
Holy Week
Domingo de Resurrección Hellín.JPG
Holy Week in Hellín[29]
Hellín (Albacete)
Holy Week
El Nazareno.JPG
Holy Week in León[30]
León (Castile and León)
Holy Week
Legionarios Paso Blanco.JPG
Holy Week in Lorca[31]
Lorca (Region of Murcia)
Holy Week
Holy Week in Málaga[32]
Málaga (Andalusia)
Holy Week
Holy Week in Medina de Rioseco[33]
Medina de Rioseco (Valladolid)
Holy Week
Virgen de la Piedad de Luis Salvador Carmona.jpg
Holy Week in Salamanca[34]
Salamanca (Castile and León)
Holy Week
Holy Week in Seville[35]
Seville (Andalusia)
Holy Week
Imagen de Nuestro Padre Jesus del Rescate en la Iglesia de la Magdalena, en Granada (Spain)).jpg
Holy Week in Granada[36]
Granada (Andalusia)
Holy Week
Espiritu VA.JPG
Holy Week in Valladolid[37]
Valladolid (Castile and León)
Holy Week
Semana santa.jpg
Holy Week in Zamora[38]
Zamora (Castile and León)
Holy Week
Tomatina 2006.jpg
La Tomatina[25][39]
Buñol (Valencia)
Last Wednesday
of August
Corpus Christi of Ponteareas[40]
Ponteareas (Pontevedra)
60 days after
of Easter Sunday
El Triunfo de la Cruz.jpg
Holy Week in Orihuela[41]
Orihuela (Alicante)
Holy Week
Virxe da Clemencia.jpg
Holy Week in Viveiro[42]
Viveiro (Lugo)
Holy Week

See also[edit]


  1. ^ " - Documento BOE-A-2006-10081". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  2. ^ A. A. "The Carnival of Tenerife". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  3. ^ The Carnival of Cádiz
  4. ^ " - This website is for sale! - aytosanlucar Resources and Information. | Horse racing of Sanlúcar". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  5. ^ 50 Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía
  6. ^ "Información sobre Asturias | = El Descenso Internacional del Sella". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  7. ^ Fascinating Entrada de Toros y Caballos of Segorbe
  8. ^ The Falles of Valencia, fiestas of international tourist interest
  9. ^ Feria de Abril: fiestas and events in Seville
  10. ^ " - Diario de Murcia, noticias de la Región de Murcia. La Verdad | The Feria de Albacete already is of International Tourism Interest". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  11. ^ Meet the Feria del Caballo of Jerez de la Frontera
  12. ^ "Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas of La Unión". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  13. ^ "Fiestas of Spring". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  14. ^ "Turismo en Soria: Qué visitar en Soria - Dime Hoteles". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  15. ^ Festas do Apóstolo Santiago
  16. ^ ".: Les Fogueres de Sant Joan :: Web Oficial de la Federación :.". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  17. ^ "Turismo Caravaca - Oficina de Turismo de Caravaca de la Cruz | Fiestas patronales de la Santísima y Vera Cruz de Caravaca". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  18. ^ Moros y Cristianos of Alcoy
  19. ^ "Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos de Villajoyosa - Desembarco - Alicante | Villajoyosa landing". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  20. ^ The Misteri d'Elx
  21. ^ Corpus Christi of Toledo
  22. ^ "Palm Sunday in Elx". Archived from the original on 2009-06-09. Retrieved 14 March 2016. 
  23. ^ Pilgrimage of the Rocío
  24. ^ The Viking Pilgrimage of Catoira
  25. ^ a b BOE núm. 276 of November 18, 2002.
  26. ^ Fiestas de San Fermín
  27. ^ "Region de Murcia Digital - Semana Santa - Semana Santa de Cartagena | The Holy Week of Cartagena". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  28. ^ The Holy Week of Cuenca brings to the streets to more than 30,000 nazarenes
  29. ^ "More than 15,000 drums celebrate the Holy Week in Hellin". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  30. ^ "Junta Mayor de Cofradías | The Holy Week of León". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  31. ^ "Turismo declara la Semana Santa de Lorca Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional | Turismo y Economía | Tourism declares the Holy Week of Lorca Fiesta of International Tourist Interest". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  32. ^ "Empresas Andalucia | Holy Week in Málaga". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  33. ^ "The Holy Week of Rioseco, declared fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  34. ^ "RESOLUTION dated March 14, 2003, the General Secretariat of Tourism, by granting the title of "Fiesta of International Touristic Interest" to the Holy Week of Salamanca.". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  35. ^ "Visitar Sevilla en Semana Santa | Visit Seville in Holy Week". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  36. ^ "La Semana Santa de Granada, declarada 'Fiesta de interés turístico internacional'". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  37. ^ Holy Week of Valladolid
  38. ^ "Semana Santa de Zamora | The Holy Week of Zamora, with international prestige". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  39. ^ History of la Tomatina - Official website of Tomatina de Bunyol
  40. ^ Grupo El Correo Gallego. "The Corpus Christi of Ponteareas achieved the declaration of Fiesta of International Tourism Interest". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  41. ^ "The Holy Week of Orihuela is declared Fiesta of International Tourism Interest". Retrieved 13 March 2016. 
  42. ^ "Viveiro celebra que su Semana Santa sea de Interés Turístico Internacional" (in Spanish). La Región. Retrieved 18 April 2013. 

External links[edit]